

单词 lingel
释义 I. lingel, lingle, n.1 Now dial.|ˈlɪŋg(ə)l|
Forms: 5 lynyolf, lynolf, (inniolf), 6 lyngell, 6–7 lingell, 7 Sc. linyel, 8 lingan, 9 lingal, liniel, 6– lingel, 7– lingle.
[a. OF. lignoel, ligneul:—popular L. *līneolum, f. L. līnea line n.2]
A shoemaker's waxed thread.
c1440Promp. Parv. 306/1 Lynyolf, or inniolf [H., P. lynolf], threde to sow wythe schone or botys, indula, licinium.1523Fitzherb. Husb. §142 Bodkyn, knyfe, lyngell, gyue thy horse mete, se he be shoed well.1530Palsgr. 239/2 Lyngell that souters sowe with, chefgros, lignier.1562J. Heywood Prov. & Epigr. (1867) 110 For may he once get his shooes on my feete, Without last or lingel his woordes make them meete.1576Turberv. Venerie 231 And he must have a lyngell in readinesse to sow up the skin, and at euery stitch that he taketh let him knit his threed or lyngell.1611Beaum. & Fl. Knt. Burn. Pestle v. iii, Whose Master wrought with Lingell and with All.1635D. Dickson Pract. Writ. (1845) I. 196 He had his elsin and linyel for sewing of leather.1721Ramsay Ode to Mr. F― i, Hinds wi' elson and hemp lingle, Sit soleing shoon out o'er the ingle.1771Smollett Humph. Cl. 10 July, A little hemp, which he spun into lingels.c1817Hogg Tales & Sk. III. 306 George..scratched his head with the awl, and gave the lingles such a yerk, that he made them both crack in two.1868G. Macdonald R. Falconer I. 104 Settling in haste to his awl and his lingel.
b. attrib., as lingel- (or lingel's) end, lingel-tail.
1589R. Harvey Pl. Perc. (1590) 25 My shoe shall rend, my nall blade bend, My lingels end, first shall I spend, Before his works goe downe.c1774C. Keith Farmer's Ha' v. (1801) 48 They pow and rax the lingel tails.1899Colville Vernacular 16 The sutor..deftly birsed a fresh lingle-end.
Hence ˈlingel v. trans., to bind firmly with cobbler's thread. Sc.
1819Hogg Jacobite Relics I. 102 Come like a cobler, Donald Macgillavry, Beat them, and bore them, and lingel them cleverly.
II. lingel, lingle, n.2 Now dial.|ˈlɪŋg(ə)l|
Forms: 5 lengell, (lynnell), 5–7 lingell, 6 lyngell, 7 lingal, 7– lingel, 8– lingle.
[app. repr. an AF. *lengle:—L. lingula strap, thong, also spoon; dim. of lingua tongue. Cf. langle.]
1. collect. sing. The leather straps, etc. of a horse's harness. Obs.
1460Lybeaus Disc. 1364 (Kaluza) His scheld was blak as pich, Lingell, armes, trappure swich.Ibid. 1664 And of þe same painture Was lingell and trappure.
2. A thong or latchet.
1538Elyot Dict., Cohum, a thonge or lyngell wherwith the oxe bowe & the yoke are bounden togider.a1585Montgomerie Flyting w. Polwart 342 Shame and sorrow on her snout that..louses off thy lingals sa lang as they may last.1658Phillips, Lingel, a little tongue or thong.1790A. Wilson To E. Picken Poet. Wks. (1846) 107 This half a year yer funny tales, Ower mosses, mountains, seas and dales, I've carried i' my lingle.1801Beattie Parings (1873) 4 (E.D.D.) Afore the ingle she knit a lingle to swing the roast.1832A. Henderson Prov. 129 It's short while since the sow bore the lingel.1875Knight Dict. Mech., Lingel, a small thong of leather for sewing or lacing bands. [syn.] Lingle.1895Crockett Men of Moss Hags xxv. 188, I had my sword dangling by a lingel or tag at my right wrist.1896Grey Man xxix. 200, I..saw nothing but some discharged pistols lying with broken lingels abroad on the sand.
3. A flat blade or spoon, a spatula.
1598Florio, Paletta di spetiale, a lingell, a spoone, a tenon, a spattle or slice as Apothecaries vse.1611Cotgr., Friquette, a lingell, smalle sklice, little scummer.Ibid., Palette, a Lingell, Tenon, Slice, or flat toole wherwith Chirurgians lay salue on plaisters.
Hence lingel v. trans., to fasten with a thong. (Cf. langle v.) Sc.
1879G. Macdonald Sir Gibbie xlvi. (1880) 293, I never read the ballant aboot the worm lingelt roun' the tree.




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