

单词 mastery
释义 mastery|ˈmɑːstərɪ|
Forms: 3 meistrie, mesterie, 3–5 maistri, maistre, 3–7 maistrie, 4 meistri, maystri, 4–5 maystre, maistrye, mastrie, 4–6 maystery, maystry(e, masterye, mastri, mastrye, 4–7 mastry, 4–7, 9 dial., maistry, 5 maister, mastre, maiestrie, Sc. maistir, 5–6 maistery, 5–7 masterie, 6 mayster, maysterie, mastere, 6–7 maisterie, 5– mastery.
[a. OF. maistrie, f. maistre master n.1: cf. Sp. maestría, Pg. mestria, It. maestria.
In Fr. this word was superseded by the parallel formation maistrise (now maîtrise), whence ME. maistrice. From its resemblance in sound to the latter, the plural masteries occurs in several of the senses illustrated below.]
1. The state or condition of being master, controller or ruler; authority, sway, dominion; an instance of this.
a1225Ancr. R. 108 Muchel hofleas is þet cumen into ancre huse,..vorte sechen eise þerinne & mesterie, & more lefdischipe þen heo muhte habben iheued, inouh reðe iðe worlde.Ibid. 406 Luue haueð one meistrie biuoren alle oðre þinges.a1300Fall & Passion 21 in E.E.P. (1862) 13 God ȝaf him a gret maistre of al þat was in watir an londe.a1340Hampole Psalter ix. 20 Þe utter man haf noght maistry of þe inere.c1386Chaucer Doctor's T. 58 Bacus hadde of hire mouth right no maistrie.c1400Destr. Troy 13662 This Merion hade maistri but a meane qwile, The lond to Laerte he leuyt as kyng.1423Jas. I Kingis Q. xxxvii, Hath he vpon oure hertis suich maistrye?c1460Towneley Myst. i. Creation 81 Lucifer. If that ye will behold me right, this mastre longys to me.1535Coverdale Ecclus. xxv. 22 Yf a woman gett the mastrie, then is she contrary to hir huszbande.1614Raleigh Hist. World iii. (1634) 114 Conon the Athenian..recovers the mastery of the Seas.1651Hobbes Govt. & Soc. xvi. §16. 285 The Priesthood was not a Maistry, but a Ministry.1729Butler Serm. Wks. 1874 II. 32 The appetites and passions..often strive for mastery with judgment or reflection.1844H. H. Wilson Brit. India II. 366 They..needed only..guidance to dispute with the victors the mastery over Hindustan.1874Green Short Hist. v. §1. 221 Edward's aim..was..to save English commerce by securing the mastery of the Channel.
b. Predominance; predominating feature; prevailing character. Obs.
1477Norton Ord. Alch. iv. in Ashm. Theat. Chem. Brit. (1652) 48 That is the Mastrie of all our intent.1562Leigh Armorie (1597) 115 b, The mastery of colours must be tawney.Ibid., The maisterie of the colour must bee Carnation.1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. ii. v. 68 A burning-fever, to which his body was naturally disposed, as appeared by the mastery of rednesse in his complexion.
2. Superiority or ascendancy in competition or strife; ‘upper-hand’; victory. Now only with mixture of sense 1: Victory resulting in the subjection of the vanquished.
a1225Leg. Kath. 134 Al ha cneowen ham crauant & ouercumen, & cweðen hire þe meistrie.c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 96/128 Heo ne couþen answerie hire of neuere a word and ȝeuen hire þe maistrie.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 1147 Þoru godes grace Hii adde þe maistrie of veld.a1300Cursor M. 21404 Þe mastri has king constantin Thoru þe cros and cristes might.c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 27 Edward had þe maistri, & þanked God.a1400–50Alexander 4502 Mars for his maisterris & for his many weris [etc.].1423Jas. I Kingis Q. lix, Sum bird may cum and stryve In song with the, the maistry to purchace.c1440Promp. Parv. 320/2 Maystrye, or souerente, and heyare honde y(n) stryfe or werre.1513Douglas æneis v. ii. 50 First sall I ordane for my Troianis..With all thair force to strife for the maistry.1535Coverdale 2 Tim. ii. 5 And though a man stryue for a mastrye [1611 for masteries].1577F. de L'isle's Legendarie G vij b, To the end in case they yet once againe got the masterie, they should not harme her.1667Milton P.L. ii. 899 Four Champions fierce Strive here for Maistrie.1845S. Austin Ranke's Hist. Ref. I. 103 He..always gained the mastery in the end.
b. for the mastery: as if aiming at mastery; hence, extremely, in the highest degree. Frequent in ME. poetry. (Cf. 4 b.) Obs.
13..Guy Warw. (A.) 4961 Þe douke hadde a feir douhter for þe meistri.c1400Mandeville (1839) xxvi. 268 The Ȝates that Kyng Alisaundre leet make of grete Stones..wel symented and made stronge for the maystrie.c1412Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 1390 Whan..þat I poore am eek for þe maystrie.c1460Launfal 957 Twey stones of Ynde, Gay for the maystrye.
