

单词 managery
释义 I. ˈmanagery Obs.
Also 7–8 menagery, -ie, (7 menagry), manadgery, mannagery, 8 man(n)agry.
[f. manage n. or v. + -ery; but in many examples influenced in sense by F. ménagerie ( domestic administration): see menagerie.]
1. Domestic or agricultural administration or economy.
1633J. Done tr. Aristeas' Hist. Septuagint 74 The Peasants therefore are very carefull..in their..Menagery..by reason whereof..the region is all planted with Fruite trees.1677Grew Anat. Seeds iii. §1 The next step of Natures Managery, relates chiefly to the Growth of the Seed when it is sow'n.1740Lady Pomfret Lett. (1805) II. 214 The sacred cells, and all the managery Of holy nuns in their retreats, I see.1720Strype Stow's Surv. I. i. xxvi. 185/1 These Men that thus spake against the Managery of this Hospital.a1734North Life Ld. Keeper Guilford (1742) 133 And with all this Menagery and Provision, no one..could observe any Thing more to do there, than in any other Nobleman's House.
b. Husbanding or judicious use of resources; economy.
1673O. Walker Educ. ii. vii. 280 There is also required good menagery, or making your penny go further then another mans.1705Stanhope Paraphr. II. 410 Managery is an Ornament and an Advantage to our Charity.1705Tate Triumph xii, They blest the Managry of those Supplies.
2. The art of managing (weapons, instruments).
1654Whitlock Zootomia 55 Making Shirts and Smocks for the Poore, and such like Managery of their Needle or Wheele.1667Decay Chr. Piety v. 100 No expert General will bring a company of raw, untrain'd men into the Field, but will..teach them the ready managery of their Weapons.1693Wallis in Phil. Trans. XVII. 846 This I thought fit to recommend to your Consideration, who do so well understand Telescopes, and the managery of them.
3. The function of managing or administering; managership; an administrative office.
1643Heylin Rebels Catech. 14 Men who..ingrossed unto themselves the principal managery of the Common-wealth.1650R. Stapylton Strada's Low C. Warres v. 137 This Expedient was committed to the managerie of a Spanish Merchant.1660Waterhouse Arms & Arm. 152 In affaires of warre and peace, in Manadgery of Ecclesiastical, Civil, Naval and Land Trusts.a1734North Life Dudley North (1744) 150 He thought that, in such a Managery, there was so much of Trust, that, of Necessity, they must be, more or less, cheated.
4. Cunning or adroit management; an instance of this.
1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. vii. xvi. 371 However husbanded by Art, and the wisest menagery of that most subtile impostor.1679E. Everard Prot. Princes Europe 9 If France had not..been assured by his managery and tampering with some corrupt Ministers of that Crown, that [etc.].1689Bloody Assizes 25 My Lords Threats and other Managery, so disposed the Jury, that..they brought the Lady in Guilty.a1734North Exam. ii. iv. §17 (1740) 241 Bedloe held him in Hand so craftily that, at last, he got him fast in the Trap. It was a nice Managery, and may be shewed for a Pattern.
5. a. Horsemanship: = manage n. 1. b. A place of exercise for horses: = manage n. 3.
1685Cotton tr. Montaigne i. xxxviii. (1711) I. 347 In Menagery, Study, Hunting and all other Exercises, Men are to proceed to the utmost Limits of Pleasure.1782J. Adams Diary Wks. 1851 III. 298 The menagerie, where they exercise the horses, is near the end of the stables.
6. ? Management of health, hygienic treatment.
1697R. Pierce Bath Mem. i. ix. 213 The Cautious and orderly Managery of Women..in bathing, and drinking these Waters, have such..successful Effects.
II. managery
obs. form of menagerie.




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