

单词 withdrawal
释义 withdrawal|wɪðˈdrɔːəl|
[f. as prec. + -al1. (Superseding withdrawment, which took the place of the earlier withdraught and withdraw n.)]
1. a. The act of taking back or away what has been held, occupied, or enjoyed.
1839Lane Arab. Nts. I. 80 Thou deservest..the with⁓drawal of protection from thee.1860Tyndall Glac. i. xxv. 189 The cold, resulting from the withdrawal of the sunbeams.
b. The removal of money or securities from a bank or other place of deposit.
1861Regulations P.O. Savings Banks §15 If any person shall fraudulently represent himself to be a Depositor, and by forwarding the proper notice of withdrawal,..shall obtain any sum of money.1884Manch. Exam. 28 May 5/3 The bank was in difficulties through large withdrawals.
2. The act of withdrawing a person or thing from a place or position, esp. the removal of troops by way of retreat.
1838Meeson & Welby Cases Exch. II. 36 It was no part of the agreement between the parties that the withdrawal of a juror should put an end to the suit at all events.1844H. H. Wilson Brit. India II. 480 He urged the withdrawal of the British officers, as their presence was no longer necessary.1877Huxley Physiogr. 37 The artificial with⁓drawal of water to feed the canal.1892Hardy Well-beloved i. v, Their application for admission led to the withdrawal of a bolt.
3. The retraction of a statement, proposal, etc.
1835T. Hook G. Gurney xiv, I thought perhaps the news..might have induced you to retract; and that you might have considered it a perfect justification of your withdrawal.1885Law Times LXXVIII. 384/2 In consequence of his resignation, and notwithstanding his withdrawal of it.
4. a. The act of retiring or retreating from a place or position.
1824Miss Mitford Village Ser. i. 190 Perhaps, indeed, Joel's rapid improvement might be one cause of William's withdrawal.1836Act 6 & 7 Will. IV, c. 32 §1 The Withdrawal of such Member [from a society].1848Dickens Dombey xxxvi, It was a sight to see her lord..hold the door open for the withdrawal of the ladies.1884Bryce in Hansard's Parl. Deb. 15 Mar. 1716 A vote which..would accelerate..the withdrawal of England from Egypt.1891Law Times Rep. LXV. 603/1 Desertion implies an active with⁓drawal from a cohabitation that exists.
b. Psychol. The state or process of psychic retreat from objective reality or social involvement; also transf.
1916C. E. Long tr. Jung's Coll. Papers on Anal. Psychol. vi. 203 Autistic withdrawal into one's own phantasies is what I formerly designated as the obvious overgrowth of the phantasies of the complex.1937K. Horney Neurotic Personality of our Time v. 98 The fourth means of protection [sc. against the basic anxiety] is withdrawal.1957P. Lafitte Person in Psychol. xii. 181 Withdrawal and regression..are general classes of behaviour as compared to the social specificity of striving for advancement or mendacity.1970Touraine & Pécaut in I. L. Horowitz Masses in Lat. Amer. iii. 90 At the lowest level, we find withdrawal, characterized by a rejection of the industrial world.1973Jrnl. Genetic Psychol. June 315 One type of children's fantasy is ‘withdrawal’.
5. Cessation of use or provision of a drug; spec. the interruption of doses of an addictive drug, with resulting craving and physical reactions.
The 1897 example is an isolated one.
1897[see injector 2].1929D. Hammett Dain Curse xxi. 237 Tears were one of the symptoms of morphine withdrawal.1965Wilner & Kassebaum Narcotics vi. 96 Withdrawal of morphine by substitution and subsequent withdrawal of methadon.1972Nature 22 Dec. 443/1 Dr R. Ericsson..suggested that the criteria for a successful antispermatogenic drug were..return of fertility on withdrawal, and normal libido.1977Lancet 29 Jan. 255/1 Any doctor prescribing or patient receiving this potent drug should consider carefully the effect of withdrawal which has not, to my knowledge, been researched.
