

单词 mahwa
释义 mahwa|ˈmɑːwə|
Also 7 mahova, mahoua, máwee, 8–9 mahwah, 9 mowah, mahva, mhowa, mahúa, muohwa, mahower, 20 moa, mohua, mohur, mohwa, mowra, mowrah.
[Hindī mahwa, also mahū̆a, repr. Skr. madhū̆ka, f. madhu sweet.]
1. A large tree, Madhuca latifolia, native to India and belonging to the family Sapotaceæ, which bears fleshy, edible flowers and is used as a timber-tree; also, a smaller, related tree, Madhuca butyracea, the Indian butter tree, native to Nepal, whose seeds yield an oily, butter-like substance. Also mahwa-tree.
1687A. Lovell tr. Thevenot's Trav. iii. 73 Manguiers, Mahova, Quieson, Caboul, and other sorts of Trees.Ibid. 94 They are Trees which they call Mahoua.1785C. Hamilton in Asiat. Researches (1799) I. 300 There is a very curious and useful tree called by the Natives of Bahar..the Máhwah or Máwee..the Sanscrit name is Madhúca or Madhudruma.Ibid., A description of the Mahwah tree.1803J. T. Blunt ibid. VII. 58 We encamped at a tank and grove of Mowah trees.1813J. Forbes Orient. Mem. II. 451 The mowah (bassia butyracea)..attains the size of an English oak.1854Simmonds Commerc. Prod. Veget. Kingd. 538 Mahower (Bassia latifolia) is common in most parts of the Bengal Presidency. The oil a good deal resembles that last described.1879E. Arnold Lt. Asia vi. (1881) 140 Beneath broad-leaved mahúa trees.1889G. S. Boulger Uses of Plants iii. 139 The Mahwa, besides its saccharine flowers, yields 33 per cent. of a butter from its seeds, used in India as food, and now imported for soap and candle making.1895B. M. Croker Village Tales (1896) 177 Drink—drink, from the fatal mowra-tree.1907B. M. Croker Company's Servant xii. 108 A sickly tamarind and two frail gold mohur trees.1922W. Schlich Man. Forestry (ed. 4) I. ii. 134 Mention should be made of the flowers of..the ‘mohwa’ tree, the corolla of which is eaten fresh or dried, or distilled into intoxicating liquor.1934‘G. Orwell’ Burmese Days ii. 20 Gold mohur trees like vast umbrellas of bloodred bloom.1951Dict. Gardening (R. Hort. Soc.) III. 1229/2 M[adhuca] latifolia. Mahwah or Moa... The fl[owers] are edible and the wood valuable.1954J. Masters Bhowani Junction xxvii. 234 There was a gold mohur tree in bloom, its branches leaning out.1964R. Perry World of Tiger x. 142 The oak-like mohua tree..carries a tremendous weight of flowers—a hundredweight or more on a single tree.
2. An ardent spirit distilled from the flowers of the Mahwa tree.
1810V. M. Williamson E. India Vade Mecum II. 153 Shops where..Mowah, Pariah Arrack, &c., are served out.1866Treas. Bot., Mowra, a kind of arrack obtained from Bassia latifolia.
3. attrib., as mahwa-arrack, mahwa-butter, mahwa-flower, mahwa-liquor, mahwa-oil, mahwa-spirit; mowrah meal, the dried and powdered residue of the seeds of the mahwa tree, after the oil has been extracted, used as a pesticide to kill worms in turf.
1813J. Forbes Orient. Mem. II. 451 This by way of distinction is called mowah-arrack.1854Simmonds Commerc. Prod. Veget. Kingd. 511 Illiepie oil..and Muohwa oil.1873Drury Usef. Plants India 70 In 1848 a quantity of Mahwah oil was forwarded to the Secretary of the E. I. and China Association.1876Cornh. Mag. Sept. 321 A great cup of liquor distilled from the Mhowa flower.1889Syd. Soc. Lex., Mahwah butter, a greenish or yellowish concrete oil obtained from the seeds of Bassia latifolia.1920Nature 1 Apr. 147/1 The possibility of utilising the mowra flowers of India for the purpose [of manufacturing alcohol] is discussed... They are used by the natives as a foodstuff, and especially for the preparation by fermentation of an alcoholic liquor called daru or mohwa spirit.1939R. B. Dawson Pract. Lawn Craft xxv. 180 Mowrah meal..does not maintain the turf in worm-free condition for longer than about two years.1948I. G. Lewis Turf xii. 121 The residue of an Indian bean after the oil has been extracted for commercial purposes, Mowrah Meal is a material which is entirely safe to use.1971Illustr. Weekly India 18 Apr. 35/1 Toddy and mohua liquor are also sometimes drunk.1973R. Grounds Perfect Lawn viii. 73 Mowrah meal applied in summer or autumn..will effectively reduce the worm population.




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