

单词 local
释义 I. local, a. and n.|ˈləʊkəl|
Also 5–6 localle, 5–7 locall, 6 locale.
[a. F. local (= Sp., Pg. local, It. locale), ad. L. locāl-is, f. loc-us place.]
A. adj.
1. a. Pertaining to or concerned with ‘place’ or position in space. Now chiefly in local situation.
1485Caxton Chas. Gt. 1 And also in recountyng of hye hystoryes the comune vnderstondyng is better content to the ymag[i]nacion local than to symple auctoryte to which it is submysed.Ibid. Envoy 250 The ymagynacion locall.1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. iv. xvii. (1634) 675 marg., A local presence of the body of Christ.1590Shakes. Mids. N. v. i. 17 (1st Qo. Fisher 1600) G 3 The Poets penne turnes them to shapes, And giues to ayery nothing, a locall habitation, And a name.1659Pearson Creed (1839) 335 As to a local descent into the infernal parts they all agree.1706W. Jones Syn. Palmar. Matheseos 46 Some of these Powers have borrowed their Denominations from Local Extension.1777Priestley Matt. & Spir. (1782) I. xix. 231 The Cartesians..maintain..that spirits have no extension, nor local presence.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) VI. 341 The local situation of the lands devised.1862Stanley Jew. Ch. (1877) I. v. 109 This change of local situation was at once a change of moral condition.
b. Having the attribute of ‘place’ or spatial position. Obs.
1533Frith Answ. More (1548) 55 Y⊇ Lord, whiche to shewe his humanite to be locall (that is to saye: contained in one place onely) dyd saye vnto his disciples. I ascende vnto my father.Ibid. 55 b, Howe dyd he ascende in to heauen, but because he is locall and a very man.1565Jewel Replie Harding's Answ. vi. 348 His [Harding's] answeare is, that Christes bodie is Local onely in one place.1577tr. Bullinger's Decades (1592) 734 Angels peraduenture at this daie are more aptly saide to bee locall or in place not circumscriptiuely, but definitiuely.1621Burton Anat. Mel. ii. ii. iii. (1651) 246 [They] will have Hell a materiall and local fire in the center of the earth.1718Prior Solomon i. 564 A higher flight the venturous goddess tries, Leaving material worlds, and local skies.1729Swift Direct. Birthday Song 272 That sound divine the truth has spoke all, And pawn'd his word, Hell is not local.
c. local motion, movement from place to place, motion of translation, locomotion. Obs.
1561Eden Arte Nauig. i. viii. 10 The elementes are..moueable by locall motion.1644Digby Nat. Bodies xxiii. 208 Zoophytes..that is such creatures as though they goe not from place to place, and so cause a locall motion of their whole substance, yet in their partes, they haue a distinct and articulate motion.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. v. 831 It is certain, that cogitation, (phancy, intellection, and volition) are no local motions.1707Curios. in Husb. & Gard. 34 Plants have no local or progressive Motion.
d. Grammar. Relating to place or situation.
1842Jelf Greek Gram. II. 230 [heading] Local Dative.1845Ibid. I. 296 [Adverbs] are divided into a. Local,..b. Temporal,..c. Modal [etc.].Ibid. 298 The Local adverbs in ει, as..ἐκεῖ.1889E. A. Sonnenschein Lat. Gram. §348 Local Clauses. (Clauses of Place.)
e. Psychol. local sign (after G. localzeichen): that element in a sensation which is the basis of our instinctive judgement as to its locality.
1874Sully Sensation & Intuition 70. 1884 Bosanquet tr. Lotze's Metaph. 490.
2. a. Belonging to a particular place on the earth's surface; pertaining to or existing in a particular region or district.
local time: the time of day or night reckoned from the instant of transit of the mean sun over the local meridian.