6. = coitus interruptus s.v. coitus.
1889W. T. Stead Diary 20 Jan. in J. W. R. Scott Life & Death of Newspaper (1952) xix. 244, I have from the birth of Willie practised simple syringing with water. Of late always withdrawal.1923M. C. Stopes Contraception iv. 48 Vaginal stimulation consummating the ejaculation after withdrawal, commonly called ‘coitus interruptus’.1963M. McCarthy Group iii. 66 What method of contraception had been used..? ‘Withdrawal,’ murmured the doctor.1978G. Cunningham New Woman & Victorian Novel 6 Such methods as the safe period, the sheath, the sponge..and withdrawal.
7. attrib. and Comb., as (sense 5) withdrawal pain, withdrawal period, withdrawal syndrome, etc.; withdrawal slip, a form which must be filled in when withdrawing money from a bank or other place of deposit; withdrawal symptom, an unpleasant physiological reaction resulting from the process of ceasing to take an addictive drug; usu. pl.; also fig.
1924Brit. Jrnl. Inebriety XXI. 88 The withdrawal symptoms of addiction disease.1929Light & Torrance in Arch. Internal Med. XLIV. 11 The general behavior and symptomatology of these addicts were uniform during the forty-eight hour withdrawal period.Ibid. 14 Addicts will admit that when they are unable to obtain drugs and when withdrawal symptoms..become severe, the assurance of an available supply at a considerable distance will cause them to travel..with remarkable speed and efficiency.1961Lancet 23 Sept. 677/1 A steroid withdrawal syndrome occurs in patients who have stopped corticosteroid therapy.1962Ibid. 6 Jan. 54/2 Lobeline sulphate closely resembles nicotine in many of its pharmacological actions. Using it as a substitute for tobacco during the withdrawal phase, Dorsey found the results ‘encouraging’.1962‘K. Orvis’ Damned & Destroyed xvi. 113, I had seen that stare and twitching frequently enough now..to be able to tag it as an indication of the degree of withdrawal sickness.1965New Statesman 7 May 716/1 Often these women directly sabotaged the programme. One flushed her son's withdrawal medication down the lavatory.Ibid. 3 Dec. 866/2, I asked him how long it was since the withdrawal pains had stopped.1966C. E. Israel Hostages 94 She wouldn't have had the dreg end of her withdrawal agonies yet.1967Guardian 7 Dec. 1/6 Methedrine has been used in heroin withdrawal treatment.1970G. F. Newman Sir, You Bastard v. 140 Morgan was entering the withdrawal stage and would soon be requiring another intravenous dose.1970G. Greer Female Eunuch 276 Mrs J. S. used up two supplies of pills in all innocence, and then discovered that she had withdrawal symptoms.1973‘E. McBain’ Let's hear It xv. 226 On the withdrawal slip before him, he wrote the date, and the number of his account, and then he filled in the amount.1976Times 18 Oct. 3/7 Sir Harold Wilson..the former Prime Minister..says he has suffered no ‘withdrawal symptoms’ since resigning.1979F. Olbrich Sweet & Deadly ix. 110 The bank manager..showed Ramesh the withdrawal slip for four thousand rupees.

Add:[2.] b. Educ. The removal of a child (usu. temporarily) from his or her class for remedial teaching. Freq. attrib.
1969Literacy Survey: Summary of Interim Results (I.L.E.A.) ii. 4 In most of the schools children are withdrawn from their classes to form small groups: in 38{pcnt} of the schools withdrawal groups are the only method used... Only in 1.2{pcnt} of schools is individual withdrawal the sole method.1975Language for Life (Dept. Educ. & Sci.) xiii. 209 On average 22 per cent of the school roll received special help with reading, mainly in small withdrawal groups.1986Teacher 2 June 10/1 (Advt.), Required from September 1986: Teacher of English and/or Mathematics with Special Needs..to work throughout the school both in support teaching and withdrawal work.




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