

单词 limited
释义 limited, ppl. a.|ˈlɪmɪtɪd|
[f. limit v. + -ed1.]
In senses of the vb.
1. Appointed, fixed. Obs.
1551Robinson tr. More's Utop. i. (1895) 67 He..hiereth some of them for meate and drynke, and a certeyne limityd wayges by the daye.1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 882/1 That euerie man.. should paie the whole subsidie..out of hand, not tarrieng till the daies of paiment limited.1633T. Stafford Pac. Hib. ii. i. (1810) 225 They did somewhat exceede the time limited.
2. a. Circumscribed within definite limits, bounded, restricted. Of circumstances: Narrow. limited edition, an edition of a book, or reproduction of an object, limited to some specific number of copies. limited express or limited train (U.S.): cf. next. limited mail: a mail train in which only a limited number of passengers is conveyed. limited monarchy: one in which the functions of the monarch are exercised under conditions prescribed by the constitution; so limited government, limited monarch, limited royalty. limited war, one in which the weapons used, the nations or territory involved, or the objectives pursued, are limited or restricted.
1610Willet Hexapla Dan. 259 The knowledge of angels is limited.1648Sir R. Filmer (title) The anarchy of a limited or mixed monarchy.1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xix. 98 That King whose power is limited, is not superiour to him, or them that have the power to limit it.1674Essex Papers (Camden) I. 265, I cannot imagine what it is makes men in England believe y⊇ Govermt of Ireland to be for a Limited Time of Three Years.1710in T. B. Howell State Trials (1812) XV. 62 The nature of our constitution is that of a limited monarchy.1736Chandler Hist. Persec. Introd. 5 The blessings of a limited government.1789Gouv. Morris in Sparks Life & Writ. (1832) II. 72 The King of France must soon be one of the most limited monarchs in Europe.a1792Burke Address Brit. Colonists N. Amer. in Works (1812) V. 148 England has been great and happy under the present limited Monarchy.1828Scott F.M. Perth xxi, I thank your Highness,..for your cautious and limited testimony in my behalf.1832Austin Jurispr. (1879) I. vi. 247 In limited monarchies a single individual shares the sovereign powers with an aggregate or aggregates of individuals.1833Mylne & Keen Reports II. 244 His co-executor..was in narrow and limited circumstances.1853C. Brontë Villette viii. (1876) 68 That school offered for her powers too limited a sphere.1860Tyndall Glac. i. ii. 15 A limited number of images only will be seen.1865Mozley Mirac. iv. 86 A limited Deity was a recognised conception of antiquity.1866Dickens Mugby Junction in All Year Round Extra Christmas No. 10 Dec. 17 Driving..at limited-mail speed.1879F. R. Stockton Rudder Grange ix. 93 Time flew like a limited express train.1883P. Fitzgerald Recreat. Lit. Man 80 He started for Dublin by the mid-day limited mail.1890Harper's Mag. Aug. 409/1 Coming up by the limited train, Miss Lee was not favorably impressed.1903Connoisseur VI. 252/2 This library has the trail of the ‘Limited Edition’ serpent over it all.1904Dial (Chicago) 16 Oct. 238 It is not a book for the limited express.1920H. Crane Let. 28 Jan. (1965) 32 A limited edition hastily gathered up would be the only possible method of presentation.1930Limited edition [see hog-wash].1944H. Treece Herbert Read 41 The Quixote in him that writes prefaces to Limited editions.1948H. J. Morgenthau Politics among Nations xx. 291 Another variety of a limited war..has been well described.1955Times 4 July 9/7 Britain, then, has to be prepared for both nuclear and limited war.Ibid. 8 July 9/5 The recent war in Korea is an example of a major limited war, and the present operations in Kenya of a minor limited war.1966Mrs. L. B. Johnson White House Diary 20 Aug. (1970) 413 It was a good speech [by Lyndon]..‘Perhaps it reflects poorly on our world that men must fight limited wars in order to keep from fighting larger wars.’1971Ideal Home Apr. 143 This Piccadilly mug is produced by Wedgwood in a limited edition of 4,000.1972Country Life 16 Nov. (Suppl.) 57/1 Pure silk 36 inch hand-rolled head-scarves, in four designs..and in limited editions for {pstlg}12.50.1973Daily Tel. 27 Apr. 18 The National Maritime Museum..is adding two new clocks to its collection of historic timepieces next month. The two, however, are replicas of 18th-century clocks which..Thwaites and Reed are producing in limited editions.
