

单词 liverance
释义 liverance Obs. exc. dial.|ˈlɪvərəns|
[Partly a. OF. livrance delivery, sort of homage, f. livrer to deliver; partly aphetic f. deliverance.]
a. Delivery, distribution, livery.
b. Deliverance, liberation, release.
a1300Cursor M. 5045 Þai..þe stiward fand At a garner soiurnand, Þar he liuerance [Fairf. deliueraunce, Trin. lyuerey] made of corn.a1375Joseph Arim. 163 Þow schalt haue liueraunce of In and al þat þe neodes.c1380Sir Ferumb. 4299 If y may lyue til moneday non, lyuerance wil y make.1384Charter Lond. in Arnolde Chron. (1811) 17 That no man take hostel within y⊇ wallis of London..by strengthe nor by lyueraunce of the Marchal.1433Rolls of Parlt. IV. 473/2 A speciall warrant of discharge..for the lyverance ayeen of hir saide londes.1488in Arnolde Chron. (1811) 233, I haue sett y⊇ said Richard to the lyueraunce.1553Becon Reliques of Rome (1563) 239 All those yt their liueraunce purchase against the right of holy Churche.1737Bracken Farriery Impr. (1757) II. 35, I accepted of him at the Price of Seventeen Guineas;..but before I took Liverance of him (as it is called) I had him run along a little in his Halter.1855Robinson Whitby Gloss., Livverance, liberation, departure.1869Lonsdale Gloss., Liverance delivery.




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