

单词 remembrance
释义 I. remembrance, n.|rɪˈmɛmbrəns|
Also 4–6 -aunce, 5 -a(u)nse, -ans, 6 -auns, 4–8 remember-.
[a. F. remembrance (11th c.; AF. -aunce): see remember and -ance, and cf. It. rimembranza.]
1. a. (Without article.) Memory or recollection in relation to a particular object, fact, etc. In early use esp. in phrases to have in r., to call to r. (see call v. 20 b).
13..Coer de L. 6926 Whoso hadde sene hys cuntenaunse, Wolde euer had hym in remembraunse.1390Gower Conf. I. 5 He schal drawe into remembrance The fortune of this worldes chance.c1450Merlin 49 The moste remembraunce that I shall haue, shall be vpon yow, and on yowre nedes.1530Palsgr. 351 Here is to be called to remembraunce what I sayd afore of quel.1535Coverdale 2 Macc. xii. 42 They..besought God, that the fawte..might be put out of remembraunce.1611Bible Transl. Pref. ⁋7 He hath for euer bound the Church vnto him, in a debt of speciall remembrance.1667Milton P.L. iii. 704 Worthiest to be all Had in remembrance alwayes with delight.1725Pope Odyss. viii. 501 This ever grateful in remembrance bear.1826J. G. Strutt Sylva Brit. (1830) 5 Secured to remembrance by the pencil.1871R. Ellis tr. Catullus lxiv. 231 Look that..deep-laid in steady remembrance These our words grow greenly.
b. Const. of, inf., or clause. Formerly freq. in phrases to have r. of, to put (one) in r. of.
c1386Chaucer Knt.'s T. 188 This maked Emelye han remembrance To do honour to May.Monk's T. 728 Of honestee yit hadde he remembraunce.1465Paston Lett. III. 482 This might..put him in remembrance what time he hath lost.1555Eden Decades 43 You put me so often in rememberance of your departure.1586A. Day Eng. Secretary ii. (1625) 38 His presence I am resolved shall no more disquiet me, by hearing or remembrance of him.1623Bingham Xenophon 101 Yet it is honest..that remembrance be had rather of that which is good, than of the bad.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. v. 693 Though all Learning be not the Remembrance of what the Soul once before actually understood in a Pre-existent State.1784Cowper Task vi. 252 What he views of beautiful or grand..Prompts with remembrance of a present God.1816J. Wilson City of Plague ii. ii. 231 Remembrance rises faint and dim Of sorrows suffer'd long ago.
2. a. That operation of the mind which is involved in recalling a thing or fact; recollection. Freq. personified, or in fig. context.
c1374Chaucer Anel. & Arc. 211 So thirllethe with the poynt of Rememberaunce þe swerde of sorowe..Myn hert bare of blisse.1500–20Dunbar Poems lxxii. 105 Than rudelie come Remembrance Ay rugging me, withoutin rest.1595Shakes. John v. vi. 12 Vnkinde remembrance: thou, & endles night, Haue done me shame.1671Milton Samson 952 Not for thy life, lest fierce remembrance wake My sudden rage.1690Locke Hum. Und. ii. xix. §1 The same Idea, when it again recurs without the Operation of the like Object on the external Sensory, is Remembrance.1785Reid Intell. Powers i. i. 16 When the word perception is used properly..it is never applied to things past. And thus it is distinguished from remembrance.
b. Faculty or power of remembering or recalling to mind. Obs. (Cf. next.)
c1420Lydg. Assembly of Gods 998 To whom Vertew sent embassatours three, Reson, Discresion, & Good Remembraunse.1509Fisher Funeral Serm. C'tess Richmond Wks. (1876) 291 She was good in remembraunce & of holdyng memorye.1538Bury Wills (Camden) 133, I, Barbara Mason,..beyng..in hooll mynd and good remembrauns, make this my present testament.1577J. Northbrooke Dicing (1843) 143 The witte thereby is made more sharpe, and the remembrance quickened.1610Shakes. Temp. ii. i. 232 This Lord of weake remembrance.1631Widdowes Nat. Philos. 52 The wittie excell in remembrance, the dull in memorie.