14..in Myrr. our Ladye p. xxi, Priuileges ordynary iniunccions localle statutes laudable custons decrees & al other ordynaunces.1612Selden Illustr. Drayton's Poly-olb. i. init., If in Prose and Religion it were as iustifiable, as in Poetry and Fiction, to inuoke a Locall power..I would therin ioyne with the Author.1687in Magd. Coll. & Jas. II (O.H.S.) 112 That College had the Bishop of Winchester for their Visitor Local.1740Pitt æneid viii. 461 The Swains the Local Majesty rever'd.1792Anecd. W. Pitt II. xxix. 125, I have no local attachments; it is indifferent to me, whether a man was rocked in his cradle on this side or that side of the Tweed.1833Herschel Astron. iii. 139 Two observatories..provided with accurate means of determining their respective local times.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. v. I. 612 note, Oldmixon, who was a boy at Bridgewater when the battle was fought,..was so much under the influence of local passions that his local information was useless to him.1868Gladstone Juv. Mundi ii. (1870) 31 The name Γραῖα..is only a local name of a settlement of..Boeotians.1891E. Peacock N. Brendon II. 313 Mr. Yeo, the local lawyer.1968H. Franklin Crash i. 9 Our estimated time of arrival at Cairo is 17.45 local time, 15.45 G.M.T.1973‘E. Ferrars’ Small World of Murder ii. 20 She had not adjusted her watch to local time.1974‘A. Haig’ Peruvian Printout 99 Arrive Lima 0730hrs local time.
b. With restrictive force: Limited or peculiar to a particular place or places.
1615G. Sandys Trav. 170 Those ceremonies that are not locall, I willingly omit.1781Cowper Retirement 119 Truth is not local, God alike pervades And fills the world of traffic and the shades.1811Henry & Isabella I. 3 Her ideas were as local as Andrew's; and they neither of them seemed likely to disturb the brain of the other.1860Motley Netherl. (1868) I. i. 5 The importance of the struggle would have been more local and temporary.1871Morley Carlyle in Crit. Misc. Ser. i. (1878) 189 That letter (of the moral law) read in our own casual and local interpretation.
c. Belonging to a town or some comparatively small district, as distinct from the state or country as a whole. local government, the administration of the affairs of a town (or other limited area) by its inhabitants, as distinguished from such administration by the state at large. local authority, an administrative body in local government (cf. authority 3). Also attrib.
local board: in England and Wales spec. (see quots. 1863 and 1901). Local Government Board: a department of State established in 1871, to act as the central authority for Local Government in England and Wales.
1688Connect. Col. Rec. (1859) III. 439 The law that doth confirm or locall lawes.1776Adam Smith W.N. v. i. (1869) II. 402 The local or provincial expenses of which the benefit is local or provincial..ought to be no burden upon the general revenue of the Society.1786Burke W. Hastings Wks. 1842 II. 191 He the said Warren Hastings hath left the said troops, by his new treaty, without any local controul.1818Hallam Mid. Ages (1872) I. 128 Such is the national importance which a merely local privilege may sometimes bestow.1844H. H. Wilson Brit. India III. 279 The local government was involved in a discussion with the Supreme Court at the Presidency.1861Mill Repr. Govt. xv. 273 Things..which would be best left to local authorities if there were any whose authority extended to the entire metropolis.1861Ibid. 278 Among the duties classed as local, or performed by local functionaries, there are many which might with equal propriety be termed national.1863H. Cox Instit. iii. ix. 732–3 In the places and districts in which the [Local Government] Act is adopted, it is carried into execution by local Boards..The local Boards have extensive powers of undertaking and regulating the drainage and cleansing of towns, the suppression of nuisances, and similar matters of police.1880E. Robertson in Encycl. Brit. XI. 21 Local government repeats on a small scale the features of the supreme government, but its business is chiefly judicial and administrative.1897Lancet 20 Feb. 537/1 [A Bill] which has for its object the superannuation of the officers and servants of local authorities. This latter term has a wide significance, as it includes practically all local bodies having sanitary and parochial functions, outside boards of guardians and other authorities, to which the Poor Law Officers Superannuation Act of last session relates.1901Fairlie Munic. Administr. 69 An important change..was made by the Local Government Act of 1894..The urban local boards are called Urban District Councils, and the term of office of the councillors is fixed at three years.1909Daily Chron. 22 July 5/3 There would soon be a growth in the number of local authority training colleges.1937Discovery Jan. p. viii, The difficulty of persuading local authorities to provide funds.1956J. M. Richards in A. Pryce-Jones New Outl. Mod. Knowl. 380 The best British local-authority housing.1972M. Gilbert Body of Girl iv. 40 We put her into a local authority home..and she stayed there until she was fourteen.1973Inverness Courier 31 July 4/4 It was noted with regret that a teacher from Kingussie High had been offered, but turned down, a local authority house, and it was left with the Clerk to tell the county housing factor.
