

单词 witherling
释义 I. ˈwitherling1 Obs. exc. arch.
[OE. wiþerling, f. wiþer wither a. and adv. + -ling1.]
An adversary.
c1000Cant. Ps. Exod. xv. 7 Þu forbriccest wiþerlingas.c1300K. Horn 156 (Laud) Þat heþene king Ihesu cristes wiþerling.1922W. Stevens Let. 21 Dec. (1967) 232, I have omitted many things, exercising the most fastidious choice, so far as that was possible among my witherlings.
II. ˈwitherling2 Obs.
[f. wither v.2 + -ling1.]
A withered branch; a shrivelled or stunted person.
1528More Dyaloge ii. Wks. 186/1 All these braunches of heritikes..seme thei neuer so freshe & grene, bee yet in dede but witherlinges yt wyther, & shal drye vp.a1624Chapman Crown of Homer's Wks. 30 No forspoke Dwarfe, nor downeward witherling.




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