3. a. With possess. pron. (One's) memory or recollection; also, in later use, (one's) power of remembering (cf. prec.).
c1374Chaucer Troylus iii. 919 (968) Can I not seyn..If sorow it put out of her remembraunce.c1410Hoccleve Mother of God 45 Fecche that lady in thy remembrance.1490Caxton Eneydos xxii. 80 Come to her remembraunce the grete iustyces..vnto her tolde.a1533Ld. Berners Huon l. 167 Call to your remembraunce how that..Adam & Eue was dyffendyd fro y⊇ etinge of fruyte.1604E. G[rimstone] D'Acosta's Hist. Indies v. xxv. 401 They must confesse themselves of all the sinnes they have committed, to their remembrance.1660Trial Regic. 44 To the best of my remembrance, he sate there four days together.1754Richardson Grandison (1781) IV. x. 87 The obliging wife would banish from his rememberance the petulant mistress.1819Shelley Cyclops 145 Pour: that the draught may fillip my remembrance.1864Skeat Uhland's Poems 170 But now is my remembrance weak with eld.
b. The point at which one's memory of events begins, or the period over which it extends.
1565Cooper Thesaurus, Memoria patrum, in the time and remembrance of our fathers.1601Shakes. All's Well iv. iii. 126 Fro the time of his remembrance to this very instant disaster.1667Milton P.L. viii. 203 Thee I have heard relating what was don Ere my remembrance.1771Smollett Humph. Cl. 2 June, Let. ii, I know but one other method.., which..has been practised successfully more than once in my remembrance.
4. a. The memory ( or thought) which one has of a thing or person.
c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋157 The fourth point, that oughte make a man have contrition, is the sorweful remembrance of the good dedes that he hath lefte to don here in erthe.1490Caxton Eneydos xxii. 78 Anguishe & calamyte,..wherof y⊇ remembraunce greued hym ryght sorowfully.1551Robinson tr. More's Utop. ii. (1895) 302 The remembraunce of theire poore indigent and begerlye olde age kylleth them up.1590Shakes. Mids. N. iv. i. 164 My loue To Hermia..Seems to me now as the remembrance of an idle gaude.1655W. Gurnall Chr. in Arm. verse 11. i. iii. (1669) 27/1 These add to his sin, and the remembrance of his sin..will adde to his torment.1725Pope Odyss. xiii. 224 Yet had his mind thro' tedious absence lost The dear remembrance of his native coast.1792Wordsw. Descrip. Sketches 519 Why does their sad remembrance haunt the mind?1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. vii. II. 229 Between him and the court was interposed the remembrance of one terrible event.
b. With a and pl. A recollection, reminiscence.
1601Shakes. All's Well i. iii. 140 By our remembrances of daies forgon.1610Temp. v. i. 138 How sharpe the point of this remembrance is. [1706–7Farquhar Beaux' Strat. iv. ii, But cussen Mackshane, vil you not put a remembrance upon me?]1788Gibbon Decl. & F. xlix. V. 158 A faint remembrance of their ancestors still tormented the Romans.1809Campbell Gertr. Wyom. i. i, Although the wild-flower on thy ruined wall..a sad remembrance bring.1819Shelley Peter Bell 3rd v. x, These obscure remembrances Stirred such harmony in Peter.
c. The surviving memory of a person.
1579W. Wilkinson Confut. Familye of Loue, Brief Descr., Kyng Edward the vi., a Prince of blessed remembrance.1611Bible Exod. xvii. 14, I will vtterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from vnder heauen.1698Tate & Brady Ps. cxii. 6 The sweet Remembrance [1696 Memorial] of the Just Shall flourish when he sleeps in Dust.1812Southey Omniana I. 110 He might have secured for himself a lasting and respectful remembrance.
d. pl. Greetings expressive of remembrance.