d. In various specific collocations. local call, a telephone call within a prescribed area around a telephone exchange (opp. a long-distance call); local cluster Astr., a cluster of stars (within the Galaxy) to which the sun belongs; also = local group; local examination, the name given to certain examinations of boys and girls, held in a number of different places under the direction of a central board at one of the Universities; local exchange (see quot. 1940); local group (also with capital initials) Astr., the cluster of about twenty galaxies to which our own galaxy belongs; also = local cluster; local line, a railway line used by local or stopping trains (opp. main line); local paper, a newspaper distributed only in a certain area and usu. featuring local, as distinct from national, news; local preacher (among the Methodists), a layman who is authorized to preach in the district in which he resides, as distinguished from the ordained itinerant ministers; local radio, radio that serves a local area only; local rank (see quot. 1876); local room U.S., the reporters' room in a newspaper office; local supercluster or local supergalaxy Astr., a supercluster to which it is thought the ‘local group’ belongs; local talent, talented people, spec. (colloq.) the attractive women, in a particular locality; local veto: the prohibition of the sale of liquors in a district, under the system of local option (see e); hence the nonce-wds. local-vetoist, local-vetoism.
1927E. Murray Post Office viii. 138 A fixed annual charge for the installation together with a uniform fee for each effective local call.1975D. Bagley Snow Tiger xv. 124 The exchange has a bank of batteries... We're all right for local calls.
1922H. S. Jones Gen. Astron. xiv. 359 We must therefore conclude that our stellar universe has a longest diameter of at least 300,000 light-years... It seems probable that the Sun is near the centre of a large local cluster situated eccentrically in this larger system.1938W. M. Smart Stellar Dynamics i. 2 There is some evidence that the stars in the neighbourhood of the sun form a loose cluster—known as the local cluster—with characteristics of distribution somewhat different from those of the galactic system as a whole.1971New Scientist 29 July 245/1 The Supergalaxy is, in turn, composed of smaller clusters of galaxies, including the local cluster of about a dozen members, our Galaxy being one of them.
1858Exam. Students Not Members Univ. Camb. 15 Notice for Local Examinations.18614th Ann. Rep. Delegacy (Local Exam.) 1 The Oxford Local Examinations for the year 1861 commenced on Tuesday, May 28.
1940Chambers's Techn. Dict. 507/2 Local exchange, the exchange to which a given subscriber has a direct line.
1918J. C. Kapteyn in Astrophysical Jrnl. XLVII. 106 Within this boundary the B0-B5 stars are about 12 times and the B8-B9 stars about 5·7 times more numerous than in the surrounding regions. This alone proves..that we have to do with a local group which probably does not extend in depth much farther than it does laterally.1922H. S. Jones Gen. Astron. xiv. 359 On the above hypothesis it must be assumed that the B-type stars belong mainly to the local group, for stars of this type do not increase in number with decreasing apparent magnitude as rapidly as do other types.1936E. Hubble Realm of Nebulæ vi. 125 The known members of the ‘local group’ are the galactic system with the Magellanic Clouds as its two companions; M31 with M32 and NGC 205 as its companions; M33, NGC 6822 and 1C 1613.1939Skilling & Richardson Astron. xvii. 543 The two large spirals.., M31 and M33, belong to what Hubble calls the Local Group of nebulae.1965Listener 2 Dec. 891/2 The Andromeda Spiral and the [Magellanic] Clouds belong to what is termed the ‘local group’.1971D. W. Sciama Mod. Cosmol. iii. 40 They [sc. galaxies] show considerable clustering, ranging from pairs of galaxies through clusters with fifteen or twenty members like the local group, up to clusters such as the one in Virgo containing several thousand galaxies.
