

单词 Madagascan
释义 Madagascan, a. and n.|mædəˈgæskən|
[irreg. f. Madagascar (see next) + -an.]
A. adj. Of or pertaining to Madagascar.
B. n. A native or inhabitant of Madagascar.
1886Ibis 135 The alternative hypothesis..that the Madagascan and Columbian species [of Snipes] have changed.1890Cent. Dict., Madagascan,..a native or an inhabitant of Madagascar.1953L. D. Stamp Africa xx. 511 Every Madagascan farm has a few pigs.1973Listener 20 Sept. 369/1 The Madagascan revolt, in which eighty thousand were killed.1973Country Life 20 Dec. 2122/2 The Japanese..have developed a real yen for it [sc. Beaujolais]. So have the Madagascans, the Tahitians and the Nationalist Chinese.




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