

单词 manlike
释义 manlike, a. (adv.)|ˈmænlaɪk|
Also 5–6 -lyke.
[f. man n.1 + like a.]
1. Having the qualities or characteristics proper to a man as distinguished from a woman or child. Of women: Having masculine qualities; mannish.
c1450Holland Howlat 155 Thai apperit to the Pape and present thaim aye Fair farrand and fre,..And manlyke.c1470Harding Chron. cxcii. iii, He then arest... The lorde Cobham full trewe and also manlyke.1579J. Stubbes Gaping Gulf D vij b, The smal reckoning which that manlike nation makes of Fraunce.1605Camden Rem. (1637) 95 Dido, A Phœnician name, signifying a manlike woman.1715–20Pope Iliad iii. 249 Against the manlike Amazons we stood.1871Smiles Charac. xi. 300 Men are sometimes womanlike, and women are sometimes manlike.
b. Belonging to or befitting a man; manly, masculine.
1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. iv. xx. (1634) 733 That among Christians may be a common shew of religion, and among men may be man-like civilitie.1612Drayton Poly-olb. xvii. 342 Elizabeth..Digressing from her Sex, with Man-like gouernment This Iland kept in awe.1624Capt. Smith Virginia ii. 31 The men bestow their times in fishing, hunting, warres, and such man-like exercises.1678Sir C. Cotterell Davila's Hist. Fr. 11 The Queen, a woman of a manlike [1647 p. 23 manly] spirit and subtil wit.1728Morgan Algiers I. iv. 108 Why then are the Africans alone to be called Savages and Barbarians for shewing a manlike Resentment.1736Shenstone Verses to Lady 7 Oct. 21 In glaring Chloe's man-like Taste and Mien, Are the gross splendors of the Tulip seen.1839Carlyle Chartism iii. (1858) 15 It is for a manlike place..in this world..that he struggles.1895H. S. Merriman Grey Lady ii. xiv. (1902) 335 From long association with men she had learnt a manlike reticence.
2. Resembling a man.
1590T. Nelson in Antiquary XIII. 54/2 Whose form you see is monstrous, strange and rare, Before a manlike shape, behinde a fishes fell.1604Rowlands Looke to it 19 Man-like in shape, in manners but a beast.1667Milton P.L. viii. 471 Under his forming hands a Creature grew, Manlike, but different sex, so lovly faire.1863Huxley Man's Place Nat. 104 The structural differences between Man and the Manlike apes.1899W. H. Furness Folk Lore Borneo 21 When he stood upon the ground, he met a man-like being.
3. As adv. = manfully.
1577Hellowes Gueuara's Chron. 34 Lucius Metellus..fought so valiantly and manlike, that he left..one only person.1592Stow Annals 459 Ioh. Ball..biddeth them..stand manlike together in trueth And helpe truth, and truth shall helpe you.1837Emerson Misc. (1884) 84 So is the danger a danger still; so is the fear worse. Manlike let him turn and face it.1843Carlyle Past & Pr. iv. iv, To have neither superior nor inferior, nor equal, united manlike to you.
Hence ˈmanlikely adv., ˈmanlikeness.
1742J. Willison Balm of Gilead viii. (1800) 82 The true motive of Christian love is a manlikeness and love to Christ more than to you.1873P. Brooks New Starts in Life xii. 209 Who does not rejoice that his divine Master could be manlikely indignant?1885G. Meredith Diana I. xv. 322 She distinguished that he could only suppose, manlikely, one bad cause for the division.1903Fairbairn in Contemp. Rev. Jan. 10 He saw..into the godlikeness of man and the manlikeness of God.




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