1869Bradshaw's Railway Manual XXI. 86 The question was accordingly referred to the arbitration of Captain Galton, who decided that the Midland might work the local line with Cheltenham..but that it ought not to work the main line.1967G. F. Fiennes I tried to run a Railway iv. 43 At Seven Kings we went down the local line.
1837Dickens Pickw. xlix. 532 If it gets into one of the local papers, it will be the making of me.1883Local paper [see paper n. 8].1947G. Greene 19 Stories 78 No book-shops, just Film Fun and the local paper.1967R. Rendell New Lease of Death ix. 88 Elizabeth Crilling sat..reading the Situations Vacant in last week's local paper.
1772Wesley Wks. (1872) III. 476 A Justice levied a fine on a Local Preacher, on pretence of the Conventicle Act.1885Min. Wesleyan Confer. 369 Our supply of Ministers is drawn from our Local-preachers.
1966Economist 1 Oct. 22/2 That aim should be the creation of a legal framework within which it would be possible to establish, without subsidy, a large number of low-powered local radio transmitting stations.1971Guardian 17 Nov. 10/6 The real question..is whether local radio can make a good profit and still be local radio.1974Ibid. 23 Mar. 10/1 Capital Radio, the general commercial radio in London..[is] in competition with four BBC networks and BBC Local Radio.
1876Voyle & Stevenson Milit. Dict. (ed. 3) 327 Local rank, the rank given to an officer in her Majesty's service serving in a foreign land with other troops, whereby he is placed in his proper position, as regards equality of rank, with those officers whose first commissions are of the same date, but who have been more fortunate in promotion.
1890Scribner's Monthly Aug. 157/2 We were all talking about it one night..in the local room.1903E. L. Shuman Pract. Journalism 90 Almost the only open door to the editorial room is through the local room.1948Chicago Tribune iv. 18 Jan. 2/3 The usual banter that goes on in a local room after presstime.
1958Nature 29 Nov. 1479/2 We assume that the local supercluster is in a state of differential rotation and differential expansion about its centre in the Virgo cluster.1971New Scientist 29 July 245/1 They analyse the distribution, first of normal bright galaxies known to belong to a local supercluster of galaxies, and then of quasars and some peculiar galaxies.
1953Astron. Jrnl. LVIII. 30 (heading) Evidence for a local supergalaxy.1974Encycl. Brit. Macropædia VII. 830/1 Evidence found in the early 1950s gave strong support to the concept of a ‘local supergalaxy’.
1947M. Gilbert Close Quarters xii. 175 You can play darts and engage the local talent in gossip.1972R. Quilty Tenth Session 138 He's not the sort who would import local talent just for the hell of it.1975Times 18 Feb. 13/3 So much ‘local’ talent, so much unearthed by chance... Is the crafts revival the illustration of the desire for independence and self-sufficiency?
1894Sir W. Lawson in Westm. Rev. 27 Sept. 4/3 What would happen if they, the Local Vetoists, got their bill?1900A. J. Balfour in Daily News 29 May 2/5 Perhaps the hon. baronet would reverse his opinion about the infallibility of democracies, or even of local vetoism.
e. local option. The right granted by the legislature of a country or state to the inhabitants of each particular district to decide whether the trade in liquor shall be prohibited within the district. Hence occas. by extension, the principle of allowing localities to decide for themselves whether they will accept or reject certain regulations. Hence local optionism, the principle of local option; local optionist, an advocate of local option.
