

单词 remediless
释义 remediless, a. (and adv.)|ˈrɛmɪdɪlɪs, rɪˈmɛdɪlɪs|
Forms: 5–7 remedyless, (8 remedie-), 6 remeadi-, 6 (Sc.) 7 remidi-, 7 remeedi-, 6– remediless.
[f. remedy n. + -less: cf. remedeless and remedless. The orig. stressing was reˈmediless, with the e long.]
1. Of persons, etc.: Destitute of remedy; having no prospect of aid or rescue. Now rare or Obs.
14..MS. Cantab. Ff. i. 6, lf. 131 (Halliw.), Thus welle y wote y am remedylesse, For me no thyng may comforte nor amend.1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 602/1 He shall for lacke of such preuencion and help, fall into such raylyng and blasphemy, and then is he remedilesse.1556J. Heywood Spider & F. ii. 158 Being cleare remediles from cure Of all my paines.c1592Marlowe Jew of Malta v. ii, I'll rear up Malta, now remediless.1621Donne Serm. xv. 149 When the last enemie shall watch my remedilesse body and my disconsolate soule.1757W. Thompson R.N. Advoc. 21 Poor remediless, aggrieved and tortured Men.1786Burke Charges agst. W. Hastings Wks. 1813 XII. 243 He demanded these in such a manner that being ‘remediless’ I was obliged to comply with what he required.
b. Destitute of legal remedy.
1590Swinburne Testaments 169 It seemeth..vniust also, that they, especially the creditors, should be remedilesse all that while.1616in Cary Rep. Chancery (1650) 122 Whither the Chancery may relieve B...or else leave him utterly remedilesse and undone.1667Ormonde MSS. in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. V. 59 Your petitioner is herein altogether remedylesse.1670in Phenix (1721) I. 393 Such Judgments on Jurors leaue them remediless of relief.1700Col. Rec. Pennsylv. I. 577 Finding y⊇ petitioner to be left remedieless by y⊇ Courts.
c. In quasi-adv. use: Without or beyond all remedy. Obs. (common in 16th c.)
c1485Digby Myst. (1882) iv. 1124 It is bot in vayn Thus remedilesse to mak compleyn.1531Tindale Exp. 1 John (1537) 18 The same synneth agaynste the holye gooste remedylesse.1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 82 Sir, ye must remedylesse be obediente to me, and rewled by me.1567Gude & Godlie B. (S.T.S.) 147 We ar exilit remediles.1601Holland Pliny I. 46 Whosoever drinketh, is sure to die of it, remedilesse, and yet without paine.1674Hickman Quinquart. Hist. (ed. 2) 86 They maintain not, that any is left remediless in a state of damnation.
2. Of trouble, disease, etc.: Not admitting of remedy; incapable of being remedied, cured, or redressed. (Very common in 16–17th c.)
1513Bradshaw St. Werburge i. 3160 Alas, remedylesse is our lamentacyon.1548Cranmer Catech. 115 b, He is able to delyuer us out of al troubles.., although they seme to mans reason remediles.1581Mulcaster Positions xxxiii. (1887) 119 In all these measure is a mery meane, and immoderatenes a remeadilesse harme.1640R. Baillie Canterb. Self-convict. Pref. 11 It were better by much, before the remeedilesse stroke be given, to be well advised.1671J. Flavel Fount. Life x. 29 This renders their misery the more remediless.1715M. Davies Athen. Brit. I. 66 Those more inward Resentments..seem almost remediless and irreconcileable.1775Mason Mem. Gray in G.'s Poems 156 Such persons as die of that most remediless..of all distempers, a Consumption.1791Cowper Iliad xvii. 189 So, at once Shall remediless ruin fall on Troy.a1822Shelley Prose Wks. (1888) I. 404 There is no terror in the countenance, only grief—deep, remediless grief.1875E. White Life in Christ iii. xix. (1878) 254 The law is and will be, that remediless suffering shall follow sin.
3. Of vices, etc.: Incurable, incorrigible. Obs.
1604T. Wright Passions iv. ii. §6. 138, I must say this vice in them to be remedilesse, because it hath bene in euery age..and neuer amended.1625Jackson Creed v. xliv. §1 It is the remediless remainder of our first parents' pride.1675Baxter Cath. Theol. ii. v. 83 We hold also that his vicious necessity of disposition is curable, and not remediless and desperate.1690E. Gee Jesuit's Mem. 99 Sharp execution of Justice upon the obstinate and remediless.
4. adv. Remedilessly. Obs. rare—1.
a1614D. Dyke Myst. Self-deceiving (ed. 8) 50 It makes him twice, yea, remedilesse miserable.




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