

单词 liquidate
释义 I. liquidate, ppl. a. Law. rare.|ˈlɪkwɪdeɪt|
Also 7 Sc. liquidat.
[ad. late L. liquidāt-us, pa. pple. of liquidāre, f. liquidus liquid, clear.]
Ascertained and fixed in amount. (Cf. liquid a. 4 b.)
1609Skene Reg. Maj. 77 The Judge sal take ane pledge fra the defender..to pay the debt, with the skaiths taxat and liquidat in the persewers clame, to the persewer, within space of fiftene dayes.1868Act 31 & 32 Vict. c. 101 Sched. (FF) No. 1 With a Fifth Part more of the Interest due at each Term of liquidate Penalty.
II. liquidate, v.|ˈlɪkwɪdeɪt|
Also 7 liquidat.
[f. late L. liquidāt-, ppl. stem of liquidāre, f. liquidus liquid. Cf. F. liquider, Sp. liquidar, It. liquidare (in sense 4).]
a. trans. To make clear or plain (something obscure or confused); to render unambiguous; to settle (differences, disputes). Obs.
a1670Hacket Abp. Williams i. (1692) 19 There he discours'd with that depth of Learning, yet liquidating that depth with such facility of opening it.1732Hist. Litteraria III. 382 He liquidates many Points.1765H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. I. ii. 43 A senseless jumble, soon liquidated by a more egregious act of folly.1765Otranto iii. (1798) 49 Ere we liquidate our differences by the sword.1779–81Johnson L.P. Addison Wks. III. 58 There were these words, ‘Britons, arise!’..Addison was frighted, lest he should be thought a promoter of insurrection, and the line was liquidated to ‘Britons, attend.’1780Bentham Princ. Legisl. iii. §10 In what other respects our ideas of them [pains and pleasures] may be liquidated will be considered in another place.
b. To clear away, resolve (objections). rare.
1620Sir R. Naunton in Fortesc. Papers 114 He may liquidat all scruples when he shall come to the Spanish Court.1865F. H. Laing in Ess. Relig. & Lit. Ser. i. (1865) 202 The same principle of a long preparation liquidates many other objections of the same character.
2. To determine and apportion by agreement or by litigation; to reduce to order, set out clearly (accounts). Obs.
c1575Balfour's Practicks (1754) 41 Ane Baron, in his awin court, may liquidate the prices of his fermis, auchtand to him be his tenentis.1622Mabbe tr. Aleman's Guzman d'Alf. I. 22 [He] could cleare you any account, could liquidate and divide it to an haire.1739Cibber Apol. (1756) II. 45 This pension was to be liquidated into an equal share with us.1755Connect. Col. Rec. (1856) X. 366 A committee with full power..to examine, liquidate, adjust, settle, and give needful orders for the payment of the several accounts.1758J. Blake Plan Mar. Syst. 41 The commander..will be able to liquidate the amount of his nett wages.1795Wythe Decis. Virginia 14 An account of goods not delivered or accepted as a payment nor liquidated between the parties ought not to be accepted as a payment in paper.1798Bay Amer. Law Rep. (1809) I. 114 Agreed to pay the debt on its being liquidated.
fig.1759Chesterfield Let. to Son 27 Feb. (1892) III. 1248 If our epistolary accounts were fairly liquidated, I believe you would be brought in considerably debtor.
3. To clear off, pay (a debt). Also absol. in U.S. slang.
1755Johnson, Liquidate, to clear away; to lessen debts.1785Ld. Malmesbury Diaries & Corr. II. 122 The King desired the Prince of Wales to send in an Exact Statement of his debts, giving him to understand he would liquidate them.1786R. King in Life & Corr. (1894) I. 6 As the debt arose during the circulation of paper, it may probably be more easily liquidated by the scale than in any other way.1823Lingard Hist. Eng. VI. 110 Charles..had not wherewith to liquidate the arrears of his victorious army in Italy.1834H. Martineau Moral iv. 135 No effort should be spared to liquidate the National Debt.1835Haliburton Clockm. Ser. i. xviii, When I liquidate for my dinner, I like to get about the best that's goin.1849Grote Hist. Greece ii. lxxi. (1862) VI. 333 The pay which he had offered was never liquidated.1868Rogers Pol. Econ. iv. (1876) 6 In the vast majority of instances no money is used to liquidate debts on either side.
