

单词 yere
释义 I. yere, v. Obs.
Forms: 3–4 ȝere, 4 ȝeore; 3 pa. tense ȝerde, ȝirde, ȝurde.
[ME. ȝere, representing an OE. *ᵹerian = OFris. geria, ieria, OS. gerôn (MLG. geren), OHG. gerôn, -ên, -ân (MHG. geren, gern, be-gern, G. begehren) to desire, related to OHG., MHG. ger, ON. gerr greedy (cf. OHG. girî, G. gier desire, OHG. girîg, G. gierig desirous, covetous, etc.); f. Teut. ger-, whence also yern a., yearn v.
With Teut. ger-:—Indo-eur. gher- (:ghor-: ghr-) to long, desire, have pleasure, are prob. allied Skr. háryati finds pleasure, hárs̆atē rejoices, Zend zara- striving, goal, χαίρειν, χαρῆναι to rejoice, χάρις favour, grace, L. horīrī, horitārī, hortārī to cheer, exhort.]
trans. To desire, long or yearn for; to express a desire for, request.
c1205Lay. 4790 Belin king him ȝette þæt forward þat he ȝerde [c 1275 ȝornde].Ibid. 5515 Heo forȝeten here ȝisles & þat grið þat heo ȝurden [c 1275 ȝeornden].Ibid. 11514 Al swa þe king ȝirde Mauric hit him ȝette.a1300Cursor M. 28982 Þat es to be here ai ȝerand Þat ilk liue is ai lastand.1362Langl. P. Pl. A. i. 33 Mesure is Medicine þauh þou muche ȝeore.
Hence yering vbl. n., desire, longing; request.
13..Ball. on Scotish Wars xx. (Ritson), Al my yering he me tald, And yatid me, als we went bi waye.c1400Cursor M. 27930 (Cott. Galba) Fole couaitise and fole ȝering.
II. yere
repr. a dial. (esp. U.S.) or vulgar pronunc. of here.
1867Harper's Mag. Feb. 274/2 This yere is Colonel N― who wants ter know yer.1907J. W. Schultz My Life as an Indian xxv. 284 You must..help me run this yere boardin' house.1929W. Faulkner Sartoris iv. i. 270 Yere day is, Cunnel.1956[see jong1].1973J. Pattinson Search Warrant ii. 34 Like young folks is these yere days—long hair, beards.
III. yere
obs. f. ear, ere, hear, heir, year1; Sc. and dial. f. your.




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