

单词 lechery
释义 lechery|ˈlɛtʃərɪ|
Forms: 3–5 leccherie, 3–7 lecherie, (3–5 -ye), 4 lechury(e, -ure, -uri, -wry, lec(c)heri, ? lecȝery, licchery, -ie, litcheri, lychory, -ery, -eri, -ore, luchery, 4–5 lecchery(e, lechory, -i(e, lichery, -ory, 4–6 licherie, 5 lecuri ?, 6 leicherie, luchrie, li-, lychorie, lichery, 6–7 letcherie, 7–8 -ery, leachery, 5– lechery.
[a. OF. lecherie, licherie, f. lecheur lecher n.]
Habitual indulgence of lust; lewdness of living. Also, an instance of this.
c1230Hali Meid. 11 Þat is te lust of leccherie þat riuleð þer wiðinne.c1250Gen. & Ex. 3510 Oc horedom ðat ðu ne do, Ne wend no lecherie to.a1300Cursor M. 10046 (Cott.) Þe chastite o þis leuidi Ouercumms al lust o lecheri [Gött. lichery].c1340Ibid. 6476 (Trin.) Do no lecchery bi no wommon.c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. II. 79 Of þe herte comen yvel þouȝtis, in yvel wordis; mansleyingis, avoutrieris, leccheries.c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋762 After Glotonye thanne comth leccherie.a1420Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 3656 Leccherye..is hogges lif.a1568R. Ascham Scholem. i. (Arb.) 84 To waulter, with as litle shame, in open lecherie, as Swyne do here in the common myre.a1586Sidney Arcadia (1622) 225 The Faulcons fiercenesse, Sparrowes letcherie.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. v. i. 106 Nothing but Letcherie? All incontinent Varlets.1616R. C. Times' Whistle vi. 2649 And this I holde, that secret letcherie Is a lesse sinne than close hypocrisie.1822–34Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) IV. 92 The Salacity of a Debauched Life, or lechery produced and confirmed by habit.188819th Cent. July 40 A new motif for art has also been discovered in death, disease, and lechery.
personified.c1400Rom. Rose 3914 Over-al regnith Lecchery, Whos might yit growith night and day.1500–20Dunbar Poems xxvi. 79 Lichery, that lathly corss, Berand lyk a bagit horss.1590Spenser F.Q. i. iv. 24 And next to him rode lustfull Lechery Upon a bearded gote.1640Yorke Union Hon. 17 You cherish three daughters, Pride, Covetousnesse and Lechery.
b. fig.
c1491Chast. Goddes Chyld. x. 26 Of this pryde cometh a spirituel or ghostli lechery.1606Dekker Sev. Sinnes i. (Arb.) 17 The Vsurer liues by the lechery on mony, and is Bawd to his owne bags.1676Marvell Mr. Smirke Wks. 1875 IV. 77 [He] will violate the ecclesiastical secret rather than lose the leachery of his tattle.1687Settle Refl. Dryden 38 Lash him, and mortify his Letchery of writing Nonsense.1692E. Walker tr. Epictetus' Mor. (1737) xlvi, For Boasting is a most intemperate Vice..'tis the Leach'ry of the Mind.
c. transf. Luxurious or inordinate pleasure.
1632Massinger City Madam ii. i, Didst thou know What ravishing lechery it is to enter An ordinary, cap-a-pie trimmed like a gallant!




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