

单词 youthhead
释义 youthhead Chiefly Sc.|ˈjuːθhɛd|
Forms: 3 ȝuðhede, 4 ȝouþehede, -heed, ȝouthhede, yhouthede, ȝuthed, 4–5 ȝowthed(e, -eid, youthed(e, 4–6 ȝouthed(e, -eid, 5 yowthid, ȝowthehede, youtheed, (yuȝhed), 5–6 ȝowthheid, youtheid, yowthed, 6 ȝouthhed, ȝhouthhed, yowth(h)eid, ȝeutheid, yutheid, ȝowcht-heid, youitheid, 6, 8 ȝouthheid, arch. 8 youthhede, 9 -hed, 9 youth-head, youthhead (Sc. -heid).
[f. youth + -head.]
1. The state of youth, youngness: = youth 1.
c1220Bestiary 55 Wu he neweð his ȝuðhede, hu he cumeð ut of elde.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints ii. (Paulus) 862 Quhare hele beis ay but seknes, Ȝouthed but eld or wrechitnes.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 3 Till enforme ȝour ȝouthede of mony syndry knaulagis.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. (Rolls) I. 67 Ȝouthheid is without ressoun or ryme.c1560A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) xvi. 50 Quha wald the rege of ȝowtheid dant.c1730Ramsay Some of the Contents vi, Quhen eild and spyte takis place of ȝouthheids flame.1819Scott Let. to Cornet W. Scott 3 Dec. in Lockhart, Mamma and the girls are quite well, and so is Master Charles, who is of course more magnificent, as being the only specimen of youthhead at home.
2. The time of youth, adolescence: = youth 2.
a1300Cursor M. 3592 Quen þai it [sc. eld] haue þai are vnfayn, And wald ha youthed þan again.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xiv. (Lucas) 3 In his ȝouthede leyrit he In antyoche leche to be.c1440Gesta Rom. lxix. 317 (Harl. MS.) My lord god, þat hast y-kept me fro my ȝowthede, kepe me now in þis hour.1526Extr. Burgh Rec. Stirling (1887) 29 He was within youitheid and of mynor aige.1588A. King tr. Canisius' Catech. k iv, All the iust men, florising in thair ȝouthheid.1798H. Macneill Scot. Muse xiv, Year after year in youtheid's prime, Wander he will, frae clime to clime.1814Southey Roderick xvii. 17 The children, free In youthhead's happy season from all cares.1826J. Wilson Noctes Ambr. Wks. 1856 I. 170 That never was Mr. North's character, even in lusty youth-head.
3. Youths collectively: = youth 5.
1562Winȝet Cert. Tractates Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 23, I iugeit the teching of the ȝouthed in vertew and science, nixt efter the auctoritie with the ministeris of iustice vnder it.1567Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 535 Privatlie or publictlie to instruct the youtheid.1848Tait's Mag. XV. 123 They are..guilty of having committed the education of ‘the youth⁓head’ of the country to men whom they consider disqualified.




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