

单词 an-erthe
释义 an-ˈerthe, advb. phr. Obs.
[See an- prefix 1 and earth.]
1. Of motion: To or into the earth.
1297R. Glouc. 441 Our Loruerd anerþe com.Ibid. 311 Me greyþede þys gode kyng..An broȝte hym vayre anerþe.c1305St. Edm. 594 in E.E.P. (1862) 86 Þer he was ibroȝt an vrþe, and also ischryned is.
2. Of position: On or in the earth.
a1300Leg. Rood (1871) 24 An vaire welle Of wan alle þe wateres þat beþ anerþe comeþ.c1305St. Kath. 99 in E.E.P. (1862) 92 God almiȝtie deþ an vrþe þolede.




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