

单词 remercy
释义 I. reˈmercy, n. Obs. rare.
[Cf. next and mercy.]
Thanks. Also pl.
1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 163 b, Persones by hym conquered and subdued, who did..not rendre thankes ne saie remercies for that they had been leat..to escape.1600B. Jonson Cynthia's Rev. v. ii. Wks. (Rtldg.) 95/2 Remercie, madame, and these honourable censors.1606Sir G. Goosecappe iii. i, Remercy, my more then English pages.
II. reˈmercy, v. Obs.
[ad. F. remercier (15th c.), f. re- re- + merci thanks, mercy.]
To thank.
c1477Caxton Jason 28 b, Thenne Jason remercyed and thanked the noble Quene Myrro.1484Fables of Alfonce xii, I remercye and thanke yow gretely.1568in Maskell Mon. Rit. (1846) II. 264 Wyth al my hert I remercye and thanke thee.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. xi. 16 She him remercied as the Patrone of her life.1592W. Wyrley Armorie 115 With thanks rewards remercied was our paine.




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