

单词 relive
释义 relive, v.|riːˈlɪv|
[f. re- 5 a + live v., in early use on the analogy of revive.]
1. trans. To raise or restore again to life; to resuscitate. Obs.
1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Mark 38 b, As thoughe he had not bene able to reliue her, if she had bene deade in deede.1590Spenser F.Q. iii. iv. 35 Had she not beene devoide of mortall slime, Shee should not then have bene relyv'd againe.1592Sylvester Tri. Faith iv. xii, By Faith, Saint Paul did Eutichus relive.
2. intr. To come to life again; to live anew.
1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Mark 34 b, Yf he had sayed that he shoulde shortely haue bene slayne of the Iewes, but woulde anon after reliue.1579E. K. Gen. Argt. in Spenser's Sheph. Cal. §3 The plesaunce thereof, being buried in the sadnesse of the dead winter now worne away, reliveth.1608Shakes. Per. v. iii. 64 Will you deliuer how this dead Queene reliues?1842Tennyson Locksley Hall 107 Can I but relive in sadness?1851C. L. Smith tr. Tasso iii. lxviii, Thou, though dead to us, re-liv'st on high.
3. trans. To live (a period of time) over again.
a1711Ken Hymnotheo Poet. Wks. 1721 III. 114 O that my mispent Years I might relive.1797Southey Lett. fr. Spain (1799) 160 Memory's mystic power Bids me re-live the past.a1849Poe Marginalia Wks. 1864 III. 528 It is assumed that the aged person will not re-live his life.1872Aubrey de Vere Leg. St. Patrick, Epil., Those blessèd years I would re-live.
refl.1899J. Caird Fundam. Ideas Chr. II. xix. 239 No other life has so triumphed over death, has so gone on as His has done, reliving itself through the ages.
Hence reˈliving vbl. n.
1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Mark 34 b, The myrthe and ioye whiche was made for her relyuyng.




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