1789Cowper Let. to Newton 1 Dec., With our joint affectionate remembrances to yourself and Mrs. Newton.1804in G. Rose's Diaries (1860) II. 87 Kindest remembrances to all our good friends.c1850Arab. Nts. (Rtldg.) 528 He bid me also be sure and give his kindest remembrances to you.
a. in (into, rarely for) remembrance, as a memorial or record; to put in remembrance, to put on record. Obs.
1390Gower Conf. III. 183 Into remembrance He dede upon him such vengance.Ibid. 294 Thei for evere in remembrance Made a figure in resemblance Of him.1426Lydg. in Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 132 To put his title in remembraunce, Whiche that he hath to Inglond and to Fraunce.1490Caxton Eneydos vi. 24 Of which were fourmed lettres for to write..in remembraunce perpetual þe thinges that [etc.].1511Guylforde's Pilgr. (Camden) 27 By token of a fayre stone layde for remembraunce.1535Coverdale Zech. xiii. 2, I will destroye the names of Idols out off the londe: so that they shal nomore be put in remembraunce.
b. in ( the) remembrance of, in memory of.
c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xxxiv. 153 Þeroff he drinkez..in remembraunce of his fader.1483Caxton Cato F vij, It is sayd that there is as yet in the same place a pytte in mynde and remenbraunce of the sayd myracle.a1500Wycket (1828) 6 Do ye this in the remembrance of me.1581G. Pettie tr. Guazzo's Civ. Conv. ii. (1586) 105 That the..life of the people of Arpines, should be spared in the remembraunce of Tullie.1613Purchas Pilgrimage i. xiii. 63 The day in remembrance thereof [was] yeerely solemnized with fasting the Euen.1697Dryden æneid vi. 680 In remembrance of so brave a Deed, A Tomb, and Fun'ral Honours I decreed.
a. Mention, notice. Obs.
1375Barbour Bruce iii. 558 Quhen that he herd mak remembrance Off the perellys that passyt war.1390Gower Conf. I. 156 As the bok makth remembrance, Alphonse was his propre name.c1440Generydes 2177 Till he was putte [from] his enheritaunce, Wherof be fore was made remembraunce.1531Elyot Gov. i. xviii, I can finde no notable remembrance that it was used of auncient tyme.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts (1658) 497 He saith he found the remembrance of it in the Grecian books.1631Weever Anc. Funeral Mon. 650 This towne..requireth some large remembrance from mee.
b. A commemorative discourse or mention; a memorial inscription. Obs.
1509Fisher Funeral Serm. C'tess Richmond Wks. (1876) 289 Here after foloweth a mornynge remembraunce had at the moneth mynde of the noble prynces Margarete.1598Barnfeild Poems (Arb.) 119 A Remembrance of some English Poets.1599Shakes. Hen. V, i. ii. 229 Lay these bones in an vnworthy Vrne, Tomblesse, with no remembrance ouer them.
a. The act of reminding or putting in mind. book of remembrance, a memorandum-book, a record. ring of remembrance (see quot. 1659). Obs.
1461Paston Lett. II. 64 It is not for no lak of remembrans, for I sent to hym thryis or fowyr tymys ther for.1465Ibid. 202 He sent me word that Wyllyam Worceter had a boke of remembraunce of recaytys.1535Coverdale Num. v. 15 It is..an offeringe of remembraunce, that remembreth synne.1565Cooper Thesaurus, Memorialis liber, a booke of remembrance.1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. lxv. §4 It serueth, namely, for a signe of rememberance to put vs in minde of our dutie.1611Bible Mal. iii. 16 The Lord hearkened and heard it, & a booke of remembrance was written before him.1659Howell Vocab. xxxiv, A ring of remembrance, viz. two or three interchain'd [cf. Cotgr., Souvenance,..a Ring with many hoopes, whereof a man lets one hang downe when he would be put in mind of a thing].
attrib.a1626W. Sclater Comm. Mal. (1650) 186 He hath also, then, his remembrance-book, his register, for the ungodly.
b. bill of remembrance, a royal letter of authority. Obs.
