

单词 lovingly
释义 I. ˈlovingly, a. Obs. rare—1.
[f. loving ppl. a. + -ly1.]
Of loving disposition.
1567Gude & Godlie Ball. (S.T.S.) 222, I knaw nane sic as scho is one, Sa trew, sa kynde, sa luiffandlie.
II. lovingly, adv.|ˈlʌvɪŋlɪ|
[f. loving ppl. a. + -ly2.]
In a loving manner.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. vi. xiii. (1495) 197 Louyngly the man auyseth his wyfe yf she doo amys.1435Misyn Fire of Love i. vii. 15 To prays god parfytely,..louandly to syng in hym.1535Coverdale Jer. xxxi. 20 Gladly and louyngly will I haue mercy vpon him, saieth the Lorde.1611Bible 1 Sam. xx. (chapter-summary), Ionathan louingly taketh his leaue of Dauid.1641T. Hayne Luther 136 He was very lovingly affectioned towards his children.1709Steele Tatler No. 118 ⁋4 We live very lovingly together.1883R. W. Dixon Mano iv. iii. 147 And ever on him leaned she lovingly.




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