

单词 mangled
释义 I. mangled, ppl. a.1|ˈmæŋg(ə)ld|
[f. mangle v.1 + -ed1.]
In senses of the vb.
1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. i. 42 Yet are they not ashamed to picke out certaine mangled sentences.1564Becon Wks. I. Gen. Pref. B iv, He is a mangled minister, which eyther teacheth well & liueth euil, or liueth wel and teacheth euill.1627Drayton Agincourt 33 These [birds] came in deed On their owne mangled Carkases to feed.1641Milton Animadv. i. Wks. 1851 III. 194 The mangl'd pieces of a gash't Serpent.1668Culpepper & Cole Barthol. Anat. ii. xi. 124 According as the Voice comes to the Ear, intire or mangled.1719De Foe Crusoe ii. ix, Their poor mangled comrade.1770Junius Lett. Pref. 13 A multitude of spurious, mangled publications of the Letters of Junius.1779Forrest Voy. N. Guinea 64, I took him by the hand, and, pointing to the mangled anchor, laughed.1841D'Israeli Amen. Lit. (1867) 546 Most of our old plays come before us in a corrupt and mangled state.1869Freeman Norm. Conq. (1875) III. xi. 31 The mangled form of the martyr of Evesham.
Hence ˈmangledly adv., in a mangled manner.
1657Sergeant Schism Dispach't 466 But why..do you go about to show that I put not down the Authors words aright, but mangledly and corruptly.
II. mangled, ppl. a.2|ˈmæŋg(ə)ld|
[f. mangle v.2 + -ed1]
Pressed in a mangle.
1775in Ash Suppl.1855Thackeray Newcomes v, A..freshly mangled surplice.




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