

单词 maidenlike
释义 ˈmaidenlike, a. and adv.
[f. maiden n. + -like.]
a. adj. Such as is usual with maidens; befitting a maiden.
b. adv. After the manner of maidens. Obs.
15..Robin Conscience 318 in Hazl. E.P.P. III. 246 To clatter and flatter is no maidenlike way.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VI 183 The yong erle of Rutland..scace of y⊇ age of .xii. yeres, a faire gentleman and a maydenlike person.1589Fleming Virg. Georg. i. 15 If she ouercast vpon hir face a virgins rednesse Or blushing maidenlike.1632Lithgow Trav. iii. 96 He was maiden-like brought vp amongst the Kings daughters.1825J. Neal Bro. Jonathan II. 179 Our boy contrived..to do a multitude of..pretty, maiden-like things.1834Lytton Pompeii 23 Her manners are not maidenlike.1847Tennyson Princess iv. 73 And maidenlike as far As I could ape their treble, did I sing.




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