1878Samuelson Hist. Drink 218 note, The tendency of legislation seems to be towards ‘local option’ or ‘permissive prohibition’.1880Daily News 28 Jan. 2/4 The Home Rulers, the Teetotallers, the Local Optionists.1882Encycl. Brit. XIV. 688/2 Those celebrated ‘local option laws’ which are in force in some of the United States.Ibid. 689/1 Such laws are in force in Massachusetts, New Jersey (which had the Chatham Local Option Law of 1871), New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Vermont.1882M. Arnold Irish Ess. 174 Measures like that for granting Local Option, as it is called, for doing away the addiction of our lower class to their porter and their gin.1901Scotsman 28 Feb. 6/3 The reluctance of the Welsh and Midland miners to admit the principle of local option.
3. Law. (In renderings of the AF. phrases chose local, trespas local.)
1598Kitchin Courts Leet 180 b, Pur ceo que le chose est local, & annex al franketeñ.1607J. Cowell Interpr. s.v. Chose, Chose locall is such a thing as is annexed to a place. For example: a mill is chose locall. [With reference to Kitchin.]1708Termes de la Ley 419 An Action of Trespass for Battery, is transitory and not local, and therefore the place need not be..set down in the Declaration.1727–41Chambers Cycl. s.v. Trespass, Trespass local is that which is so annexed to the place certain, that if the defendant join issue upon a place, and traverse the place mentioned in the declaration, and aver it; it is enough to defeat the action.
4. Pertaining to a particular place in a system, series, etc., or to a particular portion of an object.
a. Pertaining to, or affecting, a particular part or organ of the body. Chiefly Med., of diseases, ailments, etc., and hence of remedies which are applied to such ailments.
1541R. Copland Guydon's Formul. R ij b, The fyrste shal be of the locall remedyes of hote apostemes.1543Traheron Vigo's Chirurg. 25 b/2 The doctours make no mention of locale medicines in these diseases.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. iv. v. 244 Tell me you Heauens, in which part of his body Shall I destroy him? Whether there, or there, or there, That I may giue the locall wound a name.1667Milton P.L. xii. 387 Dream not of thir fight, As of a Duel, or the local wounds Of head or heel.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Local Medicaments, those Remedies that are apply'd outwardly to a particular Place, or Part; as Plaisters, Salves, Ointments, etc.1804Abernethy Surg. Obs. 145, I employed only local means for their cure.1813J. Thomson Lect. Inflam. 179 The Local or Topical treatment of inflammation.1834Cycl. Pract. Med. III. 49/1 The symptoms may be considered as local and general, the local being, principally, pain, tenderness, and tumefaction; the general, fever [etc.].1874Sully Sensation & Intuition 56 The exquisite delicacy of local sensibility, especially that of the retina.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VII. 11 A local inflammation or hæmorrhage.
b. Electricity and Magnetism. local action, action between different parts of a plate in an electric battery as distinguished from the general action of the battery. local attraction (see quot. 1867). local battery, local circuit (see quot. 1868). local current, a current set up by local action; also, a current in a local circuit. local oscillator (Radio and Television), an oscillator in a receiver that generates oscillations (local oscillations) with which an incoming signal is heterodyned.
