

单词 maletolt
释义 maletolt Law. Obs.
Forms: 6 maltot, 6, 9 maltote, 7 maletot, 7, 9 maltolt, 7 maletool, 8–9 maletolt, maltolte, 9 maletote, maletoute.
[a. AF. maletoute, OF. maltolte, maletoute (mod.F. maltôte; hence Du. maltoot), repr. med.L. mala tolta (mala fem., evil, tolta tax, f. tolt-, med.L. ppl. stem of L. tollĕre, OF. tolir, toudre to take); cf. It. malatolta, OPg. malatosta.]
An unjust or burdensome tax.
1514Mem. Constables Tournay in Strype Eccl. Mem. (1721) I. App. iv. 8 In Calais..no maltot is demaunded..: wheras we of the king's garrison of Tournay pay for every tun of wine 40s. sterling maltot.a1618Raleigh Prerog. Parl. (1628) 32 The King [Richard II] had giuen him a subsedy upon wools, called a Maletot.1627Sir R. Cotton View Reign Hen. III 23 They blame him..to haue vndone the trade of Merchants by bringing in Maletools and heauy customes.1844Ld. Brougham Brit. Const. xiii. (1862) 180 [Richard II] had recourse to forced loans, and to..the Maletolte of his grandfather.1884S. Dowell Taxation v. ii. I. 133 The King and counsel authorised an impost; but this subsequently formed the subject of complaint as a maletoute.1901Rosa Graham S. Gilbert of Sempringham 126 The maltôtes..levied on the export of wool by the Crown.




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