

单词 Lorentz
释义 Lorentz Physics.|ləˈrɛnts|
The name of H. A. Lorentz (1853–1928), Dutch physicist, used attrib. to designate various concepts and phenomena described by him, as Lorentz (–FitzGerald) contraction = FitzGerald contraction; so Lorentz-contract vb. trans.; Lorentz-covariant, -invariant adjs., covariant, or invariant, under a Lorentz transformation; so Lorentz-covariance; Lorentz transformation [named in Fr. by H. Poincaré 1905, in Compt. Rend. CXL. 1505], the set of equations which in the special theory of relativity relate the space and time co-ordinates of one frame of reference to those of another moving rectilinearly with respect to the first; Lorentz triplet, a group of three spectral lines produced by the splitting of a single line with the frequency of the middle one by a magnetic field (the Zeeman effect, first interpreted by Lorentz).
See also Lorenz.
1908Sci. Abstr. A. XI. 687 The equations for moving bodies, when subjected to a Lorentz transformation, are converted into the corresponding equations for the transformed quantities.1916Monthly Notices R. Astron. Soc. LXXVII. 155 The well-known Lorentz-contraction.1920[see covariant B].1922A. D. Udden tr. Bohr's Theory of Spectra ii. iii. 47 It follows immediately from this result according to the principle of correspondence that each fine structure component must be expected to split up into a normal Zeeman effect (Lorentz triplet).1923C. D. Broad Sci. Thought iv. 135 The Lorentz–Fitzgerald Contraction, if taken as a physical fact, affects all kinds of matter equally.1955R. Peierls Laws of Nature vi. 126 When one first hears of this ‘Lorentz contraction’ it sounds most artificial and unreasonable.1955W. Heisenberg in W. Pauli Niels Bohr 21 Such an interpretation..would destroy..just the decisive symmetry property of the theory of relativity, namely the Lorentz invariance, and it must therefore be considered inappropriate.1955W. Pauli Ibid. 35 Lorentz-invariant quantized field theories.1955J. Lindhard Ibid. 189 The reason for this is that the field acting on an electron is Lorentz contracted.1964E. A. Power Introd. Quantum Electrodynamics iii. 23 The former is the more deep and can be made explicitly Lorentz covariant.1965P. Caws Philos. of Sci. xxii. 167 Einstein found the Lorentz transformations at hand when he needed them.1970G. K. Woodgate Elem. Atomic Struct. viii. 147 This so-called Lorentz triplet of one π and two σ lines is characteristic of the ‘normal’ Zeeman effect in electric dipole radiation.1970Nature 17 Oct. 272/3 Measuring scales..are assumed to be Lorentz-contracted by a factor (1 - ω2r2/c2)1/2.

Add: Lorentz force, the force exerted on a charged particle by a magnetic field (or a magnetic and an electric field). Lorentz group, the group (group n. 5 a) of Lorentz transformations.
1931H. P. Robertson tr. H. Weyl's Theory of Groups & Quantum Mech. iii. 147 Lorentz transformations constitute a group, the ‘complete Lorentz group’, and this group describes the homogeneity of the 4-dimensional world.1935J. Dougall tr. M. Born's Atomic Physics ii. 26 The Lorentz force e(v/c)H is directed towards the centre of the circle.1940Nature 31 Aug. 283/2 Special attention has been given to the..Lorentz group and the concept of semi-vectors.1951M. Hammermesh tr. Landau & Lifshitz's Classical Theory of Fields iii. 45 The equation of motion of a charge in an electromagnetic field can now be written as dp/dt = eE + ev/c × H . The expression on the right is called the Lorentz force.1967Condon & Odishaw Handbk. Physics (ed. 2) ii. vi. 41/1 The formulation of current quantum-mechanical field theory requires use of all transformations of the inhomogeneous Lorentz group.1968Amer. Jrnl. Physics XXXVI. 1102 Henri Poincaré was the first to introduce four-vectors, the Lorentz group and its variants.1969New Scientist 4 Sept. 487/2 Negative mass—inertial and gravitational—need not, however, predicate the abandonment of either principle provided we allow the Lorentz force on a particle to depend on the sign of its mass as well as that of its charge.1986A. Pais Inward Bound vii. 132 It should be..remembered how innovative for their time were the applications of the Maxwell equations and the Lorentz force to the design of experiments on the deflection of charged particles.




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