1841Brande Man. Chem. (ed. 5) 297 In the common battery..much local action takes place upon the zinc plates without contributing to the circulating forces.1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., Local attraction, the effect of the iron in a ship on her compasses; it varies with the position of a compass in a ship, also with that of a ship on the earth's surface, and with the direction of the ship's head.1868Culley Handbk. Telegr. (ed. 3) 169 Local circuit, one which includes only the apparatus in the office, and is closed by a relay... Local [battery], the battery of a local circuit.1876Preece & Sivewright Telegraphy 101 We then work by local currents.Ibid., A local battery.Ibid. 102 In flowing through R′ it..completes the local circuit by which the local current flows from L′B′ through M′. [1908R. A. Fessenden in Electrician 4 Sept. 787/2 The heterodyne receiver, in which a local field of force actuated by a continuous source of high-frequency oscillations interacts with a field produced by the received oscillations and creates beats of an audible frequency.]1913Proc. IRE July 102 In the apparatus using a local oscillation generator in combination with a standard rectifier receiver electrical beats are produced and utilized.1919R. Stanley Text-bk. Wireless Telegr. (new ed.) II. viii. 143 With an independent local oscillator C.W. reception can take place with very loosely coupled circuits.1931[see heterodyne a.].1967Wharton & Howorth Princ. Telev. Reception v. 74 The function of the mixer is to multiply together the received and local oscillator signals so as to produce an output at the intermediate frequency.1972Sci. Amer. Feb. 76/1 Radio telescopes receive signals that are at too high a frequency to be recorded directly on magnetic tape. Independent local oscillators must therefore be used to ‘heterodyne’ the radio-frequency signal..to a much lower intermediate frequency.
c. Arith. local value: that value (of a numeral figure) that depends on its place or serial position.
1853Barn. Smith Arith. & Algebra (1857) 2 All numbers have a simple or intrinsic value, and also a local value.
d. Photogr. local reduction (see quot.).
1892Bothamley Ilford Man. Photogr. viii. 68 Local reduction (i.e. reduction of parts of the image) can be effected by..applying a very weak solution of the ferricyanide.
e. local colour: (a) Painting. The colour which is natural to each object or part of a picture independently of the general colour-scheme or the distribution of light and shade. (Now usu. collect. sing.: formerly the pl. was used.) (b) Hence, in works of art or literature: The representation in vivid detail of the characteristic features of a particular period or country (e.g. manners, dress, scenery, etc.), in order to produce an impression of actuality. (c) Something picturesque in itself. Also local colouring, local colourist.
1721Bailey, Local Colours, in painting, are such as are natural and proper for each particular Object in a Picture.1782J. T. Dillon tr. Mengs' Sk. Art Paint. 76 The local tints of the flesh, in every part are admirably diversified.Ibid. 80 If Titian was happy in his tints, and the local colour of his objects, Correggio..exceeded him in [etc.].1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) XIII. 599/2 The happy dispositions of colours both proper and local.1821Craig Lect. Drawing i. 15 The objects were all drawn..with a pen and..then thinly washed over with indications of their local colours.1854Chambers's Jrnl. 7 Jan. 8/2 Local colouring—couleur locale—is a modern expression signifying the accordance..of the adjuncts in a work of art..with the..subject.1859Gullick & Timbs Paint. 8 The local colour, which is the self colour of an object, and what we mean when we talk of a ‘red coat’ or a ‘green field’.1884Sat. Rev. 22 Nov. 666/2 There are [in Doris] some capital pictures of the times of landlord shooting..without any⁓thing Irish in character, or dialogue, or local colour.1904F. M. Colby Imaginary Obligations 7 Stupendous ‘local color’ work going on at every railway junction, and you heed it not.1912A. T. Slosson (title) A local colorist.1934Amer. Speech IX. 111/2 Villages with ‘local color’.1949A. Huxley Let. 6 Mar. (1969) 593 About the country in which they lived you might consult, for local colour, a travel book by..Freya Stark.1959Listener 15 Oct. 616/1 [Henry] James never needed such ironic advice, since he was not a local colourist.
5. Pertaining to places (in the geographical sense) or to an individual place as such.
1605Camden Rem., Surnames (1614) 112 The most surnames in number, the most ancient, and of best account, haue bene local, deduced from places in Normandie and the coyntries confining.1857R. Morris (title) The Etymology of Local Names.Mod. One of the most trustworthy of local etymologists.
6. Math. Pertaining to a locus. local problem, a problem in which the object is to determine a geometrical locus.
1704Harris Lex. Techn., Local Problem.a1865Sir W. R. Hamilton Elem. Quatern. (1899) I. 39 The degree of the function f, or of the local equation, marks (as before) the order of the curve [etc.].
