

单词 lily-pot
释义 ˈlily-pot
1. A flower-pot with a lily growing in it; a representation of this, commonly occurring as a symbolic accessory in pictures of the Annunciation, and hence frequent as a religious emblem.
1540Invent. Ch. Goods in Gentl. Mag. Libr., Ecclesiology 157 A single vestment of white damask imbroidrede with lily pots.1578–9New Year's Gifts in Nichols Progr. Eliz. (1823) II. 251 A lylly pot of agathe, a lylly flower going owte of it garnesshed with roses of rubyes.1898Archæol. Jrnl. LV. 172 On the brass of Bishop Andreas at Posen, dated 1479,..the lily-pot forms the central upright band of the episcopal mitre.
2. An ornamental vase imitating the ‘lily-pot’ of sacred art; in the early 17th c. app. spec. a tobacco-jar.
1610B. Jonson Alch. i. iii, He keepes it [Tobacco] in fine Lilly-pots, that open'd, Smell like conserue of Roses, or French Beanes.c1618Fletcher Q. Corinth ii. iv, Vintner: Look into the Lilly-pot.a1652Brome Weeding Covent-Gard. ii. ii. (1658) 34 Vint. Y'are welcome, Gentlemen, take up the lillie-pot.
b. Her. (See quot.: the use seems incorrect.)
1780Edmondson Her. II. Gloss., Lily-pot see Covered Cup.
3. A size of writing paper distinguished by the ‘lily-pot’ as a water-mark. Obs.
1589G. Harvey Pierce's Supererog. (1592) 138 Stationers..find more gain in the lillypot blank than in the lilly-pot Euphued.




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