

单词 looking
释义 I. looking, vbl. n.|ˈlʊkɪŋ|
[f. look v. + -ing1.]
1. a. The action of the vb. look; look, gaze.
c1175Lamb. Hom. 145 Þer scal beon..Lokinge wið-uten winkinge.a1225Ancr. R. 50 Vor nabbe ȝe nout þene nome..of tollinde lokinges.13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 1048 Þurȝ woȝe & wone my lokyng ȝede.c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 119 Crokidnes, or ellis lokynge asquynt of þe iȝen.a1450Knt. de la Tour (1868) 17 The eldest suster [was] for her highe and unferme loking forsaken.1567Gude & Godlie Ball. (S.T.S.) 74 The prydeful luking of my eine.c1592Marlowe Jew of Malta iii. i, Zoon's what a looking thou keep'st!a1716South Serm. (1823) IV. 318 Anger passes, in the gospel account, for murder; and looking and lusting, for adultery.1821Byron Heav. & Earth iii. 92 After long looking o'er the ocean wide.1861J. Edmond Childr. Ch. at Home ix. 138 Looking is seeing with attention.
Proverb.a1624Bp. M. Smith Serm. (1632) 154 By looking comes liking, you know the proverb.
b. With adverbs.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 86 b, Whiche for ones lokynge backwarde was turned in to a salt stone.1840Browning Sordello iii. 361 Which evidence you owed To some slight weariness, some looking-off Or start-away.1870J. H. Newman Gram. Assent ii. x. 412 A sensitive looking-out in all that happens..for tokens [etc.].
c. With prepositions, used absol., or advs. looking after, on, to, unto, care, attention; looking for, expectation; looking over, inspection. to give (a person) the looking on: to look on without interference or participation in his activity.
c1513More Rich. III (ed. Lumby) 33 The yonger, which besides his infancie that also nedeth good loking to, hath a while ben so sore diseased [etc.].1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 11 b, Or if the Frenche kinge warre upon Charles.., shall he geve them the lokyng on? [L. num ociosus erit spectator?]Ibid. 64 b, His advise and counsell, whiche unlesse they woulde folowe, he would gyve them the lokyng on.1611Bible Heb. x. 27 A certaine fearefull looking for of iudgement.1660H. More Myst. Godl. To Rdr. 21 To make the People believe..that Religion is worth the looking after.1722De Foe Plague (1840) 44 If any person visited do fortune by negligent looking unto..to come..from a place infected.1832Tennyson Miller's Dau. 241 That loss but made us love the more, With farther lookings on.1890‘Rolf Boldrewood’ Col. Reformer (1891) 328 My old horse..wants a bit of looking after now.1895R. Kipling in Pall Mall G. 29 July 2/1 Mowgli always attended a Looking-over.
d. looking-in Television = viewing vbl. n. Also attrib.
1926Daily Herald 31 Dec. 1/2 It is predicted that before many years have passed the family looking-in set will be as common in the home as is now the listening-in set.1927Pictorial Weekly 5 Mar. 101/2 ‘Looking-in’ on Mr. Baird's apparatus is an interesting experience.1951Ann. Reg. 1950 414 From America came alarming reports of the craze for looking-in.1957R. Hoggart Uses of Literacy vi. 156 An undiscriminating looking-in, night after night, at T.V.
2. Supervision, care, charge, custody. Obs.
a1300K. Horn 360 (Camb. MS.) Aylmar, þe gode kyng, Dude him on mi lokyng.1340Ayenb. 8 To ham þet habbeþ þe lokingge ous to teche.Ibid. 128 Þe zeneȝere is ase þe ilke þet is ine prison..and ine greate lokinge.
3. Decision, judgement. Obs.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 7409 Þat vpe þe popes lokinge of rome he ssolde it do.c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 86 Philip..askid if þei wild stand to þer lokyng.
4. Look, expression of countenance, appearance. Obs.
a1300Cursor M. 17288 + 108 His lokyng was als briȝt os is þe rede lempninge.1388Wyclif Dan. ii. 31 The lokyng [Vulg. intuitus] therof was ferdful.c1430Syr Gener. (Roxb.) 4707 Wene ye that hir louely looking Pleaseth vs any maner thing As it dooth you.1610Shakes. Temp. ii. i. 309 Why how now hoa; awake, why are you drawn? Wherefore this ghastly looking?
5. attrib.
1519W. Horman Vulg. 281 b, Order me a lokyng place in the play.1552Huloet, Lokynge place to se about, theatrum.1670Dryden 1st Pt. Conq. Granada iv. ii. Wks. 1883 IV. 94 But yet my toil May be rewarded with a looking-while.1843Marryat M. Violet xi, A dog would..squat upon his looking-out place.
II. looking, ppl. a.|ˈlʊkɪŋ|
[f. look v. + -ing2.]
1. That looks or gazes. rare. looking up: having an upward aspect or direction; sloping.
1649W. Blithe Eng. Improv. Impr. (1653) 63 The other [spade] may be Six Inches wide, whose Tree must be made more compass and looking up, by far, than your usuall Spades are.1722Ramsay Three Bonnets ii. 12, I scarce can trow my looking een, Ye're grown sae braw.
2. Forming combinations.
a. with a preceding adjective, substantive (now rare), or phrase. (See also good-looking, ill-looking.)
1590Shakes. Com. Err. v. i. 240 A needy, hollow-ey'd, sharpe-looking wretch.1756F. Brooke Old Maid No. 25. 213 A well looking old woman..asked from the upper window, who he pleased to want?1781F. Burney Diary Aug., I care not what looking horse I have; I never think of his appearance.1782Moritz in Brit. Tourist (1809) IV. 33 Paddington, a very village-looking little town, at the west end of London.1802M. Edgeworth Moral T. (1816) I. xviii. 148 A hard, stout looking man.1818Lady Morgan Autobiog. (1859) 249 The celebrity entered: a grave-looking elderly gentleman.1825Greenhouse Comp. II. 83 Phylica ericoides..a small heath-looking shrub from the Cape.1834Tait's Mag. I. 803/2 A book printed in a dull, muddy, everyday-looking type.1840Carlyle Heroes (1858) 360 Most rude, chaotic, all these Speeches are; but most earnest-looking.1881W. H. Mallock Romance 19th C. II. 5 He was a small dissipated-looking man.
b. with adverbs of direction: Having a certain aspect or direction.
1884Black Jud. Shakes. xx, There was a touch of it on the westward-looking gables of one or two cottages.




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