

单词 Maximalist
释义 Maximalist|ˈmæksɪməlɪst|
Also maximalist.
[f. maximal a. + -ist or ad. Russ. maksimalíst, f. L. maximum, or ad. F. maximaliste.]
A member of the more extremist ‘fraction’ of the Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party which split off from the main body of the party in 1904 and which used and advocated terrorist methods. Later regarded as a translation of Russ. bol′shevik and used as an alternative name for a Bolshevik. Also, a member of any similar group outside Russia. Also attrib. or as adj., of or pertaining to a policy or theory of maximum demands (of some kind specified in the context).
1907I. Zangwill Ghetto Comedies 408 ‘Ah, you're a Maximalist,’ said the beadle. ‘No, I am only a Minimalist.’1909Westm. Gaz. 23 Dec. 7/4 He is said to have joined the ‘Maximalists’ in 1907.1921tr. Trotsky's Defence of Terrorism ix. 173 Plekhanovists, Maximalists, Anarchists... Absolutely all the ‘shades of Socialism’.1921Glasgow Herald 14 Oct. 9 Forty out of 100 Deputies are Reformists..headed by some of the best brains in the country, like Signore Turati..and Modigliani. To them are opposed an equal number of Maximalists.1933M. Eastman tr. Trotsky's Hist. Russ. Revolution II. xiii. 309 While on the right the ‘democracy’ was competing with the Bolsheviks, on the left too there were the anarchists, the Maximalists, the Left Social Revolutionaries, trying to crowd them out.1933Mind XLII. 181 The rule..of always acting so as to produce the greatest amount of good, which latter rule the ‘Maximalists’ say we ought always to follow.Ibid., The ‘Maximalist’ Theory (this designation suggests quantity better than ‘Optimific’) concentrates generally upon the consideration, not of individual situations, but of what happens when a general practice, custom or institution is dropped and replaced by another.1954Ann. Reg. 1953 153 There were the ‘maximalists’..who wanted a real surrender of sovereignty, and the ‘minimalists’.1955D. W. Treadgold Lenin & his Rivals iv. xi. 212 They were bitterly denounced by orthodox SR's, who took fright..at ‘their own reflection in the Maximalist mirror’.1962R. R. Abramovitch Soviet Revolution i. 30 This concept shocked the Russian Marxists..they considered it a betrayal of scientific Socialism, a reversion to the old, utopian, Bakuninist, maximalist-anarchist ideas.1966Economist 5 Nov. 568/1 We have moved from a position of protest to one of responsibility and have put behind us the old maximalist dreams and illusions.1967C. Seton-Watson Italy from Liberalism to Fascism xii. 511 The [Italian Socialist] party elected a ‘maximalist’ executive at its Rome congress in September 1918 and proclaimed the dictatorship of the proletariat to be its goal.1969D. M. Smith Italy (ed. 2) vii. xxvii. 216 The maximalists were made strong and uncompromising by the belief that history was on their side.




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