1481in Muniment. Magd. Coll. Oxf. (1882) 15 Dayly to atende tyll I myte haue T.S. at leysere and than breke y⊇ matere and schew to hym y⊇ byll of remembranse.1580Hollyband Treas. Fr. Tong, Vn placet, a bill of remembraunce to an Officer from the prince, a bill of processe.1582N. Lichefield tr. Castanheda's Conq. E. Ind. 69 He gave him other possessions and rents and a bill of remembraunce to make him Lorde.
c. Clerk of the Remembrance, = remembrancer 1 a. Obs.
The Act cited by Cowell is one establishing un Clerc de la remembrancie.
1607Cowell Interpr. s.v. Remembrancer, These [Remembrancers of the Exchequer] anno 37 Ed. 3. Cap. 4. be called clerks of the Remembrance. [Hence in later Dicts.]
d. Garden of Remembrance (also with lower-case initials), a garden commemorating the dead, esp. those killed in the world wars of 1914–18 and 1939–45.
1954J. Betjeman Few Late Chrysanthemums 46 They'll catch me coming..Across the Garden of Remembrance? No, That would be blasphemy.1959Listener 22 Jan. 166/1 Here is a statue of Byron... Here are cenotaphs commemorating other philhellenes of several nations... The visit to what is now a garden of remembrance was a profoundly moving experience.1973J. Rossiter Manipulators iv. 48 With any luck..I'll find the bastard dead and scattered over a garden of remembrance.
a. A note or entry serving as a record or reminder; a memorandum. Obs.
1430–1Rolls of Parlt. IV. 376/1 Make oute a remembrance under her seall..resityng ye issue yat is joyned.1465Paston Lett. II. 202 As for such bokys as he hath hyre at hom he wol doo loke yf any remembraunce canne be founde therof.1586A. Day Eng. Secretary ii. (1625) 63, I haue laden for your account..according to your remembrance sent vnto me for the same,..seuen Buts of Sack.1601Holland Pliny II. 172 Set down vnder the hand of the sayd prince, in a priuat note-book of remembrances.a1676Hale (J.), Those proceedings and remembrances are in the Tower, beginning with the twentieth year of Edward I.
b. A reminder given by one person to another; a remark of this nature. Obs.
1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV, v. ii. 115, I do commit into your hand, Th'vnstained Sword..With this Remembrance; That you vse the same [etc.].1612Woodall Surg. Mate Wks. (1653) 1 Brief remembrances touching the particular instruments for the Surgeons Chest.1638Chillingw. Relig. Prot. i. v. §29. 264 But let the understanding Reader, take with him three or four short remembrances.
c. A reminder given by some thing or fact; a thing or fact serving to remind one of something. Now rare.
1617Moryson Itin. i. 107 The Orange trees..are greene in winter, giuing at that dead time a pleasant remembrance of Sommer.1663Gerbier Counsel 21 To knock their head against that of the doore, for a remembrance, that they were not to passe the threshold.1739Wesley Wks. (1872) I. 174, I was not suffered to conclude my subject; a good remembrance that I should, if possible, declare, at every time, the whole counsel of God.1789[see remark n.1 3 c].1806–7J. Beresford Miseries Hum. Life (1826) i. Introd., What..[are] dressing and undressing but stinging remembrances of the privileged nakedness of the savage?
9. a. An article serving to remind one person of another; a keepsake, souvenir; a token.