3. Superior force or power. to have to mastery, to have in (one's) power. Obs.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 53 Þe folc of denemarch..Þat ofte wonne englelond and helde it bi maistrie.Ibid. 9182 Þat he aþ inome wiþ trayson we ssolle wiþ maistrie.c1340Hampole Prose Tr. 37, I halde it noghte spedfulle þan to a mane for to prese to mekill þare-till as if he walde gete it by maystry.c1380Sir Ferumb. 1904 And y wer now on þy mastrye, as þou art her in myne, Tel me..how wostou þan do by me.1426–7in Cal. Proc. in Chanc. Q. Eliz. (1827) I. Introd. 20 Symkyn Yve..be maistery and supportacion of lordship..deprived and disherite John Haryngton.c1483Caxton Dialogues 43/25 After that the euyll doers Haue knowlechid her euyll dedes, He hath them to mastrye.1513Douglas æneis x. i. 121 And command eyk, with gret fors and mastry The burgh of Cartage doun thring Italy.1590Spenser F.Q. iii. i. 25 Ne may love be compeld by maistery.1818Scott Hrt. Midl. xxxii, These wicked people..stopped me by violence and mastery.
b. Proverb. (Cf. OF. la force paist le pré.)
c1425Wyntoun Chron. (Wemyss MS.) lxxx. 1499 It is said in commone sawis that mastry mawis þe medow doune ay.
4. The skill or knowledge which constitutes a master. Obs. or arch. exc. with mixture of sense 7. Also, in early use, a department of skill or knowledge; an art or science (obs.).
13..K. Alis. 3 Clerkes wel y-lerid, Faire y-dyght this myddel erde, And clepid it, in here maistrie, Europe, Affryke, and Asyghe.1382Wyclif Eccl. l. 5 That hadde the maistrie [Vulg. prævaluit] to make large the cite.c1386Chaucer Miller's T. 197 Somtyme, to shewe his lightnesse and maistrye He pleyeth Herodes vp on a Scaffold hye.1460Lybeaus Disc. (Kaluza) 1783 Men of maistrie, Clerkes of nigremauncie.c1475Partenay 188 Thys noble Erle..Of astronemye wyse was..So moche ther-of knew he the maistrie.1477Norton Ord. Alch. vii. in Ashm. Theat. Chem. Brit. (1652) 105 Use maketh Masterie.1597Morley Introd. Mus. 85 This waie argueth maistrie, and..hee who can doe it..needeth not to stand telling his cordes.a1637B. Jonson Underwoods, Poet to Painter, O, had I now your manner, maistry, might,..How I would draw.1680Ld. Rochester Allusion to Horace i. x. 47 With just bold Strokes he dashes here and there, Showing great Mastery with little Care.1830Cunningham Brit. Paint. II. 59 Such mastery rarely waited upon the ambition of this amiable and upright man.1876Morris Sigurd iv. 351 Their Gods with mastery carven.1903Edin. Rev. Apr. 464 There is a majesty and a mastery..in the ugliness Van Eyck depicts, that redeems its homeliness.
b. A rule, method, or process of an art. for (the) mastery: ? as required by the rules of art. Obs.
c1420Liber Cocorum (1862) 44 Coloure hit with safroun for þe maystre.1460–70Bk. Quintessence 9, I wole teche ȝou þe maistrie of departynge of gold fro siluir.1695Dryden Parallel Poetry & Painting Ess. 1900 II. 122 Painters and sculptors..advance their art above nature itself in her individual productions; which is the utmost mastery of human performance.
c. = magistery 3. Obs. rare—1.
1610B. Jonson Alch. iv. i, I am the Lord of the Philosophers Stone... Dol. How Sir! ha' you that? Mam. I am the Master of the Maistry.
5. An exercise or work of skill or power. to do, make, work, etc. (a) mastery or masteries: to perform a wonderful feat or trick: to exercise one's skill or power on or against a person; to ‘play the devil’ (with). Obs.
