

单词 mangonel
释义 mangonel Obs. exc. Hist.|ˈmæŋgənɛl|
Forms: α. 3 mangonele, 3–4 -genel, 4 -gunel, -genele, -gurnele, 4–5 mangnel, 5 maungenele, mangonelle, 7 -ell, manchonel, 9 manganel(l, 4– mangonel. β. 3 magnel, 4 -nale, 4– 5 -nelle, 5 maggenell, magonneaul, maygnelle, 6–7 magonel(l. γ. 5 mangole.
[a. OF. mangonel, also mangonelle fem. (mod.F. mangonneau; cf. Pr. manganel, It. manganella), dim. f. late L. mangona, mangonum, mangōn-em, ad. Gr. µάγγανον an engine of war, a pulley, etc.: see mangle n.]
A military engine used for casting stones and other missiles against an enemy's position.
[1194in J. Hodgson Pipe Rolls Cumbld., etc. (1847) 173 Pro Maisremo ad Petrarium et Mangunell', vjs.]1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 8124 Þat me ne miȝte noȝt ise bote arwen & flon, & stones out of liþeren & of magnels al so.a1300in Pol. Songs (Camden) 69 He saisede the mulne for a castel,..He wende that the sayles were mangonel.13..K. Alis. 1208 Alisaundre heom asailed fast, And with mangnelis to heom cast.c1330Arth. & Merl. 2430 (Kölbing), Our King Vterpendragon Him asailed..wiþ mangunels casteinge.c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 111 And if þou shall assayll castels, vse Instrumentz castyng stones, as Mangoles or Perrerers.c1400Rom. Rose 6279 Withouten stroke it mot be take Of trepeget or mangonel.1489Caxton Faytes of A. ii. xxxv. 154 The deffence aienst the said engyns were gode mangonnelles & grete bombardes.1599Thynne Animadv. (1875) 41 The trepegett and magonell beinge all one.1605Camden Rem. (1657) 205 Our nation had the practice..of mangonels..wherewith they used to cast mil-stones.1795Southey Joan of Arc viii. 158 O'er the bayle..The assailants pass'd with all their mangonels.1819Scott Ivanhoe xxvii, You may win the wall in spite both of bow and mangonel.1877C. M. Yonge Cameos III. viii. 68 He had only yielded it because his duchess was frightened by the mangonels of the besiegers.




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