

单词 manufacture
释义 I. manufacture, n.|mænjuːˈfæktjʊə(r)|
Also 7 manifacture, mannifacture.
[a. F. manufacture (16th c.), ad. med.L. *manufactūra, f. manū facĕre (manū, abl. of manus hand; facĕre to make). Cf. Sp., Pg. manufactura, It. manifattura.]
a. The action or process of making by hand.
1605Bacon Adv. Learn. i. vi. §2 It is not set down that God said, Let there be heaven and earth,..but actually, that God made heaven and earth: the one carrying the style of a manufacture, and the other of a..decree.
b. The action or process of making articles or material (in modern use, on a large scale) by the application of physical labour or mechanical power.
1622Bacon Hen. VII 215 This Law pointed at a true Principle; That where forraine materials are but Superfluities, forraine Manufactures should bee prohibited. For that will either banish the Superfluitie, or gain the Manufacture.1765A. Dickson Treat. Agric. (ed. 2) 477 The custom of using sand in the manufacture of brick.1835Ure Philos. Manuf. 1 The most perfect manufacture is that which dispenses entirely with manual labour.1892Gardiner Stud. Hist. Eng. 8 The tin which they needed for the manufacture of bronze.
c. A particular branch or form of productive industry. Often with prefixed n., as linen manufacture, woollen manufacture, worsted manufacture.
1683J. Poyntz (title) The Present Prospect of the famous and fertile Island of Tobago. With a Description of the Situation, Growth, Fertility and Manufacture of the said Island.1670Sir S. Crowe in 12th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. v. 15 If that manifacture [sc. of hangings] had beene under my charge.1776Adam Smith W.N. iv. ix. (1869) II. 262 By means of trade and manufactures, a greater quantity of subsistence can be annually imported.1796Morse Amer. Geog. II. 490 The late [Portuguese] minister of state,..found it impracticable to raise a glass manufacture into consequence.1835Ure Philos. Manuf. 33 The capitalist has merely to state..the nature of his manufacture,..when he will be furnished with..estimates.1843Penny Cycl. XXVII. 555/2 The connection between employers and employed, buyers and sellers, in the woollen and worsted manufactures.
d. fig. Attributed to a quasi-personified natural agent.
1880Haughton Phys. Geog. v. 204 The conditions to be fulfilled by a continent, for the successful manufacture of rivers, are [etc.].
e. Phrase. of (home, foreign, English, etc.) manufacture: manufactured at home, abroad, etc.
1669Sturmy Mariner's Mag., Penalties & Forfeit. 1 Goods of the growth, production, and manufacture of Asia.1844Mem. Babylonian P'cess II. 168 Beschir sat on a handsome chair..of English manufacture.1846McCulloch Acc. Brit. Empire (1854) II. 35 A single article, either of domestic or foreign growth or manufacture.1894Idler Sept. 130 A small brass cannon of very antique pattern and manufacture.
f. Applied to the mechanical production or external ‘getting up’ of books.
1887Gladstone in Daily News 10 Jan. 6/1 The most interesting of all manufactures, in my judgment, is the manufacture, apart from the production, of books.1897Daily News 30 June 6/3 A credit..to the fine art of what the publishers call the manufacture of books.
g. In depreciatory sense, applied to production involving mere mechanical labour, as contrasted with that which requires intellect. Also fig. applied, e.g., to literary work of a ‘soulless’ or mechanical kind, or to the deliberate fabrication of false statements on a large scale for the market.
1829Carlyle Misc., Germ. Playwr. (1840) II. 92 Herein lies the difference between creation and manufacture.1869Ruskin Q. of Air §104 While manufacture is the work of hands only, art is the work of the whole spirit of man.1872Eagle's Nest §88 Ignorance discontented, and dexterous,..imitating what it cannot enjoy, produces the most loathsome forms of manufacture.
2. concr.
a. A product of hand-labour; a person's handiwork. Also fig. Obs.
1567N. Sander Treat. Images viii. 72 Yet the image is rather a manufacture, to wit, a thing wrought vpon a creature by the artificers hand, then a seueral creature of it self.1656Earl of Monmouth tr. Boccalini's Advts. fr. Parnass. 78 Liberty may be rather said to be a Divine Manifacture, then any humane work.1726Pope Odyss. xx. 254 Thy manufacture, man.
attrib.1700Dryden Fables, Baucis & Philemon 14 Heav'ns Pow'r is Infinite: Earth, Air, and Sea, The Manufacture Mass, the making Pow'r obey.
b. An article or material produced by the application of physical labour or mechanical power. Formerly also collect. sing.