a1225Ancr. R. 390 And wrouhte ueole wundres, and dude ueole meistries biuoren hire eihsihðe.a1300Cursor M. 12319 Iesus vp þe water heint, And bar it ham als in a ball,..Quen maria had sene þis maistre, Sco hid it in hert priuelie.Ibid. 18215 Quatkin maistri mas þou on hus?1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 532 Now shal y, As þou hast do, do þy maystry.13..Seuyn Sag. (W.) 2020 The king of Poile hadde gret enuie, That the Romayns made swich maistrie.c1386Chaucer Can. Yeom. Prol. & T. 507 Ye shul wel seen at eye, That I wol doon a maistrie er I go.1390Gower Conf. II. 196 The world is yit merveiled Of the maistries that he wroghte Upon the marches.a1400Sir Perc. 1048 Forthe rydez he thenne,..His maystrés to make.c1430Hymns Virg. 20 Þe feend away from us þou dryue Whanne deeþ with us maistrie schal make.c1440York Myst. xxv. 64 Saie, what are ȝe þat makis here maistrie?c1450Merlin 78 Ther the duke a-bode, and dide many maistries in armes.c1470Henry Wallace vii. 1284 Thar Cetoun met him. and mekill mastir maid.1494Fabyan Chron. vii. ccxxiv. 250 Y⊇ Welshmen..brake out vpon the Englysshe men in y⊇ bordour..and there made masteryes for a whyle.a1529Skelton Bowge of Courte 329 With vs olde seruauntes suche maysters to playe.1546Bale Eng. Votaries i. (1560) 95 b, That ye maye knowe..what masteryes they haue played.1586A. Day Eng. Secretary ii. (1625) 23 By a number of odde speeches..you doe yet suppose to haue wrought a mastery.
b. it is great, little, much, no mastery: it is a great, no, (etc.) achievement, it is hard or easy (to do something). Obs.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 235 Þer vore silui him let sle ac þat was lute maistrie.a1300Fall & Passion 50 in E.E.P. (1862) 14 Þat was a gret maistri þat þe doȝtir ber þe fader.13..Sir Beues (A.) 1738 ‘So me helpe God!’ queþ Beues þo, ‘Hit were no meistri, me to slo’.c1412Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 1900 No maistri is it for þe, if þou woldist To be releeuëd.1450–1530Myrr. our Ladye 17 Yt is no more mastery to god to make of ought & to make of nought.1456Paston Lett. I. 380 It is no grete maistre to gader up that mony.1576Fleming tr. Caius' Dogs 17 They [sc. duckes] go so slowely and so leasurely, that to a mans thinking it were no masteryes to take them.1601R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. (1603) 157 By these helps it was no masterie to vanquish and subdue them.1636B. Jonson Discov., Ingen. discrim. i, It is a little Maistry to know them.1652–62Heylin Cosmogr. (1673) iii. 8/2 For a man to be good in other places, is no mastery; but in Asia to lead a temperate life is indeed praiseworthy.1667Milton P.L. ix. 29 Warrs, hitherto the onely Argument Heroic deem'd, chief maistrie to dissect With long and tedious havoc fabl'd Knights In Battels feign'd.
6. A competitive or emulative feat of strength or skill; esp. in phrases to assay, play, prove, try masteries, to ‘try conclusions’. Obs.
1390Gower Conf. III. 298 Thei sholden come Unto the gamen..To do such maistry as they might.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 1028 He proued many maystryes.1475Bk. Noblesse (Roxb.) 77 King Edwarde iijde that exercised..all his noble sonnes, in such maiestries, wherby they were more apt in haunting of armes.1530Palsgr. 736/1, I styckyll betwene wrastellers, or any folkes that prove mastries to se that none do other wronge.1531Elyot Gov. i. xvii, The great game of Olympus, wherto..came the moste actife and valiant persons to assay maistries.1534More Comf. agst. Trib. ii. Wks. 1191/1 A iugler that woulde for a shew..plai masteries at a feast.1555Eden Decades 24 Many daunsynges..and other tryinge of mastryes.1594Plat Jewell-ho. i. 47 [Soil] fitter for gardens, or for the trial of maisteries, then for the enriching of arable or pasture grounds.1606Holland Sueton. Annot. 30 Stage-playes, Gymnicke Exercises, and Masteries in Musicke.1615Heywood Foure Prentises i. Wks. 1874 II. 237 Let vs try this maistry.1625Bacon Ess., Empire (Arb.) 301 This is but to try Masteries with Fortune.1692R. L'Estrange Josephus, Antiq. ii. xiv. (1733) 51 He [Pharaoh] seemed to take a Vanity..to try Masteries with God Almighty.1697Phil. Trans. XIX. 501 They were soon..kill'd like other Venison as well for the sake of Food as Mastery and Diversion.
7. (transf. from 1.) Intellectual command over (a subject of study).
1668Hale Pref. to Rolle's Abridgm. b j b, To get a mastery of the full knowledge of it, requires not only reason but study.a1680Butler Rem. (1759) I. 249 To commend without Desert Requires a Mastery of Art.1828Miss Mitford in L'Estrange Life (1870) ii. xi. 257 She has a mastery of the subject.1870Disraeli Lothair lii, This consummate military leader..was distinguished by..a mastery of method rarely surpassed.1880Dixon Windsor III. viii. 73 His mastery of English was supreme.
b. (Influenced by master v.) The action of ‘mastering’ a subject.
1797Godwin Enquirer i. vi. 48 It is essential to the just mastery of astronomy.1823Scott Peveril xxvi, It is matter beyond my mastery.1870Baldw. Brown Eccl. Truth (1871) 219 The problems of Christian ministry become more difficult of mastery year by year.




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