

单词 leeful
释义 ˈleeful, a. Obs.
Forms: α. 3 læfful, leafful, 4–5 leveful, 5 lieveful, 5–6 levefull(e. β. 4 leffel, -ol, li(e)fful, leyffull, leoful, leefful(l, lefulle, 5 laifull, lefful, 4–6 leful(l, leifull, 4–7 leeful(l, 5–6 leafull, 6 lieful(l, leiffull, leyfull, lyefull.
[ME. leveful, f. leve, leave n.1 + -ful. Some of the forms may be due to association with lay n.3]
Permissible, right, lawful; just.
c1205Lay. 3033 [Heo] nom hire leaf-fulne hure [c 1275 laþfolne oþ].Ibid. 10854 For he wes swiðe læfful, alle Brut luueden.c1374Chaucer Boeth. i. pr. iv. 10 (Camb. MS.) Ne I trowe nat by the Iugement of socrates þat it weere Leueful to me to hide the sothe.c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 84 Wiþ þre condiciouns it is leefful to swere.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) IV. 431 Wherto wilt þou lyve while it is not covenable, noþer leoful [v.rr. leefful, leffol, leeful], noþer semeliche?c1400Destr. Troy 2948 Þof it be laifull to ladys and oþer les wemen.1445Extracts Aberd. Reg. (1844) I. 14 It sal be lieveful to the alderman and balyheis for to tak [etc.].a1450Cov. Myst. (Shaks. Soc.) 301 It is not lefful to us, ȝe seyn, No maner man for to slen.1485Act 1 Hen. VII, c. 10 §10 That it be leeful to youre Highnesse to graunt to youre seid besechers youre lettres of sauf⁓conduyt.1508Dunbar Gold. Targe 166 Leuefull Company, and Honest Besynes.1526Tindale Matt. xii. 12 It is lefull to do a good dede on the saboth daye.1530Lyndesay Test. Papyngo 274 Halkyng, hountyng, armes, and leiffull amour.c1575Balfour Practicks (1754) 13 It sall be leifful to us to put our handis thairto quhen we pleis.1600Holland Livy viii. x. 288 It is not leefull the enemie to seise thereon.1614J. Davies Eclogue in Browne Sheph. Pipe G 6 b, Hence forward then I must..con My leere in leefull lore.1802Scott Minstr. Scot. Bord. (1803) III. 77 Tell your sister Sarah To come and lift her leafu' lord!1814For a' that an' a' that, The true and leilfu' cause.
b. leeful lane: substituted for lee-lane (see lee-lone). (Cf. leesome a.1 b.)
a1758Ramsay Address Thanks xviii, Whilk gart some aft their leeful lane, Bring to the warld the luckless wean.1832–52Laing in Whistle-Binkie (Scot. Songs) Ser. iii. 9 The auld gudewife gade out at e'en, An' owre the craft her leefu' lane.
Hence ˈleefully adv., permissibly, lawfully; ˈleefulness, lawfulness.
c1340Hampole Prose Tr. (1866) 20 Worldely men or women the which hauntene leuefully worldely goodes.c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 132 In many cases sugetis may leffly wiþholde tiþis.c1449Pecock Repr. ii. i. 136 Leefulnes and vnleefulnes.1483Cath. Angl. 212/1 To do Leffullness (A. to do Vnlefulnesse), illicebrare.1490Caxton Eneydos ii. 14 His sone yolus..beynge..soo fayr..it maye leefully be sayd that nature hadde doon her deuoyr.1534More On the Passion Wks. 1336/1 The liefulnesse thereof, was knowen and taught by the tradicion of thapostles theymselfe.1540in W. H. Turner Select. Rec. Oxford 159 Leffally chossen and elected Bayllyffs.1548Gest Pr. Masse B vj b, Then could not Irenee leyfully call y⊇ one part of the sacrament a substaunce but an earthlye accidente.




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