

单词 logger
释义 I. logger, n.1 N. Amer.|ˈlɒgə(r)|
[f. log v. + -er1.]
1. One who fells timber or cuts it into logs; a lumberman.
1734New Hampsh. Prov. Papers (1870) IV. 840 Many Towns raising a generall Contribution among the Logers for him.1827J. F. Cooper Prairie II. i. 7 It will not be long before an accursed band of choppers and loggers will be following.1890W. J. Gordon Foundry 114 Life among the loggers..seems the very ideal of healthy independence.1900Chamb. Jrnl. Ser. vi. III. 681/2 One hundred and fifty-four thousand feet of timber, which an average gang of loggers would cut down in about eight days.
2. = data logger (datum 3).
1958L. E. C. Hughes Electronic Engineer's Ref. Bk. 832 Another service..by an automatic logger..is to provide the equivalent of the manuscript log of, say, temperatures in a much more useful form.1967Times Rev. Industry Apr. 63/3 The basic logger..can be connected to up to 20 data channels to monitor, for instance, the operation of a small process plant.
II. logger, n.2 dial.|ˈlɒgə(r)|
[app. a word invented as expressing by its sound the notion of something heavy and clumsy. Cf. log n.1 Although of late appearance in quots. it is prob. the source of loggerhead, loggery.]
a. A heavy block of wood fastened to the leg of a horse to prevent it straying (1777 in Eng. Dial. Dict.).
b. Lumps of dirt on a ploughboy's feet (Wiltsh. Gloss. 1893).
c. ‘Meat which is sinewy, skinny, lumpy, ‘chunky’, or not worth cooking’ (Warwicksh. Gloss. 1896).
III. logger, n.3|ˈlɒgə(r)|
In 5 logour, 9 loggar.
[? f. logger v.]
In pl. ‘Stockings without feet, tied up with garters and hanging down over the ankles’ (Jam.).
1489Ld. Treas. Acc. Scotl. (1877) I. 149 Item, for vii elne of quhyte to be logouris to the King, the tyme his leg wes sayre..xxviijs.
IV. ˈlogger, a. Obs. exc. dial.
[? Back-formation from loggerhead.]
Thick, heavy, stupid.
1675Cotton Scoffer Scoft 9 My head too heavy was, and logger, Ever to make a Pettifogger.1781J. Ripley Orig. Lett. xix. 100, I would have seized you by both ears..and given your logger head forty-five severe knocks against the pavement.1812P. Forbes Poems 73 (E.D.D.) Wow, man, ye'r like Davy Spence Wi' logger head.Ibid. 86 They sigh, an' shake their logger head, An' cry all's over!
V. logger, v. Sc. and dial.|ˈlɒgə(r)|
Also Sc. loggar.
[? An imitative formation; cf. log v. and -er5.]
intr. a. ‘To hang loosely and largely’ (Jam.). b. ‘To walk with a lax gait or in a loose-jointed, swaying fashion’ (Northumbld. Gloss. 1893). c. To shake as a wheel which has been loosened (Forby Voc. E. Anglia). Hence ˈloggerand ppl. a., ? straddling.
c1470Henryson Mor. Fab. xiii. (Frog & Mouse) vii, Hir loggerand leggis and her harsky hyde.




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