

单词 lighthead
释义 I. ˈlighthead1 Obs.
[f. light a.1 + -head.]
Lightness, folly, levity; an instance of this.
1340Ayenb. 207 Ine zuyche liȝthedes [hi] wasteþ hare time.1382Wyclif Jer. iii. 9 Thurȝ liȝthed of hir fornycacioun [she] defoulede the lond.c1400Cato's Morals 196 Loke for na liȝthede, at þat þing in ani stide of þe haue blaming.
II. ˈlighthead2
[f. light a.1 + head n.1]
A light-headed person. Also quasi-adj., light-headed.
[1587Fleming Contn. Holinshed III. 1954/1 He was induced to attempt such follie..by some light heads that were then about him.1609W. Biddulph in Lavendar Trav. (1612) 44 This thiefe [Mahomet] perswadeth light heads..how he is the messenger of God.]1751Fielding Amelia ii. iv. (1898) I. 98 Whilst I sat by her in her lighthead fits, she repeated scarce any other name but mine.1825J. Wilson Noct. Ambr. Wks. 1855 I. 9 Thou canst make lubbard and lighthead agree.




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