

单词 yesking
释义 ˈyexing, ˈyesking, vbl. n. Now Sc. and dial.
Forms: see yex, yesk v.
[OE. ᵹeocsung, ᵹeoxung = OHG. gesgizunga: see yex, yesk v. and -ing1.]
The action of the vb. yex; sobbing (obs.); (most freq.) hiccuping.
c1050Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 423/12 In singultum, in sicettunge and ᵹeoxunge.c1050Suppl. ælfic's Gloss. ibid. 179/4 Singultus, ᵹoecsung.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 801 Mid ȝoxinge & gret wop þus he bigan is mone.1382Wyclif Lam. iii. 56 Ne turne thou awei thin ere fro my sobbing [v.r. ȝoxyng] and cries.1387–8T. Usk Test. Love i. i. (Skeat) l. 6 Any maner disese outward, is sobbing maner, sheweth sorowful yexinge from within.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. vii. xlvi. (1495) q vj b, Yoxynge is the sowne in the nose of vyolent meuynge of y⊇ stomak.a1400–50Wars Alex. 5042 So did his princes..With ȝedire ȝoskingis & ȝerre ȝett out to grete.1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) V. 389 Pereschenge moche peple in yoskenge or nesynge.c1440Promp. Parv. 539/1 Ȝyxynge, singultus.a1470Tiptoft Orat. G. Flamineus (Caxton 1481) f iv, He in his drunkenesse with his stombling yoxing & prating.1483Cath. Angl. 426/2 A ȝiskynge, singultus.1510Stanbridge Vocabula (W. de W.) A v, Oscedo, yeskynge.1530Palsgr. 291/1 Yexing, hocquet.1543Traheron tr. Vigo's Chirurg. iii. ix. 96 b/1 Great apostemations..whyche cause rigours, fieuers, spasmes, youxinge.1544T. Phaer Regim. Lyfe (1545) F j, Hycket or yeaskyng, is an euyll mouyng of the vertue expulsiue of the stomake.1562Turner Bathes 9 b, It healeth also the hitchcock or yiskinge.1569R. Androse tr. Alexis' Secr. iv. i. 35 To remedie the yexings of the stomacke and vomitings.1600Darrell True Narr. 6 A bygg blacke catt..threwe her backward taking from her the vse both of her eyes and handes, which with yesking were euer losed.1613Bp. Andrewes 96 Serm., Eph. iv. 30 (1629) 652 The upbrayding or yexing of the heart (as Abigail excellently termeth it).1684Robt. Johnson Enchir. Med. iii. iv. 152 [The Hicket] is called in English a sobbing or yexing.1887F. T. Havergal Heref. Wds. 38 He suffers so from yocksing.1887Jamieson's Dict., Suppl. s.v. Yeterie, A yetrie yisking.




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