

单词 marked
释义 marked, ppl. a.|mɑːkt|
[f. mark v. and n.1 + -ed.]
1. a. Having a visible mark. Also, impressed or affixed as a mark; expressed by a mark.
931in Birch Cartul. Sax. (1887) II. 358 Ðære ᵹemearcodan æc æt aleburnan.1609Douland Ornith. Microl. 9 Of Keyes some are..marked Keyes, others are called vnmarked Keyes. Of the marked, there are fiue principall..which the Ambrosians..did mark with colours.1617Moryson Itin. i. 227 A marked stone in the pavement.1753Chambers Cycl. Supp. s.v. Card, Among sharpers divers sorts of false or fraudulent cards have been contrived; as marked cards.1768N. Car. Col. Rec. VII. 853 From the top of Tryon Mountain beginning at the marked Trees thereon [etc.].1875Chamb. Jrnl. 16 Jan. 45 A number of prettily marked ones [sc. snails].1892F. Anstey Voces Populi Ser. ii. 5 Herr Von K. is preparing to fire a marked half-crown from a blunderbuss.
absol.1623J. Wodroephe Marrow Fr. Tongue 319/2 From the Marcked of the Hand of God, and from Traytors Hands, the Lord keepe vs.
b. Special collocations: marked bar, a particular form of pig-iron; marked cheque (see quots. 1907 and 1951); marked file, a file of newspapers or journals upon the articles in which the names of the writers have been recorded; marked iron = marked bar; marked price, the price indicated by written signs placed on goods offered for sale; marked proof, an impression of an engraving in which some detail is left unfinished as a mark of an early state of the plate; marked transfer (see quots.).
1888Daily News 24 Sept. 2/7 Marked bars are almost the only class of iron that have not been advanced... Most marked bar houses are in a better position than they have been for a year or two past.
1896R. H. I. Palgrave Dict. Pol. Econ. II. 695/2 Marked cheques are payable in the first clearing of the next day, and cannot be refused for any reason.1907W. G. Cordingley London Commercial Dict. 115 Marked cheque, a cheque marked by the banker on whom it is drawn, stating that it is ‘good’ for the amount named upon it.1930Hutchinson & Lovell Short Dict. Legal, Commercial & Econ. Terms 77 Marked cheques,..cheques initialled by a banker as an indication that he holds sufficient balance to meet such cheque when presented.1951R. W. Jones Thomson's Dict. Banking (ed. 10) 395 Marked Cheque. Marking cheques takes one of two forms—marking for clearing purposes and marking at the request of the drawer.1902Daily Chron. 1 May 5/2 There are many ‘marked files’ in the British Museum.Daily News 10 Dec. 2/8 Marked iron is unchanged.1887Ibid. 19 Oct. 2/6 In many instances the marked prices are clearly prohibitive.
1901W. G. Cordingley Dict. Stock Exchange Terms 59 Marked Transfers. The company..then issue a fresh Certificate to him for the part unsold, and endorse the Transfer that they hold Certificates to cover the number of shares sold, when the Transfer is said to be ‘Marked’ or ‘Certified’.1961Webster, Marked transfer, an instrument for transferring a portion of the shares of a stockholder's certificate after being certified as good by a proper official on the London stock exchange.
c. Of a linguistic construction, form, etc.: distinguished or determined by a particular feature; distinguished as intrinsically unnatural (see also marker 7; opp. unmarked).
The corresponding Russian word was used by Trubetzkoy before Bloomfield: see R. Jakobson Selected Writings (ed. 2, 1971) I. 734 ff.
1933L. Bloomfield Lang. xvi. 268 A phrase consisting of the preposition to and an infinitive expression belongs to the special form-class of marked infinitive phrases, whose function differs from that of unmarked infinitive expressions.1953C. E. Bazell Ling. Form ii. 19 The Latin marked construction here can be uniquely derived from the unmarked in every case.1959R. Quirk in Quirk & Smith Teaching of English i. 44 It seems likely that this structural notion of marked and unmarked members of opposing pairs can be applied cautiously but with profit to many of the binary choices in usage at more complex linguistic levels than the lexical.1963Canad. Jrnl. Ling. VIII. 92 Whenever a demonstrative system is reduced to a binary one, the first member which can be correlated with the first person always remains and thus becomes the marked member.1965Amer. Speech XL. 175 There are certain marked forms [of the verb] which are past and future respectively.1968Chomsky & Halle Sound Pattern Eng. 402 Certain aspects of this general problem can be dealt with if we incorporate the Praguian notion of ‘marked’ and ‘unmarked’ values of features into our account in some systematic way, and if we then revise the evaluation measure so that unmarked values do not contribute to complexity.Ibid. 404 A major difference between the Praguian conception of markedness and our own is that in the former the marked coefficient of a feature was assumed always to be + and the unmarked coefficient always -.1972M. Shapiro in Language XLVIII. 345 In my concept and utilization of the terms marked and unmarked, the former is to be understood as denoting relative complexity and differentiatedness, the latter as denoting the absence of these relative attributes.
2. marked man: one whose conduct is watched with hostile intent; one who is kept in mind as an object for suspicion or vengeance.
1833H. Martineau Manch. Strike xi. 125 You are a marked man in Manchester,..no master in any trade will take you in among his men.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xviii. IV. 235 If they had fancied that they were marked men, they might..have become traitors.1882J. H. Blunt Ref. Ch. Eng. II. 285 On the accession of Queen Mary he naturally became a marked man.
3. a. Emphasized, rendered evident; clearly defined, easy to distinguish or recognize. Also with prefixed adv., as well-marked, strongly-marked.
1795Ld. Auckland Corr. (1862) III. 281, I do not think the rule applicable to this case; it was too marked and too official.1797M. Baillie Morb. Anat. (1807) 72 Any well marked example of this disease.1802M. Edgeworth Moral T. (1816) I. vii. 42 He looked at the flower-pot with marked disdain.1836J. M. Gully Magendie's Formul. (ed. 2) 9 A quarter of a grain has generally a marked action on a healthy man.1841Brewster Mart. Sci. ii. iii. (1856) 134 We slightly resented a piece of marked incivility.1853Lytton My Novel x. xiv, Of those qualities enumerated above,..Audley Egerton only exhibited to a marked degree—the common sense and the readiness.1875W. S. Hayward Love agst. World i, The third with more marked features.1888Poor Nellie 82 George avoided you in the most marked manner.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VIII. 933 The antipyrine-rash..is not accompanied by marked fever.
b. Of rhythm, accent, etc.
1818Hallam Mid. Ages ix. i. (1868) 599 Their hymns depended, for metrical effect, on the marked accents and powerful rhymes which the Latin language affords.

Add:4. With advbs. That has been marked off, out, up, etc. See also marked-down ppl. adj. s.v. mark v. 2 c.
1838tr. Kant's Critique Pure Reason 143 They..do not therefore belong to our marked-out field of investigation.1914W. Owen Let. 24 May (1967) 254 Enormously [have I advanced] in some fields [of study], but not along the marked-out high-roads.1947Life 17 Nov. 11/2 One of the chief reasons for this marked-down bonanza is, ironically, the fact that Peru is economically less self-sufficient than many countries.1965J. A. Michener Source (1966) 580 When Luke saw that one third of the town's houses stood in the marked-off area he protested.1986Computer Jrnl. XXIX. iii. 194/2 It is against this that the marked-up document is checked to ensure that it conforms.




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