

单词 love-longing
释义 ˈlove-longing
The longing felt by those who are in love.
a1300Cursor M. 24629 Þar lai i in mi luue langing.a1310in Wright Lyric P. 61 A suete love-longynge myn herte thourh out stong.c1386Chaucer Miller's T. 493 To Alison now wol I tellen al My loue-longing.1522World & Child (Roxb.) A iij b, And in loue longynge my harte is sore sette.1593Drayton Sheph. Garl. viii. (Roxb.) 117 This lad would neuer from her thought: she in loue-longing fell.1882Child Ballads I. 23/1 An elf-knight, by blowing his horn, inspires Lady Isabel with love-longing.




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