

单词 matins
释义 matins, v. Obs.
[f. matins: see matin.]
intr. To perform matins; also trans. to honour (a saint) with celebration of matins. Hence matinsed ppl. a., matinsing vbl. n. Also matinser nonce-wd., one who performs matins.
1543Mattenser [see masser1].1546Bale Eng. Votaries i. (1550) 72 b, Whan theyr feastfull dayes come, they are..with no small solempnite, mattensed, massed,..sensed, smoked, perfumed and worshypped.1547Latter Exam. A. Askew Pref. 8 These clowted, canonysed, solempnysed, sensed, mattensed, and massed martyrs.1553Becon Reliques of Rome (1563) 141 b, Al other fashions of Mattensyng and Massyng..vtterly put away.




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