

单词 make-
释义 make-
the stem of make v.1 in combination, chiefly with a n. as the second element, occas. with an adj. or adv., as in the following (chiefly nonce-wds.): make-braser [? f. brace v.2], ? one who domineers or blusters; make-debate = make-bate; make-faith nonce-wd., something that serves for faith; make-falcon = make-hawk; make-fire, an incendiary; make-fray, a raiser of quarrels; make-God a., applied as a derisive term to Romish priests; make-king = king-maker; make-law a., law-giving; make-mirth = make-sport; make-play = make-sport; make-queen, a queen-maker; make-rime, a phrase introduced merely for the sake of rime; make-shame a., causing shame; make-strife = makebate; make-talk, something said for the mere sake of talking; make-wages (see quot.); make-way, an event which leads up to another.
c1515Cocke Lorell's B. 11 Surmowsers, yll thynkers, and *make brasers.
1741Richardson Fam. Lett. lv. (ed. 7) 68 The busy Whisperings of officious *Make-debates.
1825Coleridge Aids Refl. (1848) I. 336 Thousands of sober, and in their way pious, Christians will echo the words,..and adopt the doctrine for their *make-faith.
1575Turberv. Faulconrie 160 By..calling of them to the lewre with other *make Falcons, that is to say, a cast at once, to the end they may accustom and aquaint themselues one with another.
1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 179 The seuerall confession of euery one of these *make fyers [L. incendiarii].
1598Bp. Hall Sat. iv. iv. 31 If brabling *Make-fray, at ech Fayre and Sise, Picks quarrels for to shew his valiantise.
1705Hickeringill Priest-cr. i. (1721) 12 Not only the *Make-God Pope, but the Make-God Priest.
1611Speed Theat. Gt. Brit. xxvii. (1614) 53/1 That stout *make-king Richard Nevil Earle of Warwicke.1631Weever Anc. Funeral Mon. 705 Warwicke (the Mars and Make-King of England).
1582Stanyhurst æneis iv. (Arb.) 96 First to Ceres *Makelaw [L. legiferæ], too Phoebus, then to Lyæus.
1656Earl of Monmouth tr. Boccalini's Advts. fr. Parnass. 258 Court officers, princes favorits, *make-mirths, flatterers.
1592Nashe P. Penilesse Wks. (Grosart) II. 69 Our Poets and Writers about London whome thou hast called piperly *Make-plaies and Make-bates.
1655Fuller Hist. Camb. (1840) 186 As Neville earl of Warwick was the make-king, so this Dudley earl of Warwick..was the *make-queen.
1893Athenæum 14 Oct. 516/2 The sorry *make-rhymes ‘I wis’, ‘I trow’, ‘I weet’, make their appearance now and again.
1850S. G. Osborne Glean. 78 This make-shift, *make-shame system.
1617Minsheu Ductor s.v., A Make-bate, *make-strife, or contentious person.
1856Archd. Allen Lect. Ladies 211 A sort of complimentary observation, mere words of course, an unreal piece of *make-talk.
1884H. Spencer in Contemp. Rev. Apr. 463 There had grown up the practice of paying out of the rates a part of the wages of each farm-servant—‘*make-wages’, as the sum was called.
1894Creighton Hist. Papacy (1897) V. v. xv. 151 The intrigues of Cardinal Rovere..led to the election of Pius III as a *make-way to his own election.




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