

单词 longation
释义 I. lonˈgation Obs.
[ad. med.L. *longātiōn-em, n. of action f. longāre to prolong, f. longus long a.]
1. Lengthening, elongation.
1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 38/1 Strippe vp the skinne and the muscles, as well for the longation of the skinne, as lengtheninge of the Vaynes and Arteryes.
2. The longer process for transmuting metals.
1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. xiv. v. (1886) 301 In this art [Alcumystrie] there are two waies, the one called longation, the other curtation.1606N. Breton Sir P. Sydney's Ouránia K 2 b, With great expence and longation, Must come this metals alteration.1671H. M. tr. Erasm. Colloq. 259 Longation, and..Curtation.
II. longation
corrupt form of longanon.




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