

单词 mantel
释义 I. mantel, n.|ˈmænt(ə)l|
Forms: 5 mayntelle, mantelle, 5–6 mantell, 6 mantalle, Sc. mantil(l, 6–9 mantle, 7 mandle, 6– mantel.
[Variant of mantle n.; the senses of both Eng. words are adopted from the F. manteau.]
1. = mantelet 2 a. Obs.
1489Caxton Faytes of A. ii. xiv. 118 Mayntelles and barbakanes of tymbre shal be made fast to the batelmentes.Ibid. xxii. 135 Six grete mantelles for the said six grete gonnes.1497Naval Acc. Hen. VII (1896) 99 Barres of iren for the grete mantell.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. cclxxxviii. 431 The Englysshmen ordayned mantels and other instrumentes of warr, wherby to aproche nere to the walles.Ibid. cccxxxii. 519 They of the hoost caused to be made dyuers mantels of assaute.1549Compl. Scot. vi. 41 Paueis veil the top vitht pauesis and mantillis.1566W. Wren Voy. Fenner in Hakluyt's Voy. (1599) II. ii. 59 We sent to land a boate or skiffe wherein were eight persons,..and they caried with them two harquebusses, two targets and a mantell.
2. in Comb. mantel-wall Sc., a rampart, breastwork, or parapet.
1513Douglas æneis ix. iii. 159 Quhat meyn thai be this myddill mantill wall?Ibid. xii. Prol. 24 The twinkling stremowris of the orient..Bet doun the skyis clowdy mantill wall.1609Chron. Perth (Maitland Club) 12 The great wind blew down the stanes of the mantil wall of the kirk.
3. a. The piece of timber or stone supporting the masonry above a fireplace; = mantel-tree 1. ? Obs.
1519Churchw. Acc. St. Giles, Reading (ed. Nash) 6 For ijo mantells for ijo chymneys ijs. viijd.1561in G. Roberts Soc. Hist. South. Eng. (1856) 359 It was commanded to John Somer to amend his mantalle, payne of v shillings.1734Builder's Dict. II, Mantle..is the lower Part of the Chimney, or that Part laid across the Jambs.1774Act 14 Geo. III, c. 78 §45 The Back of every Chimney to be built..at least thirteen Inches thick from the Hearth, to the Height of twelve Inches above the Mantle.1824T. Tredgold Warm. Publ. Build. (ed. 2) 236 A high mantle has some advantage in producing a more effectual ventilation.
b. = mantelpiece 1.
1532in J. Bayley Tower Lond. (1821) I. App. 31 Firste, a new worke wrought in the kynges dynyng chambre, a mantell of waynscot wrought wt antyk sett over the chymney there.1663Gerbier Counsel 22 The Chimney-mantles ought to be all of Stone or Marble.1890H. Frederic Lawton Girl vi. 41 The massive carved side-board and the ponderous mantel.
c. = mantelshelf.
1742Phil. Trans. XLII. 75 When it is in the Sun in Summer, and upon the Mantle of the Chimney in Winter..it becomes perfect Soap in Four or Five Days.1865Mrs. Whitney Gayworthys I. 275 Rebecca set the light upon the mantel, and took her to the bedside.
d. attrib., as mantel-clock, mantel-glass, mantel-mirror; mantel-place southern U.S. = mantelpiece; also mantel-board, -piece, -shelf, -tree.
1870W. M. Baker New Timothy 25 The mantel-clock strikes six sharp insisting blows as she exclaims.1884F. J. Britten Watch & Clockm. 193 It occasionally happens in mantel clocks that..the pendulum is just too long for the case.1963Times 18 May 6/5 Fabre paid {pstlg}1,200 for a bronze and ormolu elephant mantel clock, also in the Caffieri manner.
1892B. Hinton Lord's Return 190 Adjusting his necktie at the mantel-glass.
1865Mrs. Stowe House & Home Papers 86 Now come the great mantel mirrors for four hundred [dollars] more.
1842W. G. Simms Last Wager in Gift 1843 (Philadelphia) 286 You have a very singular ornament for your mantle-place.
II. ˈmantel, v. Obs.
Also 5 mantelle, 7 mantle.
[f. mantel n. Cf. OF. manteler.]
trans. To protect with or as with a mantel.
1475Bk. Noblesse (Roxb.) 20 Mantelle, fortifie, and make yow strong ayenst the power of youre said adversaries of Fraunce.1612Proc. Virginia in Capt. Smith's Wks. (Arb.) 117 They conducted vs to their pallizadoed towne, mantelled with the barkes of trees.1624Wotton Archit. ii. 108 The Italians applie it [plastic] to the manteling of Chimneys, with great Figures.1682Wheler Journ. Greece i. 8 Its Bastions..are well..mantled with hewen stone.
III. mantel
obs. form of mantle.




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