

单词 listed
释义 I. listed, a.1|ˈlɪstɪd|
[f. list n.3 + -ed2.]
1. Provided with a list or selvage.
1552Act 5 & 6 Edw. VI, c. 6 §1 Everie White Clothe..shalbe..lysted accordinge to the auncyent custome.1691Lond. Gaz. No. 2725/4, 24 yards of white Salisbury Cloth, which was Listed, and some part of it stained Reddish.
2. Bordered, edged; striped. Also (of colours), arranged in bands or stripes.
c1450Merlin 163 Crownes of goold and asure bendes entrauerse lysted as grene as a mede.1616Surfl. & Markh. Country Farme 150 His haire drawing toward the colour of blacke, sleeke, and listed.Ibid. 386 The wood of the walnut tree is..listed and smooth of his owne nature.1659Plymouth Col. Rec. (1855) III. 159 A blew paire of stockings and a gray listed garter.1667Milton P.L. xi. 862 A dewie Cloud, and in the Cloud a Bow Conspicuous with three listed colours gay.1814Cary Dante, Par. xiv. 87 In two listed rays The splendours shot before me.1876Longfellow Dutch Picture iv, The listed tulips look like Turks.
3. Covered or edged with list.
1827Faraday Chem. Manip. ii. 43 The listed rings..are easily made out of a slip of thin pliant wood,..the rough ring being covered by rolling list round it.1866Thoreau Yankee in Canada i. 12 We pushed aside the listed door of this church.1889Anthony's Photogr. Bull. II. 415 A listed strip fitting the opening.
4. (See quot. and list v.3 3.)
1842–59Gwilt Archit. Gloss., Boards, listed, such as are reduced in their width by taking off the sap from their sides.
II. listed, a.2|ˈlɪstɪd|
[f. list n.3 II + -ed2.]
1. Of ground: Enclosed in or converted into lists for tilting. Of a combat: Fought in the lists.
1671Milton Samson 1087 Those encounters, where we might have tri'd Each others force in camp or listed field.1727–46Thomson Summer 1470 Bold..are thy generous youth,..and first Or on the listed plain or stormy seas.1793Southey Let. in Dowden Life (1880) 30 The tapestried room—the listed fight—the vassal-filled hall.1812J. Baillie Orra i. i Wks. (1851) 237 In these listed combats.1818Byron Ch. Har. iv. cxxxix, On battle-plains or listed spot?1862Goulburn Pers. Relig. vii. iii. (1873) 216 To fight it out with them inch by inch in a listed field.
2. Engaged in the lists.
1861Lytton & Fane Tannhäuser 37 The blazon'd urn That held the name-scrolls of the listed bards.
III. listed, ppl. a.1|ˈlɪstɪd|
[f. list v.4 + -ed1.]
1. Enlisted for military service.
1649Milton Eikon. Wks. 1738 I. 390 Their defensive Armies were but listed Tumults. [Cf. quot. 1648 in list v.4 3.]1693W. Freke Art of War viii. 257, I would rathe be a Volunteer, than a Listed Souldier.1709Royal Proclam. 27 Jan. in Lond. Gaz. No. 4510/2 They shall take a Receipt.., acknowledging the Receipt of such Listed Man.
2. Included in a list, directory, or catalogue; listed building, one protected from demolition or major alteration by being included in an official list of buildings of architectural or historical importance.
1907Installation News Jan. 11/1 Conduits have now to be manufactured to exact listed diameters.1965H. I. Ansoff Corporate Strategy vi. 117 Investment funds which trade in listed securities have the additional advantage of knowing the full field of choice.1968R. H. McCall in P. Ward Conservation & Devel. Historic Towns & Cities iii. 110 Of 439 Listed buildings in the City [sc. Winchester], 9 on the Statutory List have been wholly or partly demolished.1971P. Gresswell Environment 150 There are now about 120,000 ‘listed’ buildings in England.Ibid., An owner can also be threatened with compulsory purchase if he fails to keep a listed building in reasonable repair.1973Country Life 29 Mar. 866/2 The highest price, about {pstlg}54,000, was paid for the Wealden farmhouse, a listed building that probably dates from the 17th century.
IV. listed, ppl. a.2|ˈlɪstɪd|
[f. list v.3 + -ed1.]
a. (See list v.3 4.)
1888Sci. American 12 May 298/1 Being designed..for use on growing check-rowed and listed corn.
b. Basket-making. Having an extra (decorative) skein on a handle.
1912T. Okey Introd. Basket-Making xii. 145, I have carried out a listed handle with skeins of ordinary chair cane.1953[see listing vbl. n.4].
V. ˈlisted, a.3 Obs.
[f. list n.1 + -ed2.]
Only in comb. thick listed, hard of hearing.
1579Twyne Phisicke agst. Fort. ii. xcvii. 289 a, They that are thicke listed, seeme in a maner to be out of their wittes, but they that are blinde, are reputed more miserable, and therefore we laugh at the deafe, and pittie the blinde.




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