

单词 malicious
释义 malicious, a.|məˈlɪʃəs|
Forms: 3 malicius, 4 malycyouse, 4, 6 maliciouse, 5 malicous, malycyowse, maleciouse, 5–6 malycyous, malitius, 5–7 malycious, 6 malysyous, malyciouse, malycieux, malicyous, 6–7 malitious, 4– malicious.
[a. OF. malicius (mod.F. malicieux), ad. L. malitiōsus, f. malitia: see malice n. and -ous. Cf. Sp. malicioso, It. malizioso.]
1. Of persons, their dispositions, etc.: Given to malice; addicted to sentiments or acts of ill-will. Now sometimes in milder sense: Given to sportive mischief; inclined to tease.
a1225Ancr. R. 210 Þe attri neddre [sleað] alle þeo ontfule, & alle þeo luðere iðoncked [MS. Titus Þat beon malicius & liðere aȝain oðere].a1325in Horstm. Altengl. Leg. (1878) 143 Why artow so malicious Toward god & toward ous.c1440Jacob's Well 90 Þe angry, fell, & malycyous man wayteth his leysere, to wrekyn his tene at wylle.1551T. Wilson Logike (1580) 17 When one for lucre beareth a faire face outwardly, and feedeth inwardly a malicious stomacke.1607Shakes. Cor. i. i. 91 Either you must Confesse your selues wondrous Malicious, Or be accus'd of Folly.1623Bingham Xenophon 20 In case any man shewed him kindnesse, or were malitious against him, he would doe all he could, to goe beyond him in either of both.1667Milton P.L. ix. 253 Thou knowst..what malicious Foe..seeks to work us woe and shame By sly assault.1689–90Wood Life 12 Mar. (O.H.S.) III. 327 Two malitious fellowes were found sticking up a libell reflecting on the fast.1727De Foe Hist. Appar. iii. (1840) 23 He is still in being, and still the same malicious Devil.1880Ouida Moths xiii. II. 57 She was not very clever, but she was very malicious, which is more successful with society.
Comb.1642Vicars God in Mount (1644) 55 A most impious and malicious-hearted fellow.1842Borrow Bible in Spain xxi, A..malicious-looking urchin of about fifteen.
b. Wicked, evil-disposed. Obs.
13..E. E. Allit. P. C. 508 So mony malicious mon as mournez þer-inne.c1440Alph. Tales (E.E.T.S.) 38 Amicus hard tell þat his fadur was dead, & att malicious men wold take his heritage fro hym.c1477Caxton Jason 43 Women one and other properly to speke ben malicious in her werkes.
c. absol.
1535Coverdale Ps. ix. [x.] 15 Break thou y⊇ arme off the vngodly and malycious, search out the wickednesse which he hath done.1563Homilies ii. Disobedience v. (1859) 585 A few ambitious and malicious are the authors..of rebellion.1581G. Pettie tr. Guazzo's Civ. Conv. i. (1586) 17 The high judgement of God wil not faile you,..against the malitious.1745H. Walpole Lett. (1846) II. 27 A few malicious, who would have countenanced her to vex him.1814Cary Dante's Purgatory vi. 84 While now thy living ones In thee abide not without war; and one Malicious gnaws another.
2. Of things, qualities, etc.: Proceeding from or characterized by malice. In early use often: Evil, wicked. Now sometimes used in a weakened sense: Sportively ‘mischievous’. (Cf. malice n. 4.)
a1340Hampole Psalter iii. 7 Þe tethe of synful ere þe malycyouse gnawyngs of bakbiters.c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 21 Þe malicious bisynes of þis world.c1400Destr. Troy 4894 We..manast his messanger with malicous pride.a1533Ld. Berners Huon lxxxiii. 261 Gerarde, who by his malysyous entent hath done this treason.1573G. Harvey Letter-bk. (Camden) 48 A mani of sutch glorius brags and malitius words, utterid of purpose.1591Shakes. 1 Hen. VI, iv. i. 7 Esteeme none..your Foes, but such as shall pretend Malicious practises against his State.1651Nicholas Papers (Camden) 273 The private whisper of a malicious groundlesse lye.1727De Foe Syst. Magic i. iv. 97 We are sure the Devil does communicate his malicious Proposals of Mischief to Mankind.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xxii. IV. 733 Those who felt thus had learned with malicious delight that the First Lord of the Treasury was named in the confession.
b. Stern, fierce. Obs.
1485Caxton Chas. Gt. 26 He..had hys syght and regarde fyers & malycyous.
3. Law. Characterized by ‘malice prepense’, as in malicious damage, malicious mischief, malicious prosecution, malicious slander, malicious striking, malicious waste.
[1312Rolls of Parlt. I. 282/2 Qi amercient les malicious Pleintifs.]1530–1Act 22 Hen. VIII, c. 11 Every suche perverse & malicyous cuttyng downe & brekyng up of any parte or partes of the sayde Dykes.1541–2Act 33 Hen. VIII, c. 12 §1 Murders manslaughters and other malicious strikinges.1765Blackstone Comm. I. viii. 126 A special action on the case for a false and malicious prosecution.1769Ibid. IV. xiv. 243 Malicious mischief, or damage, is the next species of injury to private property.1785Paley Mor. Philos. iii. ii. xii. 236 Malicious slander is the relating of either truth or falshood, with a conscious purpose of creating misery.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) I. 156 Cutting down trees planted for shelter or ornament; or any other kind of malicious waste.1839Penny Cycl. XIV. 333/1 Injuries to private property..committed with the malicious intention of injuring the owner of such property.1866Mr. Baron Martin in L'pool Merc. 18 Aug., Any wrongful act, done intentionally, without just cause or excuse, was a malicious act.
4. Astrol. Of baleful promise. Obs.
1413Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton 1483) v. xi. 102 These seuen signes were malicious to oure glorious sonne.
5. Med. Malignant, virulent. Obs.
c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 207 Þere comeþ manie pustulis, & summe þerof ben ful malicious after þe malice of þe matere.1559Morwyng Evonym. 58 Thinges..destilled in lead I judge them altogether to be disalowed; because of the..malicious qualities of the leade.1598Florio, Tumore,..a rising of flesh by some malicious matter or ill humour.a1720Woodward in Stow's Surv. (1720) I. i. xxviii. 240/2 Infested by those so fatal and malicious Maladies.
6. Clever, artful. Obs.
a1450Knt. de la Tour (1868) 8 And thus she leued tille she was weddid to a knight, wyse and malicious, that had knowlache of her maners.1590Spenser F. Q. i. viii. 23 As a Castle..By subtile engins and malitious slight Is undermined.




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