

单词 laide
释义 I. laid, ppl. a.|leɪd|
[pa. pple. of lay v.]
a. In various senses of the vb. Of a design: Deliberately framed. laid drain (see quot. 1811); laid paper (see quot. 1839); laid wool, tarry wool; laid-work (see couching vbl. n. 2, quot. 1884). (Cf. best-laid, new-laid.)
a1547Surrey æn. ii. 954 My shoulders broad, and laied neck [L. subjectaque colla] with garments gan I spread.1634J. Taylor Needles Excellency (ed. 10) sig. A2 For Tent-worke, Raisd-worke, Laid-worke, Frost-worke.1697in Perry Hist. Coll. Amer. Col. Ch. I. 46 A laid designe to obstruct..the business..of the College.1720Ozell tr. Vertot's Rom. Rep. I. iii. 169 There seemed to be a laid Design of making away with all the Senators.1733Berkeley Vind. Theory Vision §5 Wks. 1871 I. 374, I think one may observe a laid design gradually to undermine the belief of the Divine Attributes and Natural Religion.1790Grose Prov. Gloss. (ed. 2), Laid, just frozen. When water is slightly frozen, it is said to be laid. Norf.1805Southey Ballads, etc. Poet. Wks. VI. 266 The Old Dragon's own laid egg was this.1805Forsyth Beauties Scotl. II. 127, 25½ lib. of what is called laid wool to the stone.1811G. S. Keith Agric. Surv. Aberd. 426 It is generally found advisable to use a laid drain, i.e. a row of stones laid on each side,..and a course of flat stones laid above these.1818J. Hassell Rides & Walks II. 106 Mr. Staines manufactures wove drawing papers and laid writing ones.1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 373 Observing that the laid wires should be parallel with the axis.1839Ure Dict. Arts 927 A strong raised wire is laid along each of the cross bars [of the mould] to which the other wires are fastened; this gives the laid paper its ribbed appearance.1860Geo. Eliot Let. 27–28 Aug. (1954) III. 337 It is piteous to see the laid corn, and then hear the rain pouring in the still night!1865F. B. Palliser Hist. Lace xxiii. 275 Then there is..true stitch, laid-work,..and cut-work.1880Paper & Printing Trades Jrnl. xxx. 8 The thick cream laid paper on which this work is printed.1886Pall Mall G. 28 July 6/1 There are many good standing pieces [of wheat]..A laid crop being quite a rarity, except in some of the fens.1900Westm. Gaz. 10 July 10/1 Harvest labour..is..much greater for laid fields than for good standing crops.1960[see brick-stitch (brick n.1 10)].1971Country Life 10 June 1440/2 Reaping a small field of badly laid corn with sickles and reaping hooks.
b. of rope, with some defining word prefixed, as cable-laid, hawser-laid, short-laid, slack-laid, soft-laid, twice-laid, for which see the first member.
c. with adverbs, as by (cf. lay v.1 50 f), down, off (cf. lay v.1 54 f), on, out, up; laid in = ‘inlaid’. Also, laid-back, inclined backwards; as fig., relaxed.
1598Inv. in Willis & Clark Cambridge (1886) III. 325 A..bedsteade of walnuttree varnished vpon layd in woorke.1769Falconer Dict. Marine (1780), Laid-up, the situation of a ship when she is either moored in a harbour during the winter-season, or laid by, for want of employment: or when by age and craziness she is rendered incapable of further service.1827H. Steuart Planter's G. (1828) 390 An ill laid-out place..is, generally speaking, the work of the owner.1851Greenwell Coal-trade Terms Northumb. & Durh. 34 A laid out tub of coals is a tub of coals containing stones or foul coal beyond a certain specified quantity, usually one quart.1852C. W. H[oskins] Talpa 60 However good in their way broad principles, and laid down courses of cropping or of treatment may be.1868Laid-off [see lay v.1 54 f].a1877Knight Dict. Mech. II. 1246/1 Laid-on (Joinery), a term applied to moldings which are got out in strips and nailed on to the surface of the object.1882H. De Windt Equator 22 In the midst of beautifully laid-out gardens, is the..Palace of the Raja.1906Westm. Gaz. 9 June 16/3 The Valenciennes running around the laid-on tucks surrounding the skirt.1908Ibid. 23 Dec. 4/1 To get in under the ball you must have a shallow head..or else a very much laid-back face.1909Ibid. 30 Apr. 4/2 You can take a laid-back club and loft right over it.1932W. Faulkner Light in August xviii. 394 Any man could look at him and perhaps recognise him: Byron Bunch, that weeded another man's laidby crop, without any halvers.1934Archit. Rev. LXXVI. 13 Central heating, lighting, cooking, vacuum cleaning, laid-on water and drainage.1943Hunt & Pringle Service Slang 43 Laid on, confirming that transport and supplies are available, that men are on the spot, and, in short, that everything is ready for action.1955Times 31 May 5/3 The union proposed that the guaranteed level of pay for ‘laid off’, meaning temporarily unemployed, workers, should be 80 per cent. of gross pay rather than 100 per cent. of take-home pay as originally proposed.1960Farmer & Stockbreeder 15 Mar. 75/3 The appeal of zero-grazing is that it requires no fencing, no laid-on water, but maintains fertility.1967Guardian 26 July 10/7 A group of laid-on Turkish peasants in costume, dancing a jig.1970Daily Tel. 11 Sept. 6/2 Laid-off workers at Coventry are receiving..{pstlg}5 unemployment benefit.1973Melody Maker 28 July 36/2 This hit-writer of the early 60s came out with a highly contemporary style which fitted the fashionable term ‘laid-back’, and her ‘Tapestry’ album zoomed up to become one of the three biggest-selling LPs of all time.1974New Society 7 Mar. 589/3 It's all cheerfully grotty and relaxed in the usual laid-back Montreal style.
II. laid(e
Sc. and north. form of load n.




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