B. n. (absol. use of the adj.)
1. a. A person who is attached by his occupation, function, etc. to some particular place or district; an inhabitant of a particular locality. Chiefly pl.
1835Hood Poetry, Prose, & Worse xxxv, How sweet to be drawn for the locals By songs setting valour a-gog.1891‘H. Haliburton’ Ochil Idylls 148 Gang freely, fishers, by their banks, Baith foreign loons an' locals.1900Westm. Gaz. 16 Mar. 1/3 He has been what is known in the legal world as a ‘local’—that is, he has confined his practice to courts of Lancashire, and has not taken up a professional abode in London.1901H. G. Hutchinson in Longm. Mag. July 236 We go to some ‘rough’ as the locals call it—ground of long grass..giving fine protection for partridges.
b. esp. A local preacher (see A. 2 d).
1824Carr Craven Dial. Gloss. 90 Local, a local preacher amongst the Methodists.1889T. E. Brown Manx Witch, etc. 121 He cudn go on by the hour Like these Locals.
2. Something local.
a. An item of local interest in a newspaper; collect., local news, matter of local interest.
a1869W. Carleton Farm Ballads, Editor's Guest 36 So long as the paper was crowded with ‘locals’ containing their names.1888Barrie When a Man's Single (1900) 17/1 There's a column of local coming in, and a concert in the People's Hall.
b. A postage-stamp current only in a certain district.
c. U.S. Postal matter bearing an address locally used but not known generally.
1870Routledge's Ev. Boy's Ann. Feb. Suppl. 3/1 The apparently interminable Russian locals.1873Ibid. Jan. Suppl. 4 Russian and Egyptian Locals.1882U.S. Offic. Postal Guide 681 Locals and nixes. Matter addressed to places which are not post offices is unmailable.
d. Telegraphy. A local battery or circuit (see A. 4 b).
1875Knight Dict. Mech.
e. A local train; a train which serves the stations of a particular district, or which stops at all or most of the stations on a line (opp. an express train).
1879Webster Suppl., Local..an accommodation railway train, which receives and deposits passengers and freight along the line of the road.1902Strand Mag. Jan. 74/2 He boarded the local in the morning.1955Auden Shield of Achilles i. 21 Any junction at which you leave the express For a local that swerves off soon into a cutting.1975S. Johnson Urbane Guerilla i. 21 The downtown local was already at the platform.
f. A local examination (see A. 2 d).
1893Athenæum 4 Feb. 157/3 This [book] is intended mainly for students preparing for..the University Locals.
g. A local branch of a trade union. N. Amer.
1888Nation (N.Y.) 3 May 356/3 The Knights of Labor have locals of engineers and firemen.1911M. W. Ovington Half a Man 98 Strong organizations in the South, as the bricklayers, send men North with union membership, who easily transfer to New York locals.1949Newsweek 18 Apr. 29/1 The local announced..miners would refuse to work in the pits with him.1967Boston Herald 1 Apr. 1/7 Nicholas P. Morrissey, New England regional director of the Teamsters Union, said Boston Local 25 will vote Sunday at 10 a.m. in the Charlestown armory.1971D. Ramsay Little Murder Music 121 Statement of Detective Anthony Crawley, deputed to question members of Local 6, American Federation of Musicians.1972Evening Telegram (St. John's, Newfoundland) 24 June 3/2 A trawler..had taken aboard approximately 100,000 pounds of fish, according to Jack Dodd, president of the fishermen's local.
h. (Usu. the local.) The public house in the immediate neighbourhood. colloq.
1934Evening News 11 Sept. 10/1 After a modest beer or two at the ‘local’, bedtime calls about nine o'clock.1937‘T. Shy’ in L. Russell Press Gang! 178 What about a snort at the local?1943R.A.F. Jrnl. Aug. 4 Someone..has done him a good turn by..standing him a drink in the ‘local’.1954L. M. Boston Children of Green Knowe 120 The story about it is widespread. It has been told me in much the same form in different ‘locals’ all over the country.1957J. Braine Room at Top x. 92 The Siege Gun was our local.1970G. Greer Female Eunuch 142 Women don't nip down to the local.