1611Donne Paneg. Verses in Coryat's Crudities, If they stoope lower yet and vent our wares Home-manufactures, to thicke popular faires.1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xxiv. 127 By selling the Manifactures, whereof the Materials [etc.].a1715Burnet Own Time (1724) I. 229 The inhabitants..brought with them a great deal of manufacture, which was lying on the hands of the clothiers and others.1725De Foe Voy. round World (1840) 276 Colchester baize, a coarse rug-like manufacture.1809Kendall Trav. II. xlvi. 132 The manufacture, of the process of which the following is the outline, is sea-salt.1890Spectator 26 Apr., The commercial proposals were at once rejected as giving them dear manufactures.
c. In depreciatory sense: Something produced by mere mechanical industry, or made to supply the demand of the market.
1871Palgrave Lyr. Poems 135 The tale and the legend were gay Manufactures well wrought for the day.
3. Working with the hands; a manual occupation, handicraft. Obs.
1625Burges Pers. Tithes 7 Such as liue vpon Trade, or other Bargaining, or Manu-facture.1638Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 45 The other prophaner sort, the men of warre and manifactures, have [etc.].1647Ward Simp. Cobler (1843) 57 Doth it become you..to..take up the Manufacture of cutting your Subjects throats?1660Boston Rec. (1877) II. 156 No person shall..occupy any manufacture or science, till hee hath compleated 21 years of age.1699Lister Journ. Paris 63 A private Anatomy Room is to one not accustomed to this kind of Manufacture, very irksome.
4. A manufacturing establishment or business; a factory. Obs.
1653H. Cogan tr. Pinto's Trav. xi. 35 Having seen..the Custom-house, the River, the Army, the Manufactures, stores of Powder, and other particulars..she was lodged in a fair house.1704De Foe in 15th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. iv. 88 All my prospects were built on a manufacture I had erected in Essex.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Manufacture,..Also a Workhouse, or Place where such Works are carry'd on.1783Justamond tr. Raynal's Hist. Indies I. 370 The malversations that prevail in the manufactures, magazines, docks and arsenals at Batavia.
II. manufacture, v.|mænjuːˈfæktjʊə(r)|
[f. prec. Cf. F. manufacturer, It. manifatturare, med.L. manifactūrāre.]
1. trans. To work up (material) into forms suitable for use.
1683Tryon Way to Health 81 Milk likewise altered and Manufactur'd (if I may call it so) by the good House-Wives Art and Industry, yields many other sorts of good Food.1683Brit. Spec. 13 Very fine Wooll..but being manufactured into Cloth and Stuffs, is dispersed all over the World.1727Swift Pet. Colliers Wks. 1755 III. i. 131 Totally prohibit the confining and manufacturing the sun-beams for any of the useful purposes of life.1842J. Aiton Domest. Econ. (1857) 217 The method of manufacturing milk just described—that is, of churning the whole into butter.
b. transf. To elaborate or work up (literary material).
1761Gibbon Jrnl. 4 Aug. Misc. Wks. (1796) I. 107 It may afford such a fund of materials as I desire, which have not yet been properly manufactured.
2. To make or fabricate from material; to produce by labour (now esp. on a large scale).
1755in Johnson.1778Encycl. Brit. (ed. 2) II. 1015/1 Of the bark..of a tree which they call poerou they manufacture excellent matting.1878Jevons Prim. Pol. Econ. 25 We cannot manufacture any goods unless we have some matter to work upon.
b. transf. Said of natural agencies.
1876J. S. Bristowe Th. & Pract. Med. (1878) 876 The liver, besides manufacturing bile, is an organ for [etc.].1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VIII. 464 Poisons manufactured within the system can act in a similar manner.
3. fig. In disparaging sense: To ‘fabricate’, invent fictitiously; also, to produce (literary work, etc.) by mere mechanical industry.
1762Gibbon Misc. Wks. (1814) IV. 110 The speech is evidently manufactured by the historian.1771Junius Lett. l. 259 He seems to manufacture his verses for the sole use of the hero.1777Hamilton Wks. (1886) VII. 512 Prisoners..know very well how to manufacture stories calculated to serve the purposes of the side they belong to.1876Trevelyan Macaulay I. iii. 134 He was fond of setting himself to manufacture conceits resembling those on the heroes of the Trojan War.1880Manch. Guard. 15 Dec., The numerous outrages which have been reported, many of which he declared were ‘manufactured’.1902B. L. Gildersleeve in Amer. Jrnl. Philol. XXIII. 449 The ancients manufactured a hostility between Homer and Hesiod, Pindar and Bakchylides, Aischylos and Sophocles.
4. intr. To permit of being manufactured.
1763Museum Rusticum I. 12 The flax thus managed dresses and manufactures much better.




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