

单词 yoni
释义 yoni|ˈjəʊnɪ|
A figure or symbol of the female organ of generation as an object of veneration among the Hindus and others. Hence ˈyonic a.
1799Asiatick Researches III. 363 The navel of Vishnu, by which they mean the os tincæ, is worshipped as one and the same with the sacred yóni.1879M. Macfie Relig. Parall. 27 The yonic or moon-worshippers of Chaldea... The yonic symbolism professed by their remote ancestors in Turkestan, who were originally worshippers of the female principle.1906Whatham in Amer. Jrnl. Relig. & Psychol. II. 44 In nature-worship, all natural orifices were reverenced as representing the yoni of the mother-earth goddess.




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