

单词 mandril
释义 mandrel, mandril|ˈmændrəl, -ɪl|
Forms: 6 manderelle, 7–9 maundril(l, mandrel, -il, (8 manderil, mandrell, maundrell, 9 mandrill).
[Usually believed to be an alteration of F. mandrin, which has the senses 3 and 4 below. The Fr. word, however, has not been traced earlier than 1690, and is of obscure origin.]
1. A miner's pick.
1516Test. Ebor. (Surtees) V. 80 Item xlvj manderelles ij.s. viij.d. A gryndstone & cruke xd. Item ij spayddys & a shulle vjd.1686Plot Staffordsh. 306 But he..by the help of his Maundrill, by degrees so wrought away the earth over head..that [etc.].1747Hooson Miner's Dict. M iij, Mandrel, a Tool made after the manner of a Hack, but more Strong and Square, having both ends Sharp, Square Points.1771Fletcher Checks Wks. 1795 II. 126 An ignorant collier, as great a stranger to your metaphysics as you are to his mandrell.1860Eng. & For. Min. Gloss. (Derby Terms), Maundrill, a pick for various purposes, but generally used to undermine.1881Raymond Mining Gloss., Mandril,..Maundril, Derb. and S. Wales, a prying pick with two prongs.
2. Some instrument used by arrow-makers. Obs.
1659Howell Partic. Vocab. §51 A maundrel, and bickhornd, smoothing floates [etc.]... Les outils de l'archer.
3. In a lathe, an arbor or axis to which work is secured while it is being turned. Also applied to a similar part in a circular saw or cutter.
1665Phil. Trans. I. 58 To give to the Axis or to the Mandril..that little Inclination.1677Moxon Mech. Exerc. (1703) 190 There is another sort of Mandrels called Hollow Mandrels.1731Bailey vol. II, Manderil, a kind of wooden pulley, that is part of a turner's leath, of which there are several kinds, as flat, hollow, pin and skrew manderils.1786Phil. Trans. LXXVI. 25, I turned it..upon my great lathe in the air (that is, upon the end of the mandrel).1796Morse Amer. Geog. I. 452 The manderil is moved by a band wheel.1812–16J. Smith Panorama Sci. & Art I. 12 If the mandrel of a lathe were made of the best steel, sufficiently hard to wear well in the collar, it would be snapped by a sudden check.1879R. S. Ball in Cassell's Techn. Educ. vii. 62 By means of the band the pulley G, on what is called the ‘mandril’ of the lathe, is made to turn rapidly.
4. A cylindrical rod, core, or axis round which metal or other material is forged, cast, moulded, or shaped.
1790in Abridg. Specif. Patents, Metallic Pipes, etc. (1874) 2, I cast the lead in lengths,..this is put upon a polished rod or round maundrell of iron or any other metal, such maundrells being made of different lengths and diameters.1812–16J. Smith Panorama Sci. & Art I. 17 The hole may be finished..by hammering it at a low heat upon a smooth mandrel or pin.1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 364 When the pipe is cast, and the metal is set, this mandrel is drawn out of the mould, and another of smaller diameter is substituted.1859Musketry Instr. 49 Roll the stiff paper tightly about 2½ times round the ‘mandrel’.1881Greener Gun 50 Their early barrels appear to have been made from one broad band of metal rolled over a mandril.
5. attrib.
1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 325 This weight..operates to keep the mandrel-band tight.1875Knight Dict. Mech., Mandrel-lathe, a lathe adapted for turning hollow work, which is clasped by a chuck on the end of the mandrel in the head-stock.1888Hasluck Model Engin. Handybk. (1900) 58 The mandrel-cone centre point.
Hence ˈmandrel v. trans., to operate upon with mandrels (Cent. Dict. 1890).




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