4. Law and Comm.
a. trans. To ascertain and set out clearly the liabilities of (a company or firm) and to arrange the apportioning of the assets; to ‘wind up’.
b. intr. To go into liquidation.
1870Standard 16 Nov., A proposal to liquidate by arrangement was resolved upon by the creditors.1883Manch. Exam. 27 Nov. 4/7 It has been decided to liquidate the Exchange Bank.1884Law Times 13 Dec. 119/1 The debtor liquidated and a trustee was appointed.
5. a. trans. To liquefy, melt. rare.
1656Blount Glossogr., Liquidate, to make moist, to clear.1862Jrnl. Soc. Arts X. 324/2 The heat of the ship's hold being sufficient to partially liquidate its [sc. rubber] substance.
b. fig. To dissipate, waste.
1702De Foe Reform. Manners Misc. 91 These [sc. drunkards] liquidate their Wealth, and covet to be poor.
6. To make (a sound) less harsh or grating.
In some mod. Dicts.
7. [after Russ. likvidírovat′ to liquidate, wind up.] To put an end to, abolish; to stamp out, wipe out; to kill.
1924Yale Rev. XIII. 477 In this way the ‘Labor Opposition’, the ‘Workers Pravda’, and a few other recalcitrant groups were all ‘liquidated’.1926C. Sheridan Turkish Kaleidoscope xvi. 125 The evening paper, L'Akcham, came out with large headlines: ‘How to Liquidate a Strike’.1930Economist 1 Nov. (Russ. Suppl.) 2/2 Only in 1929, when the growth of the Socialist section of agriculture was enabling the State to become independent of the supplies of the Kulaks, could the Government begin to ‘liquidate’ them.1939V. A. Demant Relig. Prospect iv. 90 The Trotskyists..are ‘liquidated’ as being insufficiently dialectical to see that the policy of the Russian State at any moment has absolute finality.1943C. S. Lewis Abolition of Man iii. 37 Once we killed bad men: now we liquidate unsocial elements.1957Partridge English gone Wrong ii. 31 Liquidate, therefore, is an erudite synonym of ‘to wind up’, hence, in its euphemistic transferred sense, it means ‘to eradicate in a thoroughly ruthless manner’, ‘to destroy, especially by mass murder’.1970Nature 26 Dec. 1248/2 All existing sources of industrial pollution are to be ‘liquidated’.1971Sunday Times 13 June 12/6 When the army units fanned out in Dacca on the evening of March 25..many of them carried lists of people to be liquidated.
Hence ˈliquidated ppl. a., ˈliquidating vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1727Bailey vol. II, Liquidated, made moist or clear; also spoken of Bills made current or payable; pay'd off, cleared.1749Connect. Col. Rec. (1876) IX. 453 That he press forward the liquidating, settling and obtaining final payment for the accounts.1798Bay Amer. Law Rep. (1809) I. 16 Liquidated accounts.1848Arnould Mar. Insur. i. iv. (1866) I. 181 Debts in the legal sense, that is, liquidated and ascertained amounts.1891Daily News 15 Jan. 2/2 A substantial surplus will remain for division among the partners of the liquidated firm.1895Ibid. 8 May 8/7 Wheat..declined under the combined control of lower cables, further rains in the West, and active liquidating.1899Ibid. 2 Feb. 4/7 Liquidating or abortive companies.1931Economist 20 June 1331/1 The market capitalisation of the common shares of these concerns was equal to only 74 per cent. of the ‘liquidating value’ of the assets behind them.1964Ann. Reg. 1963 103 It provided that..the permanent heads of the three territorial Treasuries would constitute a liquidating agency to wind up the affairs of the Federation.1975[see liquidator c].




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