1425E.E. Wills (1882) 63, I wil þat Iohn Ondeley haf a coueryd pece of siluer..for a remembraunce of me.1463Bury Wills (Camden) 34, iij of my beste gownys..for a remembraunce to thinke vpon me.c1532G. Du Wes Introd. Fr. in Palsgr. 1023 Do nat you bryng me some remembraunce or token from them?1611Tourneur Ath. Trag. ii. i, Here's the sad remembrance of his life, Which, for his sake, I will for euer weare.1724in Swift's Lett. (1768) IV. 13, I desire your acceptance of a ring, a small remembrance of my father.1845C. Dickens Let. 2 Oct. (1977) IV. 396, I send you the claret jug. But for a mistake, you would have received the little remembrance almost immediately after my return from abroad.
b. A memorial or record of some fact, person, etc. Now rare.
c1470Henry Wallace xi. 1458 Go nobill buk,..Now byd thi tym, and be a remembrance.a1533Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) G, His wordes and counsels remayne for a remembraunce.1590Spenser F.Q. i. i. 2 On his brest a bloodie Crosse he bore, The deare remembrance of his dying Lord.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts (1658) 192 That figure which is engraven at Rome in a Marble pillar, being a remembrance of some Triumph.1822B. Cornwall Dram. Scenes, Rape Proserpine, And is this fountain left alone For a sad remembrance.
c. A heraldic device. Obs. rare—1.
1470–85Malory Arthur ix. xxx. 384 Tristram..commaunded..his seruaunt to ordeyne hym a blak sheld with none other remembraunce therin.
10. attrib. and Comb., as remembrance-banquet, remembrance wreath; Remembrance Day, the Sunday nearest to 11 Nov., kept in remembrance of those killed in the world wars of 1914–18 and 1939–45, and since 1945 combined with Armistice Day; Remembrance Service, a service held on Remembrance Day; Remembrance Sunday = Remembrance Day; Remembrancetide, the period immediately preceding Remembrance Day, considered as if part of the liturgical year.
1930R. Graves Ten Poems More 9 A fresh *remembrance-banquet to forestall The Knight turned hermit.
1921Times 11 Nov. 12/2 We have received a number of appeals which may be specially associated with ‘*Remembrance Day’.1929Radio Times 8 Nov. 440/2 Remembrance Day, Nov. 11. Wear a Flanders Poppy.1946[see Armistice Day].1974P. McCutchan Call for Simon Shard i. 5 The old soldiers had brought a Remembrance Day wreath.
1964L. Deighton Funeral in Berlin i. 312 You have an invitation. It's the *Remembrance Service.1977Belfast Tel. 14 Feb. 4/6 He would like to tell these people who were sniping at the Legion that its Remembrance services would continue.
1942C. Milburn Diary 8 Nov. (1979) 157 *Remembrance Sunday, and great news today! American troops have landed in North Africa.1946Glasgow Herald 31 Oct. 4/4 Remembrance Sunday, when Christians gather to remember the young and brave of two generations who died for freedom and the hope of a better world.1954R. Macaulay Let. 7 Nov. in Last Lett. to Friend (1962) 175 Remembrance Sunday. A poppy on my coat, another on my car.1977B. Pym Quartet in Autumn v. 42 The only services that drew congregations of any size were Harvest Festival, Remembrance Sunday and the Carol Service at Christmas.
1970Sussex Life Nov. 73/1 *Remembrancetide this year will occupy the period November 2–8.1977Daily Tel. 5 Nov. 14 The 20th century has seen the creation of new commemorative rituals—and those of Remembrancetide are not the only ones.
1977Lancs. Life Nov. 74/3 They have invited..a local boy who served in the RAF..to place the *remembrance wreath on their memorial.
II. reˈmembrance, v. rare.
[f. the n.: cf. remembrancing vbl. n.]
trans. To remind.
1593Nashe Christ's T. Wks. (Grosart) IV. 261 Let vs looke for the sworde next to remembrance and warne vs.1656G. Collier Answ. 15 Quest. Ded., The best return I am able to make you, is, remembrancing you of your duty.




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