

单词 worshiply
释义 I. worshiply, a. Obs. rare.
In 4 worþssiplich.
[f. worship n. + -ly1.]
1340Ayenb. 80 Me can todele þri manere guodes, guod worþssiplich, guod lostuol, and guod uremuol.
II. ˈworshiply, adv. Obs.
Forms: α. 4 worþschiplich(e, worschip-, worssip-, worshepliche; 4 worshepeli, -ly, 4 worschip-, 5 worshyp-, worshup-, worshep-, 5– worshiply (-lie, etc.). β. 5 wurchyply, 7 wurshiply. γ. 4 wirschiply, 5 wyrchiply.
[Irreg. f. worship n. + -ly2.]
= worshipfully adv. (in various senses).
a1300Cursor M. 27498 Wirschiply, i thanc it þe, Þat suilk a simple wroght als me Did be broght vnto preist-hade.13..Guy Warw. (A.) 131 His lordis honour he held worþschipliche, & defended it wele & hardiliche.Ibid. 5040 Þan y-herberwed weren he Worþschipliche in þat cite.1338R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 81 To Ȝorke þe[i] com aȝeyn, & wrouht þer worschiply..a Kirk of our Lady.1340Ayenb. 54 Þo þet libbeþ be hyre onestete: þe ilke..libbeþ worssipliche to þe wordle.c1400Brut xxii. 26 Þis Belyn duellede þo in pees, and worshepliche him helde amonges his barons.1459Paston Lett. I. 494 My Lord Chanceler wold that my master schuld be beryed wurchyply.1475Bk. Noblesse (Roxb.) 69 The whiche king Cirus received the saide Lizander full worshiplie in his palais.c1489Skelton Death Earl Northumbld. 186 Barons and those knygtes bold..Whom he as lord worshyply mainteyned.1601J. Dee Diary (Camden) 64 He used me and reported of me very freely and wurshiply.




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