b. limited company: short for limited liability company (see liability). limited partnership, inactive partnership, where liability is limited to the value of the capital contribution; so limited partner.
1855Act 18 & 19 Vict. c. 133 §1 The Word ‘Limited’ shall be the last Word of the Name of the Company.1872Raymond Statist. Mines & Mining 107 The Nevada Land and Mining Company, (limited).1907Act 7 Edw. VII c. 24 §1 This Act may be cited for all purposes as the Limited Partnerships Act, 1907.Ibid. §4 Limited partners, who shall at the time of entering into such partnership contribute thereto a sum..valued at a stated amount and who shall not be liable for the debts or obligations of the firm beyond the amount contributed.1931Pitman's Business Man's Guide (ed. 9) 372/1 There is a further division into ‘general’ and ‘limited’ partners. The former correspond to the ‘active’ partners, and the latter to the ‘sleeping’ or ‘nominal’ partners.1951R. W. Jones Thomson's Dict. Banking (ed. 10) 381/1 The idea of the limited partnership has not appealed to the business world and..only some 1,300 such partnerships have been registered.1970New Yorker 10 Oct. 37/2 Richard Roth, Jr., a limited partner, joined the firm.1973N.Y. Law Jrnl. 31 Aug. 1/4 It omitted compensation agreements between Empire and its counsel..with whom Mr. Goldberg was then associated as a limited partner.
3. a. In absol. use = limited mail in 2. (U.S. colloq.)
1887Pop. Sci. Monthly Mar. 577 Let the great steamship founder, the limited crash through a trestle—living or dead, these men will be found at their posts.1910Kipling Rewards & Fairies 145 If you're off to Philadelphia..the Limited will take you there.1913E. Wharton Custom of Country v. xliii. 556 A bigger and brighter blur ahead, into which they were plunging as the ‘Limited’ plunged into the sunset.1938S. V. Benét Thirteen o'Clock iv. 295 ‘Jerry Pye!’ she said, ‘I don't know what's come over you. You never take me on any limiteds!’
b. = limited company.
1905Westm. Gaz. 20 Nov. 8/1 Company floaters have gone very fast indeed, some limiteds, it is said, not having sufficient capital.1907Daily Chron. 26 July 3/4 This is my experience in a West-end house..classed with the Limiteds.
Hence ˈlimitedly adv., ˈlimitedness.
a1614Donne βιαθανατος (1644) 74 You see nothing is delivered by him against it, but modestly, limitedly, and perplexedly.1656[J. Sergeant] tr. T. White's Peripat. Inst. 288 A difference of Substance distinct from corporeity and limitednesse.1812Shelley in Hogg Life (1858) II. 91, I assume a character which is..unadapted to the limitedness of my experience.1891H. Jones Browning 235 He pushes the limitedness of human knowledge into a disqualification of it to reach truth at all.1895Q. Rev. July 76 We in London need such limitedly local relaxations.

limited-slip differential n. Mech. a form of differential gear that allows different output shafts to rotate at different rates up to some preset maximum difference, used esp. in motor vehicles to allow rear wheels to rotate independently when cornering; cf. positraction n.
1956Lima (Ohio) News 21 Oct. c13/2 A new *limited-slip differential is offered, and there are improved brake linings and power steering refinements.1999Canad. Geographic Sept.–Oct. 15 (advt.) With the addition of a limited-slip rear differential, Outback has our best All-Wheel Driving System ever.2005Road & Track Nov. 54/5 The Driver Controlled Center Differential now has a mechanical limited-slip differential in place of the previous planetary gear/clutch arrangement.




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