

单词 maumetry
释义 maumetry Obs. exc. arch.|ˈmɔːmɪtrɪ|
Forms: see maumet; also 4 mamentre, (4–5 pl. mau-, mawme(n)tryse), 6 mamoutrie, malmontrye, mammon(t)rie, mammitrie, -ye.
[f. maumet + -ry. Cf. Mahometry.]
1. The worship of images; idolatry. Also ‘false religion’, heathenism.
a1300Cursor M. 6623 Þai..heild his comamentes right, ne heildid til na mametri.c1330King of Tars 803 Mi maumetrie ichul forsake, And Cristendom ichul take.c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 320 Þe Kyng said..þe pape..Errid mislyuyng, haunted Maumetrie.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) II. 279 Of þe bryngynge forþ of mawmetrie com wel nyh al þe feyninge of poetrie.a1400–50Alexander 4486 Maumentry,..Þat dose ȝow dompe to þe devill quen he ere dede hethen.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 1600 And to maumetry þai þaim graythe.a1500Chester Pl., Balaam 6, I wyll, you honour no God saue me, ne Mawmentrye none make yee.1530Compend. Treat. (1863) 49 Kinge Antioche..compelled y⊇ people to do maumentry.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. I. 505 All mammitrie fra he gart thame forsaik.Ibid. II. 180 With all thair micht..to magnifie Mahoun thair maister with fals mamoutrie.1552Lyndesay Monarche 235 To sic mischeand Musis nor malmontrye.1570–6Lambarde Peramb. Kent (1826) 268 Let the souldiours of Satan and superstitious Mawmetrie, howle, and cry out [etc.].1577–87Holinshed Chron. I. 107/1 The Eastsaxons..continued in their wicked mawmetrie. [a1654Selden Table-T. (Arb.) 88 Heretofore they call'd Images Mammets, and the Adoration of Images Mammettry: that is, Mahomet and Mahometry.]
b. pl. Idolatrous beliefs or practices. Obs.
c1340Hampole Prose Tr. (1866) 9 All mawmetryse, all wychecrafte and charemynge.c1357Lay Folks Catechism 176 (MS. T.) In this commandement is forboden us..al mawmetries.1550Bale Apol. 142 Theyr vowes to holy churche the mother of theyr olde mammetryes.1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1596) 610/2 They falsly and cursedlie deceiue the people with their false mammetries and lawes.
c. fig. = idolatry 2. Obs.
a1340Hampole Psalter xcvi. 7 Auerice is seruyce of mawmetry, and ilke man makis þat his mawmet þat he mast lufis.c1440Jacob's Well 120 Þe firste fote brede of þis wose in coueytise is mawmetrye.
2. Idols collectively. Obs.
a1300Cursor M. 11776 Hijs godds and his maumentri.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 1337 Þe folk myslyuande Worschipped..Maumetry.c1400Octouian 1306 He ran with a drawe swerde To hys Mamentrye.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 6 They be no true rychesse, but false and deceyuable mammotry of iniquite.1567Gude & Godlie Ball. 71 Stock and stane is Mammontrie.
b. An idol. Obs. rare.
1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 4974 Þese Phylystyens þat hadde þe maystry Beleuyd on Dagoun, a maumettry.
3. Muhammadanism; = Mahometry. (In early use not distinguished from sense 1.)
c1386Chaucer Man of Law's T. 138 In destruccioun of Maumetrye..They ben acorded.1600Abbot Jonah 117 Those seaven Churches..are now the residence of the Turke, and a sincke of filthy maumetry.1638Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 32 If (throwing away the raggs of Mawmetry) he roab'd his soule with true faith in Christ.1805Southey Ball. & Metr. T. Poet. Wks. VI. 239 Now shall the Crescent wane,..Woe, woe to Mawmetry!




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