

单词 logistic
释义 logistic, a. and n.|ləˈdʒɪstɪk|
[ad. med.L. logisticus (whence F. logistique), ad. Gr. λογιστικός, f. λογίζεσθαι to reckon, reason, f. λόγος reckoning, account, reason: see logic, Logos.]
A. adj.
1. ? Pertaining to reasoning; logical. Obs.
1628Jackson Creed ix. vii. §6 Even the wisest..writers oft-times swallow such fallacies in historical narrations..as would be rejected..were they exhibited to them in the simplicity of language or logistic form.1644Bulwer Chirol. 5 Men that are borne deafe and dumbe; who can argue..rhetorically by signes, and with a kinde of mute and logistique eloquence overcome their amaz'd opponents.
2. Pertaining to reckoning or calculation.
1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Logist, one skill'd in the Logistick Science, i.e. the Art of Reckoning, or casting Account.1732Berkeley Alciphr. II. 115 The Algebraic Mark, which denotes the Root of a negative Square, hath its Use in Logistic Operations.
3. Math.
a. In logistic line, logistic spiral = logarithmic. Also = pertaining to a logarithmic curve, e.g. logistic semi-ordinate. logistic curve: a logarithmic curve; also [after F. logistique (P.-F. Verhulst 1845, in Nouv. Mém. de l'Acad. R. des Sci. et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles XVIII. 8)], a curve described by the equation y = K/(1 + Aea-bt), where K, A, a, and b are constants, which approximates an exponential curve for small values of t, has a point of inflexion at t = a/b, and as t increases approaches y = K asymptotically. Hence logistic growth, logistic law, etc.
b. logistic logarithms: logarithms of sexagesimal numbers or fractions used in astronomical calculations.
c. logistic numbers (see quot. 1882).
1727–41Chambers Cycl., Logistic, or Logarithmic line, a curve so called, from its properties and uses, in constructing and explaining the nature of logarithms.Ibid., There may be infinite logistic spirals.Ibid. s.v. Quadrature, The space intercepted between the two logistic semiordinates.1785Hutton (title) Mathematical Tables; Containing the Common, Hyperbolic, and Logistic Logarithms.1834Nat. Philos., Astron. xii. 226/1 (U.K.S.) The proportional, or, as they are sometimes called, logistic logarithms.1882J. W. L. Glaisher in Encycl. Brit. XIV. 777/1 Logistic numbers is the old name for what would now be called ratios or fractions.1925G. U. Yule in Jrnl. R. Statistical Soc. LXXXVIII. 11 The logistic curve implies that, if we could plot the instantaneous percentage rate of increase of the population at any moment of time against the magnitude of the population, the resulting points should lie on a straight line, a line sloping downwards from left to right, since the rate of increase falls as the population increases.1928R. Pearl Rate of Living vii. 132 The growth of the stem follows a logistic curve.1930W. R. Inge Christian Ethics & Mod. Probl. v. 252 Professor Raymond Pearl, of Baltimore,..has evolved a theory that the growth of population follows what he calls a logistic curve, apparently independent of human volition.1947Jrnl. R. Statistical Soc. CX. 134 A most important..paper of Feller..on the application of Markoff processes to a series of population problems normally treated in a deterministic manner leading to exponential or logistic laws of growth.1969Sladen & Bang Biol. of Populations vi. 72 Pearl used the logistic equation of Verhulst, which is dN/dt = rN(K -N)/K. The first part, dN/dt = rN, is the exponential equation for growth. K is a constant concerned with realization of the potential, and N is the number of individuals in the population.1974Encycl. Brit. Macropædia XIV. 831/1 (caption) Logistic growth of a laboratory population of the small fruit fly.
d. Of or pertaining to mathematical or symbolic logic.
1918C. I. Lewis Survey Symbolic Logic vi. 343 The logistic method is..applicable to any sufficiently coördinated body of exact knowledge.1934Mind XLIII. 101 First, he presents ‘the basic calculus of exact logic by the logistic method’.1963H. B. Curry Found. Math. Logic i. 21, I shall discuss breifly the three principal varieties of higher-order logistic calculus.