Add:[A.] [2.] [d.] local area network Computing, a network by means of which computers are enabled to communicate with each other, the quality of communication being higher than that achieved in wide area networks because of the relative proximity of the computers, which are typically in the same building or on the same site.
1977A. R. West in Special Publ. Nat. Bureau Standards (U.S.) No. 500–31 (heading) *Local area networks at Queen Mary College.1978Proc. IEEE LXVI. 1497/2 The first local area networks evolved in environments in which the distances to be spanned..were within the range of inexpensive high-speed digital communication technologies.1985Which Computer? Apr. 57/3 The other product line it developed was the Polynet local area network.1991Mod. Power Syst. Sept. 47/1 The new plant needed a system..that offered..digital event logging to a host computer over a local area network.

Add:[B.] [1.] c. Finance (orig. U.S.). An independent trader in options or futures who acts on his or her own account.
1969R. J. Teweles et al. Commodity Futures Trading Guide ii. 25 Floor traders trading for their own accounts are sometimes referred to as ‘locals’.1975G. Gold Mod. Commodity Futures (rev. ed.) vii. 58 Floor traders who trade for their own account are known as ‘scalpers’ or ‘locals’.1984Times 19 May 23/3 Liffe needs more ‘locals’—private investors—to give it a more speculative flavour.1986Times 14 Jan. 17/7 For a maximum fee of {pstlg}10,000 individuals could become trading members of the market [sc. the London Commodity Exchange], opening the way to locals on the American pattern.Ibid. 18 Dec. 24/4 Some 60 locals do business on the London International Financial Futures Exchange.1995Independent 6 Mar. 17/2 For seven years her husband, Fergus, was a ‘local’ on the Liffe exchange, trading on his own account, which means with his own money.
[2.] i. Short for ‘local anaesthetic’ (see sense 4 a of the adj.).
1961in Webster.1970‘J. Herriot’ If only they could Talk xxv. 153 A few c.c.'s of local in there and I could twist it off easily with the spoons.1971D. Francis Bonecrack vii. 93 He..shot the freezing local in Indigo's near fore.1978Rugby World Apr. 21 A player with severe toothache had to be given a ‘local’ before the match.1988J. McInerney Story of My Life xii. 181 I've heard they give you Demerol.., but the doctor says for outpatients all they recommend is a local.
II. local, v. Scots Law.|ˈləʊkəl|
[f. local a.]
trans. ‘To apportion an increase of salary to a minister among different landholders’ (Jam.); to lay the charge of such stipend on or upon a landholder or his land.
1593Sc. Acts Jas. VI (1816) IV. 34/1 To locall sufficient stipendis.1695J. Sage Fund. Charter Wks. (1844) I. 248 The Earl of Morton..had flattered the Church out of their possession of the thirds of the benefices,..promising instead thereof localled stipends upon the ministers.a1768[see locality 5 b].1808Act 48 Geo. III, c. 138 §14 The Right of any Heritor to surrender his valued Teind in place of subjecting his Lands, to the Amount of the Stipend localled upon them, shall not be taken away.1816Scott Antiq. xix, A clause, which had occurred in a process for localling his last augmentation of stipend.1872Bell's Princ. Law Scot. §1162 (ed. 6) 496 The localling or apportioning of the burden on the unexhausted teind is under the jurisdiction of the Court of Session as Commissioners of Teinds.1877in Cases Crt. Session 4th Ser. IV. 1127 The proceedings shewed that at this time there was sufficient free teind without localling on heritors who had heritable rights.Ibid., The lands were localled on for stipend in an interim locality in 1853.1880Law Rep., App. Cases V. 249 A scheme of locality was prepared, D lodged objections to the scheme in so far as it localled minister's stipend on eighty-one acres of his land.




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