

单词 lolling
释义 I. lolling, vbl. n.1|ˈlɒlɪŋ|
[f. loll v.1 + -ing1.]
The action of loll v.1 a. Resting at one's ease, lounging. b. Thrusting out (the tongue).
a1550Image Ipocr. iv. in Skelton's Wks. (1843) ii. 446 With bowsinge and bollinge, With lillinge and lollinge.1699E. Ward Lond. Spy vii. (1702) 3 His Graceful Lolling in his Chariot.1770Burke Corr. (1844) I. 222 What if you gave up a few minutes of your lolling.1872Darwin Emotions xi. 261 How it is that lolling out the tongue universally serves as a sign of contempt and hatred.
attrib.1853Ecclesiologist XIV. 114 Two huge pews for the notabilities, and within these lolling-boxes are the fireplaces which warm the church.
II. ˈlolling, vbl. n.2
[f. loll v.2 + -ing2.]
The action of loll v.2, acting or preaching as a Lollard.
c1418Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 247 Under colour of suiche lollynge, To shape sodeyn surreccioun Agaynst oure liege lord kynge.
III. lolling, ppl. a.|ˈlɒlɪŋ|
[f. loll v.1 + -ing2.]
That lolls; reclining lazily; dangling, drooping. Of the tongue: Protruding and hanging down.
1567Turberv. Ovid's Epist. P v b, Marke out of order howe my lolling tresses flee.1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 263 He would sooner espye him to be an Asse by his lollyng eares, then a Lyon by his pawes.1587Turberv. Trag. Tales etc. 190 None in all the land, long lolling lockes do weare.1697Dryden Virg. æneid viii. 399 The triple Porter of the Stygian Seat, With lolling Tongue, lay fawning at thy Feet.1711Shaftesbury Charac. vi. iv. (1737) III. 371 One Hand..serving only to support, with much ado, the lolling lazy Body.1742Pope Dunc. iv. 337 A lazy, lolling sort..Of ever-listless Loit'rers.1825L. Hunt Redi's Bacchus in Tuscany 611 And now, Silenus, lend thy lolling ears.1849Kingsley Misc. (1860) II. 243 The silent hounds lying about.., their lolling tongues showing like bright crimson sparkles.1850Mrs. Browning An Island ix, Shut bells, that, dull with rapture, sink, And lolling buds, half shy.
b. Her. Of a hawk: With wings hanging down.
1688R. Holme Armoury ii. xi. 230/2 When Hawks feed they do generally hang down their Wings, which the Master of such kinds of Birds of Prey term (Lolling), therefore some from thence have blazoned this an Eagle lolling and feeding on his Prey: but that is needless, seeing they feed in this posture.1894Parker Gloss. Her., Lolling, a name rarely used for Preying.




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