

单词 martiloge
释义 ˈmartiloge Eccl. Obs.
Forms: 4–5 martilage, martilogie, -ye, martirlogi, 4–6 martiloge, 5 martelege, martilege, -logge, martloge, martylogye, mertelage, mertilloge, 6 martylage.
[ad. med.L. martilogium, -legium, corrupt forms of martyrologium martyrology.]
A list or register of martyred saints; a martyrology.
[c1000De Consuet. Monach. in Anglia XIII. 400 Þeah þe on martirloᵹian (L. in martyrlogio) na si hæfþ.]13..S. Erkenwolde 154 in Horstm. Altengl. Leg. (1881) 269 Merkid is in oure martilage his mynde for euer.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) V. 81 By þe martiloge it semeth þat he regnede sixtene ȝere.c1425St. Mary of Oignies ii. viii. in Anglia VIII. 173/30 She halowed festful dayes writen in hir mynde and impressed in hir herte as in a martiloge.1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) I. 331 Wherefore hit is redde in the martilogge: ‘Suche a day at Scotlande Seynte Brigida’.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 164/2 Of whome the martiloge of holy chirche speketh not.1524in Nichols Mann. Anc. Times (1797) 272 A boke called a Pye, and a boke called a Martylage.1548Udall Erasm. Par., Luke Pref. 4 b, The holye Bible, legenda Sanctorum,..& martiloges.




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