4. Connected with or pertaining to logistics (cf. logistics n. pl.2).
1934in Webster.1957Listener 14 Nov. 774/2 [Of local elections in Ethiopia] Everything had to be improvised; the logistic problems of this complicated terrain had to be solved as much as the psychological.1958Times 3 Nov. 11/7 When Montgomery, promised extra logistic support, fixed the date for Arnhem, Patton decided to get his forces so involved beyond the Moselle that Supreme Headquarters would find it impossible to find that extra support at his expense.1971Sci. Amer. Dec. 106/2 The Gombe Stream Centre, which arose from her work, is now a thriving institution with a dozen students and an entire little village of logistic and touristic support.
B. n.
1. A calculator. Obs.
1633W. Robinson in Rigaud Corr. Sci. Men (1841) I. 15 A more exact way..could not possibly be taken than by angles taken with a very large quadrant, and so good an artist and logistic as Snellius was.
2. Math. A logistic curve.
1727–41Chambers Cycl. s.v., The logistic will never concur with the axis, except at an infinite distance.Ibid., Quadrature of the Logistic.1773Horsley in Phil. Trans. LXIV. 245 The subtangent of the atmospherical logistic, is the length of a column of such a fluid as I have supposed.1925G. U. Yule in Jrnl. R. Statistical Soc. LXXXVIII. 5, I have relegated to Appendix II some discussion of the mathematics of the curve, which, following Verhulst, we may term a ‘logistic’.1928R. Pearl Rate of Living vii. 132 The seedling growth curves are slightly asymmetrical, but to a first approximation are sufficiently well graduated by the simple logistic y = K/(1 + ea+bx).1974Nature 3 May 12/3 In the absence of competition..the growth rate conforms to the logistic.
3. pl. (rarely sing.).
a. The art of arithmetical calculation; the elementary processes of calculation, as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
b. Logistical or sexagesimal arithmetic.
a.1656Blount Glossogr., Logistick, the Art of counting or reckoning, the practice of Arithmetick, or that part thereof which contains Addition, Substraction, Multiplication and Division.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Logisticks, the same as Logistical Arithmetick; but some apply the Term to signify the first general Rules in Algebra.1817Colebrooke Algebra, etc. 5 Paricarmáshtaca, eight operations, or modes of process: logistics or algorism.1884J. Gow Hist. Gk. Math. iii. 65 [Plato] is on many occasions careful to distinguish the vulgar logistic from the philosophical arithmetic.
b.1801Encycl. Brit. Suppl. II. 81 Logistics, or Logistical Arithmetic, a name sometimes employed for the arithmetic of sexagesimal fractions, used in astronomical computations.
c. (usu. sing.) Mathematical or symbolic logic (see quot. 1918).
[1905Philos. Rev. XIV. 445 A logical renaissance must be noted... I give it the name of ‘logistique’ from an old word which appears to be revived.Ibid. 453 In the ‘Logistique’ (the revival of the word was recognized by the congress) the presence alone of MM. Peano, Couturat, [etc.]..was sufficient to guarantee the interest and importance of the questions treated.]1918C. I. Lewis Survey Symbolic Logic i. 3 Logistic would not have served our purpose because ‘logistic’ is commonly used to denote symbolic logic together with the application of its methods to other symbolic procedures. Logistic may be defined as the science which deals with types of order as such. It is not so much a subject as a method.1933Mind. XLII. 117 Prof. Scholz writes throughout as an enthusiastic student of symbolic logic, or—to use the name more commonly employed on the Continent—Logistic.1936A. J. Ayer Lang., Truth & Logic iii. 88 The best-known example of such a symbolism [sc. artificial language symbolism] is the so-called system of logistic which was employed by Russell and Whitehead in their Principia Mathematica.1956A. Church Introd. Math. Logic (rev. ed.) I. 57 The word ‘logistic’..originally meant the art of calculation or common arithmetic. Its modern use for mathematical logic dates from the International Congress of Philosophy of 1904.1956E. H. Hutten Lang. Mod. Physics ii. 34 There are still people who believe that Gödel's theorem represents the ultimate failure of logic and mathematics. But, to paraphrase Mark Twain, the reports of the early demise of logistic are greatly exaggerated.




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